View Full Version : Need table number for ute pwm fuel pump

limited cv8r
June 21st, 2011, 09:08 PM
Been a while since I messed with a ute and can't remember the table number for the PWM controlled fuel pump.
Help please.

June 21st, 2011, 09:47 PM
Not positive on Holdens ... obviously I have never worked on one (given my location). Believe any that are equipped with a PWM variable speed fuel pump should have a subfolder called "Variable Speed Pump PWM" in the "Fuel System" folder. F0581 in a 2007 tune I looked at briefly.


June 21st, 2011, 09:58 PM
Been at least 5 years since I've thought about that too. If I recall it was grouped in the Traction Control area, on the US vehicles the output on the PCM is tied in with the Traction Control, hence it's location.
Best bet is to open up a sedan program and compare it to the Ute program whilst looking in the Traction area. I am sure I made a comment in the cals about the Utes using whatever cal it is for the fuel pump control.

limited cv8r
June 21st, 2011, 10:52 PM
Ok found it, {B1904} TCS Delivered Torque Duty cycle.
On VU Utes this output is used for the dual speed fuel pump module, it is known this module can slow the pump down at WOT, to eliminate this occurring , set this value to 100% which will make the pump always run at full speed.