View Full Version : Public Release Update June 24, 2011

June 23rd, 2011, 10:26 AM
The EFILive V7.5 and V8 software is available for download.

This release includes the 5.9 Cummins Scanning and Tuning support.
Read more about the Cummins features here:

Download here:
http://www.efilive.com/index.php?opt...=48&Itemid=133 (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=133)

Auto Update:
The Auto Update option is scheduled to be activated on Monday June 27 US time. Until then you need to download and install the software manually.
Once the Auto Update option is activated your system will see it as a new update and download and install it, regardless of whether you have downloaded and installed this release manually or not.

Known Issues:

Issue #1
Some PC's/laptops will freeze when attempting to start the V7.5 Tuning Tool software while FlashScan and/or AutoCal is connected. The problem appears to be an incompatibility between the newest USB drivers and some customer's PC/laptop configurations.
Please revert back to the older USB drivers. To do that, select Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tools->USB Manager, then click on the button.
Issue #2
If you select a Cummins controller in the V7.5 software, the GM enhanced PIDs will be removed from the scan charts and replaced by the term "Unused". Those PIDs are not restored even after re-selecting a GM controller.
Issue #3
The Allison 5 speed full flash does not work. There is currently no workaround.
Reporting Issues:
If you discover any serious problems/faults, please create a support case here:
If you discover simple/trivial issues, please make a note of them in this thread.

What's new in this update:

V7.5.7 Build 167 (June 24, 2011)

Updated Cummins calibrations to include

Speed Limiter adjustment.
Tire size adjustment.
Intake Air Heater control.

Added speed limiter calibrations for all E39 & E78 OS's
Added support for E39 OS 12646099
Added support for E37 OS 12628961
Fixed potential checksum error with E39 OS 12643377.
Fixed axis error for table B0183 on all E37 OS's
Fixed scaling on dynamic vehicle testing controls.
Fixed scaling for Cummins injector balance rate Scan Tool PIDs.
Added transmission self clean DVT control for T43.
Fixed phantom DTC B2011 that sometimes appears after a reflash attempt on Cummins controllers.
Fixed DTC display in V7.5 Scan Tool for Cummins controllers.
Added new controllers to the auto-detect matrix for V8 software.

V8.2.1 Build 158 (June 24, 2011)

Fixed script files not being updated when clicking the [Program] button.
Added "*.tun" file option to Windows XP open file dialog boxes.
When "saving for remote flashing" the software now warns the user if the filename exceedes the filename length limit for FlashSCan/AutoCal devices.
EFILive HAPI now correctly processes the Windows shutdown command and shuts down silently when Windows shuts down.
[I]All script files (*.obj) have had their version numbers increased and must be updated on customer's AutoCal and FlashScan devices. Otherwise they may end up with $050B "Script file not supported by current firmware version" errors.

FlashScan/AutoCal Firmware V2.07.13 (Jun 23, 2011)

Fixed DTC display for Cummins controllers.


June 23rd, 2011, 12:02 PM
I just updated to the newest firmware for my FlashScan. I did a" Program all required data" to update the Flash Scan. I am receiving an Error $0149 Write Failure towards the end of the programing. Any ideas?

June 23rd, 2011, 12:11 PM
I just updated to the newest firmware for my FlashScan. I did a" Program all required data" to update the Flash Scan. I am receiving an Error $0149 Write Failure towards the end of the programing. Any ideas?Do you have too many files in the Config space...?

Format the Config space and do the Program All Data again.

June 23rd, 2011, 12:15 PM
$0194 usually means "file system full".

It may also be the case now that trying to select ALL controllers for both flashing and scanning will not fit into the config area.
So you may need to un-check some controllers that you won't be using.

But definitely do what Joe suggested and format the config file system as that will remove any old/unused files and will free up some space.

Hint: the DTC description files take up the most room so by un-checking them (on the DTC tab page) you can save a lot of space.
Except that you won't be able to display DTC descriptions on FlashScan's screen.
You should never select the DTC descriptions for AutoCal devices - since AutoCal cannot display DTC descriptions.


June 23rd, 2011, 01:00 PM
I only have 2 controllers selected and the meter at the bottom of the page shows 52% free space. I will try to format config file. thanks for the quick response.

June 23rd, 2011, 02:45 PM
Mine gave me a checksum error of a cummins file I just previously built...it gives me the option to update checksums, not sure what the error is. New one for me.

June 23rd, 2011, 04:06 PM
I keep getting invalid floating point operation Over top of the message it says: EFILive Tune-Digital tools for onboard vehicle electronics

Duramax 6.6L
June 24th, 2011, 01:02 AM
V7 on the download page shows Build 167 above you say it is Build 168 is this a typo

June 24th, 2011, 07:37 AM
Man what is going on with this latest update? Scan tool is possessed the dash board charts are changing to random PID's and asking to save as a different dash that I don't have open. I have rebuilt my Dash B three time today once saved and reopen it is a blank screen. I have uninstalled cleaned and reinstalled and same issue is happening. I have been working with EFI Live for 3 years and i have not had this much trouble since day one. Any Ideas?

June 24th, 2011, 07:44 AM
V7 on the download page shows Build 167 above you say it is Build 168 is this a typo
Yes it was a typo, fixed now, thanks.

June 24th, 2011, 07:45 AM
I keep getting invalid floating point operation Over top of the message it says: EFILive Tune-Digital tools for onboard vehicle electronics
When does the error happen?
Does it happen every time you perform the same sequence?
If so what is the sequence that causes the error?


June 24th, 2011, 07:52 AM
Man what is going on with this latest update? Scan tool is possessed the dash board charts are changing to random PID's and asking to save as a different dash that I don't have open. I have rebuilt my Dash B three time today once saved and reopen it is a blank screen. I have uninstalled cleaned and reinstalled and same issue is happening. I have been working with EFI Live for 3 years and i have not had this much trouble since day one. Any Ideas?
Have you read through this tutorial?
There are a few things about creating/saving dash boards and dash pages that can get confusing. The document attempts to explain how it works.


June 24th, 2011, 07:53 AM
Mine gave me a checksum error of a cummins file I just previously built...it gives me the option to update checksums, not sure what the error is. New one for me.
Can you send me the file with the bad checksum?
Is it a file you read from your truck?
Did you read it (or edit it) using an older version of EFILive?

Send it to paul@efilive.com

June 24th, 2011, 09:38 AM
Man what is going on with this latest update? Scan tool is possessed the dash board charts are changing to random PID's and asking to save as a different dash that I don't have open. I have rebuilt my Dash B three time today once saved and reopen it is a blank screen. I have uninstalled cleaned and reinstalled and same issue is happening. I have been working with EFI Live for 3 years and i have not had this much trouble since day one. Any Ideas?Are you remembering to save each dash chart and the whole dash board...?

June 24th, 2011, 10:08 AM
One thing that can make things confusing once you start moving away from the default dashboards is that the current pid file name (as shown in the [PIDs (F8)] tab page, is used to determine which dashboard to open.
I.e. if your PID filename is "E38Dyno.pid", then when EFILive is started, it will try to load a dashboard called E39Dyno.vdb.

Also in the Edit->Properties window on the [Startup] tab page you can override everything and specify exactly which dashboard (and PID file) you want loaded at startup regardless of any other setting or what was most recently used.


June 24th, 2011, 10:58 AM
This new update is driving me insane. I can't do anything. Freezes constantly. I've reinstalled it probably 15 times. I have tried to go to the USB Manager and when I slick on it, it says that the shortcut has been changed or moved, so it will no longer work properly. Then asks if I'd like to delete it.

How am I supposed to change the USB Driver if I can't even open up the shortcut? Hmmm....

June 24th, 2011, 11:02 AM
If you ware using Vista or Win7, after downloading the latest V7.5 and V8 installation executables, right click on them and select "Run as Administrator".

If the installation was successful, the USB Manager program will be installed here:
\Program Files\EFILive\Drivers\Utilities\EFILive_USBManager .exe (on Windows 32 bit machines)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\Drivers\Utilities\EFILive_USBManager .exe (on Windows 64 bit machines)

Can you verify that the EFILive_USBManager.exe program exists in the appropriate location on your machine after the install is complete?


June 24th, 2011, 05:22 PM
I have been having some problems with the 2 latest versions of software. with v 7 build 165 and 167 the dtc control does not work on an 6 l l y with the bosch ecm. I have turned off the codes for the boost control solenoid and the boost sensor and the intake air heater but they keep setting causing the engine to go into limp mode. this stuff worked before as I have deleted intake air heater grids before by turning the codes off and it worked. I started a thread in the lbz/lmm section with more info

June 24th, 2011, 05:42 PM
When does the error happen?
Does it happen every time you perform the same sequence?
If so what is the sequence that causes the error?


I reinstall the update so fare it's working ok. For the cummins how do you change tire size? I can not find the location on tune or scan

June 25th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I just updated and cant read a few of my e67 files, it is coming up as bad files. I just worked on these files and everything was fine then I updated.

June 25th, 2011, 01:24 PM
If you ware using Vista or Win7, after downloading the latest V7.5 and V8 installation executables, right click on them and select "Run as Administrator".

If the installation was successful, the USB Manager program will be installed here:
\Program Files\EFILive\Drivers\Utilities\EFILive_USBManager .exe (on Windows 32 bit machines)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\Drivers\Utilities\EFILive_USBManager .exe (on Windows 64 bit machines)

Can you verify that the EFILive_USBManager.exe program exists in the appropriate location on your machine after the install is complete?



Thank you for the reply. I tried everything you mentioned and it's still the same. You can't even manually locate the USB Manager under the Program Files. It's just not there. I've tried reinstalling, restarting, running as an admin, etc etc etc. Still freezes every time I connect the FlashScan to my computer.

June 25th, 2011, 01:47 PM

Thank you for the reply. I tried everything you mentioned and it's still the same. You can't even manually locate the USB Manager under the Program Files. It's just not there. I've tried reinstalling, restarting, running as an admin, etc etc etc. Still freezes every time I connect the FlashScan to my computer.

You can manually download the USB_Manager.exe program here:
Scroll down to the utilities section.


June 25th, 2011, 01:49 PM
I just updated and cant read a few of my e67 files, it is coming up as bad files. I just worked on these files and everything was fine then I updated.
Can you send me one of the e67 files that is showing up as bad?
Send to paul@efilive.com

P.S. You should be bale to open the same file using the V8 software, does the V8 software recognize it correctly as an E67?


June 26th, 2011, 04:24 AM
I manually downloaded the updates (EFILiveV7.5.7.167_Setup.exe and EFILiveV8.2.1.158_Setup.exe) and installed them from the executables. I did that on Friday. I just checked for updates today (Sunday) on the same PC and both V7.5 and V8.0 indicated updates were available and they were downloaded and installed. The odd thing is despite downloading and installing updates the versions and build levels stay the same (167 and 158).

Duramax 6.6L
June 26th, 2011, 05:48 AM
I manually downloaded the updates (EFILiveV7.5.7.167_Setup.exe and EFILiveV8.2.1.158_Setup.exe) and installed them from the executables. I did that on Friday. I just checked for updates today (Sunday) on the same PC and both V7.5 and V8.0 indicated updates were available and they were downloaded and installed. The odd thing is despite downloading and installing updates the versions and build levels stay the same (167 and 158).

Just because and update was downloaded and installed, the build number does not always change. Normally I have only seen build changes when a Major release is released.

June 26th, 2011, 06:47 AM
I manually downloaded the updates (EFILiveV7.5.7.167_Setup.exe and EFILiveV8.2.1.158_Setup.exe) and installed them from the executables. I did that on Friday. I just checked for updates today (Sunday) on the same PC and both V7.5 and V8.0 indicated updates were available and they were downloaded and installed. The odd thing is despite downloading and installing updates the versions and build levels stay the same (167 and 158).Hi Jason,

The build versions stayed the same, but the V2 BBx files were overwritten with old versions (causing error $050B on read/write); see here for more info: Error-050b (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16674-Error-050b), Cant-BBX-read-Tune-I-get-error-050B. (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16687-Cant-BBX-read-Tune-I-get-error-050B)

June 26th, 2011, 07:36 AM
As Joe said the update feature was overwriting the *.obj files and causing havoc. I activated the update feature last night with the correct updated *.obj files.

The way it works is the update feature flags the installation when it is updated. If you manually downloaded and installed the software the update is not aware that it has been updated.
So when you "check for updates" it will still go through the update process, even though nothing really gets updated.


June 26th, 2011, 08:17 AM
I am getting a "$0322: Conditions Not Correct or Request Sequence Error ($22)." error when I try to program via the V8 Scan & Tune software. I get this when trying to program the ECM or the TCM on this vehicle. For the T43 TCM file I was able to go to the V7.5 Tune software and program the TCM but for the E39 controller I can't do that. Any ideas on what might be wrong?

June 26th, 2011, 08:38 AM
Hi Jason,

Can you send the trace file (*.htx) from the failed attempt?
You can find the V8 trace files in the folder: \My Documents\EFILive\V8\Trace


June 26th, 2011, 09:23 AM
Files sent.

June 26th, 2011, 06:08 PM
$0194 usually means "file system full".

It may also be the case now that trying to select ALL controllers for both flashing and scanning will not fit into the config area.
So you may need to un-check some controllers that you won't be using.

But definitely do what Joe suggested and format the config file system as that will remove any old/unused files and will free up some space.

Hint: the DTC description files take up the most room so by un-checking them (on the DTC tab page) you can save a lot of space.
Except that you won't be able to display DTC descriptions on FlashScan's screen.
You should never select the DTC descriptions for AutoCal devices - since AutoCal cannot display DTC descriptions.


I got $0194 write failure while programming just E38 config files & pids. :nixweiss:
Probably no biggie tho.

June 26th, 2011, 08:29 PM
I got $0194 write failure while programming just E38 config files & pids. :nixweiss:
Probably no biggie tho.

There may be other files already on the device that are taking up space.
Using EFILive_Explorer, how much space is shown as used/free when you click the [Properties] button on the [Config] tab page?

However, $0194 is a "general write failure", so if it is not occurring because of file system full then there may be a fault with the flash memory.
It might be useful to run a flash memory check.
You can do that by selecting F4: Options -> F4: Self Tests -> F4 (hidden option).
Press Ok to clear the message about needing a second FlashScan device.
Then select option "2.ROM" to test the flash memory.

Note: You'll need to reformat the [Config] file system after the test because the test completely erases the Config file system.


June 26th, 2011, 10:50 PM
E35B codes P2033 and p0546 showing up on V7 scantool as from the TCM?? codes are turned off in ECM tune (DPF delete). Don't seem to be causing any issues, maybe phantom codes similar to B2911 in cummins ECM?

June 27th, 2011, 12:35 AM
I will send you the file with the bad checksum paul. I was able to script the tune and load it to the same OS and had no issue. The problem i assume was editiing with the old software and the new upload, oddly it is the only file that is acting as though it somehow corrupted. Tahnks, i will send it on to you

June 27th, 2011, 03:41 AM
You can manually download the USB_Manager.exe program here:
Scroll down to the utilities section.



I manually downloaded the USB Driver, even opened it up as an Admin, and I'm still getting an error. This is what I get when I click on the "Install USB V2.02.04"

"File not found: C:\Program

I'm lost.

June 27th, 2011, 04:34 AM
CANNOT FULL FLASH AL5 ALLISON TCM. After it erased tcm it then hesitated and repeatedly said retrying previous block, after five minutes i stopped it. now when i try again it counts to 120 erasing flash memory then says flash failed. i have removed and reinstalled and am using old USB drivers

June 27th, 2011, 06:00 AM

I manually downloaded the USB Driver, even opened it up as an Admin, and I'm still getting an error. This is what I get when I click on the "Install USB V2.02.04"

"File not found: C:\Program

I'm lost.Did you install V7 software in the default location...?

June 27th, 2011, 06:34 AM
$0194 usually means "file system full".

It may also be the case now that trying to select ALL controllers for both flashing and scanning will not fit into the config area.
So you may need to un-check some controllers that you won't be using.

But definitely do what Joe suggested and format the config file system as that will remove any old/unused files and will free up some space.

Hint: the DTC description files take up the most room so by un-checking them (on the DTC tab page) you can save a lot of space.
Except that you won't be able to display DTC descriptions on FlashScan's screen.
You should never select the DTC descriptions for AutoCal devices - since AutoCal cannot display DTC descriptions.


Formating did solve the $0194 error.

June 27th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Have you read through this tutorial?
There are a few things about creating/saving dash boards and dash pages that can get confusing. The document attempts to explain how it works.


Yes I have. The issue is happening with existing dash boards that I have been using for years. I have set what dash board I want to open at startup in the options but it will not open comes up as a blank screen if I open them once the scan tool is open they are ok.

June 27th, 2011, 06:57 AM
Issues continue with the latest update. The biggest problem issue is the scan tool freezing when disconnecting from a Cummins ECU. It does not freeze with LS1B ECU. I have to disconnect the USB cord to get the Scan Tool to unfreeze. I had left the USB connected and froze for 15 minutes before pulling the plug. It freezes every time I disconnect from Cummins ECU. Also I am now getting an error 1400 when I close the Tune Tool. The error pops up 5 times each time I close the tune tool.

June 27th, 2011, 06:59 AM
E35B codes P2033 and p0546 showing up on V7 scantool as from the TCM?? codes are turned off in ECM tune (DPF delete). Don't seem to be causing any issues, maybe phantom codes similar to B2911 in cummins ECM?
After displaying the codes in the V7 scan tool, please generate an error report (File->Generate error report...) and then send the error report to me at paul@efilive.com.
From that error report I can tell if the codes are real or not (or at least if they are being sent from one of the controllers).


June 27th, 2011, 07:00 AM
CANNOT FULL FLASH AL5 ALLISON TCM. After it erased tcm it then hesitated and repeatedly said retrying previous block, after five minutes i stopped it. now when i try again it counts to 120 erasing flash memory then says flash failed. i have removed and reinstalled and am using old USB drivers

June 27th, 2011, 07:02 AM
Issues continue with the latest update. The biggest problem issue is the scan tool freezing when disconnecting from a Cummins ECU. It does not freeze with LS1B ECU. I have to disconnect the USB cord to get the Scan Tool to unfreeze. I had left the USB connected and froze for 15 minutes before pulling the plug. It freezes every time I disconnect from Cummins ECU. Also I am now getting an error 1400 when I close the Tune Tool. The error pops up 5 times each time I close the tune tool.
Have you tried downgrading to the previous USB drivers (V2.02.04)?
Use the program: Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tools->USB Manager


June 27th, 2011, 07:05 AM
Yes I have. The issue is happening with existing dash boards that I have been using for years. I have set what dash board I want to open at startup in the options but it will not open comes up as a blank screen if I open them once the scan tool is open they are ok.
Can you please zip the entire folder:
\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\VDash and send it to me at paul@efilive.com
Also can you please save the registry tree: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EFILive\V7.5 and send that to me as well. (Use regedit to save the registry tree).

Then I can set up a replica of your system and see if I can figure out what is going wrong.


June 27th, 2011, 07:14 AM
After displaying the codes in the V7 scan tool, please generate an error report (File->Generate error report...) and then send the error report to me at paul@efilive.com.
From that error report I can tell if the codes are real or not (or at least if they are being sent from one of the controllers).


Will do asap replacing CP3 pump per other issues currently, hope to have it done later this evening.

June 27th, 2011, 09:06 AM
I will send you the file with the bad checksum paul. I was able to script the tune and load it to the same OS and had no issue. The problem i assume was editiing with the old software and the new upload, oddly it is the only file that is acting as though it somehow corrupted. Tahnks, i will send it on to you

Yes, that is the most likely explanation.

That *.ctd file you sent to me was read out of a truck using a fairly old version of the EFILive software and FlashScan firmware.
The old software/firmware version had a problem that caused the checksum to be computed incorrectly by EFILive.

I recommend doing this:
1. Upgrade your software to V8.2.1.158
2. Upgrade your FlashScan firmware to V2.07.13
3. Read out the *.ctd file from the vehicle again.
4. If the checksum is correct still incorrect, use the [Update Checksum] button to correct it.
5. Re-save the file.


June 27th, 2011, 07:03 PM
Flash scan problem.
I set up standalone logging for a customer. I used the newest boot block 2.07. But I had problems. When I set the pids with EFILive Explorer it loaded LBZ pids as 35A-AL6. In boot block 2.06.03 it loads as 35A only.
Your probably like so what.

Well the problem is not all LBZs have an Allison behind them. If you try to black box log a LBZ in standalone trim or with a manual trans it errors out. The old boot block would work. The 35A-Al6 does work if try to log a truck that has the LBZ and Allison 6 speed.
I copied the configes out of my V2 with BB 2.06.03 and loaded them in to his V2 with BB 2.07. It worked!

Can you un marry the 35A from the AL6 future updates? You might want to look into that or the LB7 and LLY configes also.

June 27th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Flash scan problem.
I set up standalone logging for a customer. I used the newest boot block 2.07. But I had problems. When I set the pids with EFILive Explorer it loaded LBZ pids as 35A-AL6. In boot block 2.06.03 it loads as 35A only.
Your probably like so what.

Well the problem is not all LBZs have an Allison behind them. If you try to black box log a LBZ in standalone trim or with a manual trans it errors out. The old boot block would work. The 35A-Al6 does work if try to log a truck that has the LBZ and Allison 6 speed.
I copied the configes out of my V2 with BB 2.06.03 and loaded them in to his V2 with BB 2.07. It worked!

Can you un marry the 35A from the AL6 future updates? You might want to look into that or the LB7 and LLY configes also.

Not sure what the problem is that you're describing.
There's nothing in the software that forces you to configure any two controllers together.

The user (i.e. you or your customer) is free to configure any PIDs and any controller combination that suits your setup.
If you're concerned that the default Options.txt file always has the LBZ and A40 defined together, well that's just an example.
You can change it to whatever you like.

Or maybe I'm just not getting what you're saying...


June 27th, 2011, 09:31 PM
If you try to black box log a LBZ in standalone trim or with a manual trans it errors out. The old boot block would work.

Maybe what you're saying is if you have Allison trans PIDs defined in a PID selection, then with the old firmware it would allow you to log.
However, with the new firmware it will not proceed because it cannot find the Allison transmission.
That is correct, it used to be allowed, but with the latest software it is no longer allowed.
If you don't have an Allison trans, don't select the Allison trans controller as part of the BBL setup for that vehicle.

But again, if I'm off track, please help me understand the problem.


June 27th, 2011, 10:23 PM
I don't think I had any Allison PIDs selected. I have never BB logged the Allison. I will try to get some screen shots of what I am talking about. Very possible I am over looking something.

June 27th, 2011, 11:39 PM
Config 1 is a Screen shot of the setting I had that would not log a Stand alone LBZ.
I do not see anything PID selected Trans related. In the PID list you can see the E35A A40

Config 2 is Screen shot of setting I have in my V2 they will log a stand alone LBZ.
I do not see anything PID selected Trans related. In the PID list you can see just the E35A.

With no A40 PIDS present the module should not be selected. But it is. Is there a way to unselect the A40 module that I am missing here? I have never selected it in the first place so I assuming this is a change to the defualt setting in the upgrade from 2.06 to 2.07.

June 28th, 2011, 02:10 AM
Just select that entry and double click it. Then unselect the A40 in the TCM/2nd controller area and click Ok. Voila, no more A40 logging.

As Paul said, these entries are just SUGGESTED setups, I never use any of them because I have a custom set of PIDs I use on a few controllers and thats what I tune. Just like adding a new controller selection, you can modify the existing ones and change what controllers are used.

June 28th, 2011, 08:17 AM
Just select that entry and double click it. Then unselect the A40 in the TCM/2nd controller area and click Ok. Voila, no more A40 logging.

As Paul said, these entries are just SUGGESTED setups, I never use any of them because I have a custom set of PIDs I use on a few controllers and thats what I tune. Just like adding a new controller selection, you can modify the existing ones and change what controllers are used.

OK you have to right click on the picture of the TCM in the pop up menu. Then select no TCM.

I customize my PIDs also. I have never had that issue before. So I was not sure how unselect the TCM. The old version this was not the an issue.

June 28th, 2011, 08:54 AM
The old version this was not the an issue.

Really? Guess the A40 is included by default now, but V8s been this way since early on if not from the beginning...

June 28th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Really? Guess the A40 is included by default now, but V8s been this way since early on if not from the beginning...
Simply unselecting the trans pids is all I did before. Not an issue now that I know what to do.

June 28th, 2011, 10:05 AM
Simply unselecting the trans pids is all I did before. Not an issue now that I know what to do.

Ah gotcha, you unselected the PIDs but not the controller itself. That must be what Paul mentioned.

June 28th, 2011, 11:34 AM
When I try to go back to my old USB drivers I get

"The requested operation requires elevation. Error Code 740"

June 28th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Right click on the USB tool and choose "Run as Administrator"


June 28th, 2011, 12:31 PM
When I try to go back to my old USB drivers I get

"The requested operation requires elevation. Error Code 740"

There is also this knowledgebase article (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7616-TYKL-8474) relating to that error.

June 28th, 2011, 12:38 PM
Simply unselecting the trans pids is all I did before. Not an issue now that I know what to do.
JohnIf the trans controller is mentioned in the BBL config, V2 tries to talk to it even tho no pids are going to be logged...

when V2 can't talk to it (since it's not there), it throws that error.

June 28th, 2011, 01:08 PM
Right click on the USB tool and choose "Run as Administrator"


Thanks that took care of it.

There is also this knowledgebase article (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7616-TYKL-8474) relating to that error.

I am always logged in as administrator so I didn't think it applied.

June 28th, 2011, 01:24 PM
As soon as I plugged my v2 back in it installed new drivers again

June 28th, 2011, 01:40 PM
I am also having a PID problem...I updated 2 weeks ago o the latest version.....Now it will only allow me to select a handful of PIDS and the rest tell me not valid...I have even opened a old log and saved the PIDs and when I tried to open them they wouldnt open any but those handful of default LS1 PIDS....any ideas?

June 28th, 2011, 02:51 PM
I am also having a PID problem...I updated 2 weeks ago o the latest version.....Now it will only allow me to select a handful of PIDS and the rest tell me not valid...I have even opened a old log and saved the PIDs and when I tried to open them they wouldnt open any but those handful of default LS1 PIDS....any ideas?

June 28th, 2011, 09:21 PM
Updated last night and today quarter of the PIDS where missing...in the end i reinstalled EFIliveto fix it
and had the driver issue as well...reinstalled the old driver
now when I connect the scan tool or try to flash a tune I get a pop up saying I need to update because my version is older then my V2

June 28th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Updated last night and today quarter of the PIDS where missing...in the end i reinstalled EFIliveto fix it
and had the driver issue as well...reinstalled the old driver
now when I connect the scan tool or try to flash a tune I get a pop up saying I need to update because my version is older then my V2

June 29th, 2011, 09:29 AM
Umm, I just updated last night, and now I have no DTC explanations, just the "P" number and if it is a type of dtc! Sorry if this is a repost.

June 29th, 2011, 09:32 AM
Umm, I just updated last night, and now I have no DTC explanations, just the "P" number and if it is a type of dtc! Sorry if this is a repost.

Do you mean in the V7.5 software DTC display, or the FlashScan stand-alone DTC display?
Which DTC numbers? It may be that we have not got those descriptions in the software.


June 29th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Do you mean in the V7.5 software DTC display, or the FlashScan stand-alone DTC display?
Which DTC numbers? It may be that we have not got those descriptions in the software.


The software

June 29th, 2011, 09:48 AM

The software

Can you please send me the *.tun file that causes the DTCs to show like that?
Send to paul@efilive.com


June 29th, 2011, 10:00 AM

June 29th, 2011, 10:18 AM
I haven't received the file/email yet...

June 29th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Tuned all day with no problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 30th, 2011, 05:37 AM
Got it working, something about the auto update didn't work. Thanks Paul for the timely support.

June 30th, 2011, 10:08 AM
CANNOT FULL FLASH AL5 ALLISON TCM. After it erased tcm it then hesitated and repeatedly said retrying previous block, after five minutes i stopped it. now when i try again it counts to 120 erasing flash memory then says flash failed. i have removed and reinstalled and am using old USB drivers

The AL5 full-flash problem has been identified and we're working on a fix. The fix should be available in the next update.
I hope to have the update ready this weekend. But that depends on whether the PID/dashboard issues can be fixed as well.


July 1st, 2011, 02:24 PM
I'm getting a Error 404 file not found so I did a manual install hoping maybe I was just a couple versions behind. Both manual installs where successful but still getting a error 404 when I try to check for new update. Search finds both files. I seem to remember this to be something easy but I can't remember what it is.

Also can you move the Check for update a couple lines away from Uninstall so I don't click on it by mistake?

July 1st, 2011, 02:26 PM
I'm getting a Error 404 file not found so I did a manual install hoping maybe I was just a couple versions behind. Both manual installs where successful but still getting a error 404 when I try to check for new update. Search finds both files. I seem to remember this to be something easy but I can't remember what it is.

Also can you move the Check for update a couple lines away from Uninstall so I don't click on it by mistake?

The auto-update (i.e. the response to the "check fro new update") has been taken offline until we figure if it is causing problems with existing EFILive installations.
We'll get it back up as soon as we've fixed it.


July 1st, 2011, 02:28 PM
For the benefit of all... We have disabled Auto Update presently due to an issue. Please download and install the full versions from our website. Also please ensure you update your FlashScan v2 device firmware. There is some more info in these knowledgebase articles that might help:
- Software updates: http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=5404-IJZV-0820
- Firmware Updates: http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949

The order of the items in the EFILive (and other program groups) is alphabetical. So we don't have much control over that sorry.


July 2nd, 2011, 09:36 AM
HELP!!!!! since i have downloaded this update i tried to update the tune on a lly duramax and it locks the laptop up if i try to use V7.5 so i tried using V8 and when i did it erased the ecm just fine but when it gets to program it stops and give me an error that says no data received and starts the count down so now the truck is dead in the water does nothing at all when you hit the key lucky for me this is a friends truck so i let him borrow one of my trucks but this has got to be fixed NOW!

July 2nd, 2011, 09:38 AM
i can also be reached at torquedieselllc@gmail.com i really need a solution for this asap and i get email to that address on my cell phone

July 2nd, 2011, 09:55 AM
The latest update also updates your USB drivers. Some version of Windows do not work correctly with these new drivers.
Please use the USB Manager program to downgrade your USB drivers to V2.02.04.

To run the USB Manager program, use Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tool->USB Manager.
Click on the [Install USB V2.02.04] button, then disconnect your V2, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in and wait for it to reload the USB drivers.

Then retry programming the controller.


July 2nd, 2011, 10:46 AM
The latest update also updates your USB drivers. Some version of Windows do not work correctly with these new drivers.
Please use the USB Manager program to downgrade your USB drivers to V2.02.04.

To run the USB Manager program, use Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tool->USB Manager.
Click on the [Install USB V2.02.04] button, then disconnect your V2, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in and wait for it to reload the USB drivers.

Then retry programming the controller.


i went there and I do not have USB Manager in my tools folder????

July 2nd, 2011, 11:24 AM
You can download it from our downloads page here:

The direct download link is:


July 3rd, 2011, 04:51 AM
i have tried that and i get an error that says.... i386\dpinst.exe not found and it wont let me do anything else dosnt matter if the v2 is plugged in or not or when i unplug it same error so i went to the file and the one it is looking for in not in the folder at all

now what?

Duramax 6.6L
July 3rd, 2011, 08:33 AM
i have tried that and i get an error that says.... i386\dpinst.exe not found and it wont let me do anything else dosnt matter if the v2 is plugged in or not or when i unplug it same error so i went to the file and the one it is looking for in not in the folder at all

now what?

Did you try doing the process with administrator rights, not just using your computer as an administrator.

July 3rd, 2011, 08:53 AM
makes no difference it really acts like it dosnt have the install file to install the driver software

July 3rd, 2011, 08:59 AM
When trying to install the drivers, and selecting the driver install location, you're not going into the i386 or amd64 directories right? That will cause and error (can't remember what though).

July 3rd, 2011, 09:17 AM
i have tried that and i get an error that says.... i386\dpinst.exe not found and it wont let me do anything else dosnt matter if the v2 is plugged in or not or when i unplug it same error so i went to the file and the one it is looking for in not in the folder at all

now what?

Make sure you have the latest version. The latest version will show (Build 04) in the title bar (see image).

The text that is displayed should indicate that it is looking for the dpinst.exe in the Win-XP-Vista-7 folder, even if you are running on Win2K. That's because the dpinst exe is only installed in the Win-XP-Vista-7 folder.

If you are still getting a "not found" error, please send a screen shot of the USB Manager program after the error has occurred.


July 3rd, 2011, 10:20 AM
He didn't have the latest version. I had him download it and all is well again.


July 3rd, 2011, 02:04 PM
Update has been posted:


Duramax 6.6L
July 3rd, 2011, 03:40 PM
Update has been posted:


Thank you for the weekend update

July 6th, 2011, 10:12 PM
getting error 1400 when closing tune tool any fix for this?

July 7th, 2011, 02:39 AM
getting error 1400 when closing tune tool any fix for this?Hi GMMAD,

Is your installed V7 software at build 170...?

Duramax 6.6L
July 7th, 2011, 02:54 AM
getting error 1400 when closing tune tool any fix for this?

Did you just activate the Cummins Software or change the registration number in the 7.5 software?

I had the same error, shut down computer and reboot fixed the problem.

July 7th, 2011, 10:53 PM
no for ether

July 7th, 2011, 11:05 PM

Is your installed V7 software at build 170...?
I updated a few nights ago.....not shore what build # it is

Duramax 6.6L
July 8th, 2011, 01:25 AM
I updated a few nights ago.....not shore what build # it is

Click the help menu, and then click on about. It will show you the version number.

July 8th, 2011, 01:04 PM

Is your installed V7 software at build 170...?

V7.5.7 build 167

July 8th, 2011, 01:11 PM
update your software as there are several bug fixes in the latest version

July 8th, 2011, 03:26 PM
i downloaded it a few days ago dont know why its still on 167 oh well just downloaded it again

July 8th, 2011, 06:37 PM
getting error bad secret token when updating now

July 8th, 2011, 08:30 PM
Are you manually downloading the V7.5.6.170 and V8.1.2.160 from the main www.efilive.com downloads pages? Dont use auto update, currently its been messing up installs.

Duramax 6.6L
July 8th, 2011, 10:44 PM
Also make sure you right click and run as administrator.

July 9th, 2011, 04:04 AM
I keep getting this message when I connect the V2 to my 02 Z06.


Uninstalled,rebooted,deleted the directory and searched the windows registry for 'EFILive' and deleted all the keys. restarted and reinstalled w/ a new download. still getting the error.

Any logs you need to help w/ this?

Duramax 6.6L
July 9th, 2011, 04:56 AM
Did you update the firmware in the V2

July 9th, 2011, 05:21 AM
If you downloaded 7.5 and 8 and updated the firmware to .14 and now you're having the problem, try running the V7.5 check for new update.
