View Full Version : PID selection issues with V7.5.7.167 - post in here

June 28th, 2011, 02:51 PM
There have been a number of posts stating that there are problems with various PID selections under the latest release V7.5.7.167. Right now we don't have enough detailed information about the problem being sent in. If you have noticed anything wrong with your PID selections after upgrading to V7.5.7.167, please document as completely as possible the issues and post them to this thread. Please include screen shots and/or *.pid files where appropriate.


June 29th, 2011, 01:52 PM
Some of this has now been discussed on other threads. Paul posted a possible work around and I think it might solve it until Paul solves it in the software.

If you are having PID related problems, for example not being able to see PIDs in previously logged Scan files, go to File->Select Controller and make sure the correct controller is selected. Once you have done that, re-open the Scan file again and you should now have your missing PIDs.

One hint that the problem is controller make/model and vehicle brand related that I should have noticed is that the PIDs that remain are the SAE PIDs and the manufacturer specific PIDs appear to be the ones that disappear.

Hope this helps,

There have been a number of posts stating that there are problems with various PID selections under the latest release V7.5.7.167. Right now we don't have enough detailed information about the problem being sent in. If you have noticed anything wrong with your PID selections after upgrading to V7.5.7.167, please document as completely as possible the issues and post them to this thread. Please include screen shots and/or *.pid files where appropriate.


June 29th, 2011, 03:09 PM
I am at a total loss here....I have had a friend send me his PIDs and it only allows 2 of them to be monitored...if I open a log file I can see all the paramters I want monitored is shown but if I save it and reopen the PID it only allows the first 4 in the show all column...ahhhhhhhhh

Basically nothing i select seems to be supported.....when I check mark the box I can only select basically wide band readings and nothing more...i checked the controller and its right.