View Full Version : Advice for adjusting spark??? (logs & tuns & long story attached)

Mr. P.
June 27th, 2011, 02:29 AM
I went to the test-n-tune Friday night, and made 1-1/2 runs; I couldn't make any more runs because my truck was the source of major drama. The vehicle is bone-stock long-block 2003 LQ9 Silverado SS AWD, with converter/trans & Paxton Novi-1500 and 72# injectors.

Run #1, ran the truck as-is warm right off the highway and went 13.0@100 (1.84 60'), I was bummed because I was expecting at least high-12s on the initial outing. After the run I examined the log and saw:
* there was no reported KR
* WB02 leaner than I expected, but EQR was still 1.20+ and no KR so not horrible I figured
* the torque converter went into lockup in 3rd (!)
* I was only showing 9-10 degrees of timing in third gear :(
* MAP was 150+, about 8-ish pounds of boost - I was expecting 10-ish
* good ECT, ATF temps; IATs are 30+ degrees higher than I want but whacha gonna do
* I failed to see belt slippage at 5000+ RPM, this would bite me hard on the next run. :wallbash:

Since there was no KR I went ahead and selectively added 1-2 degrees across the "lower-right" of the high-octane spark table, raised the TCC lockup MPH for 3rd gear, and updated the PCM - that's when the drama began, the flashing process failed and left the PCM non-operative and it took over an hour to get the truck running again; that entire time I was very worried I would be leaving on a tow truck. :( Anyways that drama behind me...

Run #2 - at the end of the track the dash tells me "BATTERY NOT CHARGING", I had thrown the belt mid-run and failed to notice it until well after the traps. :cussing: You find out just how good your friends are when you have to ask them to help you push your 5500-lb truck all the way back down the return lane. By this time it was very late (after 10pm) and it looked again like I was going to have to arrange a flatbed ride home; fortunately my friends came to the rescue, there are a few Autozone stores open until midnight in Dallas and one of them had the belt I needed, the rest of the night was spent driving and R&R-ing the belt and we did not get home until almost 2am. So much for testing and tuning. :(

Looking at the log for Run#2 the belt broke at 5000-RPM in 1st-gear, I think probably right at the 60-foot line. But the biggest concern on that run is the huge spike of KR. :(

I feel I have a good basic knowledge of fueling, and I see that I need to increase my VE table a few percent in the upper RPMs. But I am having a tough time learning what to do AFA strategies for adjusting spark timing, is this just trial and error at this point? I am under the impression that I will be able to run 16-18 degrees advance at WOT, but as it is now I struggle trying to even get 1/2 that.

Mr. P.

June 29th, 2011, 08:39 AM
With no KR on that first run, I would bet your IAT and ECT high temps are to blame for your low timing. hopefully someone who knows more than me will chime in on this as I am in the same boat. FI hates the summer :-(