View Full Version : Help Please (Newbie Error) E10 VE Tuning

June 30th, 2011, 03:42 AM
Alright. I've searched, and have found multiple threads, but I can't grasp this crap, so I have to finally ask for some newbie help. I'm in Utah, and all we have is E10... I did the test thing and it's definitely E10. So I'm trying to do some AutoVE stuff (I'm mafless, open loop speed density) and am becoming extremely frustrated on figuring out what I need to do to get my commanded fuel in line. I'm on a 99+ PCM, with an LC-1 using a serial connection via V2. I'm sure I'd be fine if we weren't forced to use E10 here, but Mr. Obama has more power than me so I'm screwed.

I have gone through changing B3601 to 14.12. Should I configure the LC-1 via the software to a Custom Fuel setting and set it to 14.1? Should I then change the tune tool to display EQ ratio? After doing these things, will my BEN factor still work as normal or do I need to change something? I've NEVER modified a PID or anything like that, so examples or someone willing to share a custom BEN PID would be GREATLY appreciated. I'd also like to know which PIDs I need to log in order for the custom (if it needs to be custom) BEN Factor PID to work correctly. Reading through some of this stuff is like a foreign language to me. I'm so entirely lost, I just HAD to ask for help. Please forgive me for my newbie questions. I'm sure a lot of you are running out of breath on answering questions like this.

Another quick rundown of my setup:
Serial Connection
99+ PCM

Desired Help:
Converting from 14.7 to a 14.1 stoich setup so I can command safe EQ ratios.

Thanks to anybody willing to chime in. I appreciate it.


June 30th, 2011, 04:05 AM
Hi Brad:

You're right on one thing..The topic is wearing me out. Every time I try to help, I wonder if it just confuses more than helps, but I'll try one more time..:grin:.

We exhausted the topic here: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16630-Does-anyone-use-Table-A0014&highlight=e10

Essential, if you change B3601 to 14.124, then ALL you have to do is change your Tune Tool Fuel units to EQ. Thats it! If you change your wideband to display in Lambda..you can forget AFR. If you still want to view AFR, get ready to be confused for a long time. You can do it, but everybody then gets even more confused.

The BEN is always based on EQ or Lambda. That thread I mentioned had multiple references to the custom BEN you needed. I'm sure someone can re-post it if you want.

The topic always causes mass confusion..so one more time..here is my final advice.

1. Keep Wideband display in Lambda or EQ. Forget AFR!
2. Change B3601 to 14.124 if E10.
3. Change Tune Tool Fuel Units to EQ
4. PE/WOT fuel EQ should be 1.16-1.18.

Hope that helps..

June 30th, 2011, 05:11 AM
Wow, that post cleared up so much damn confusion. THANKS Shawn. Damn our altitude, huh? Anyways... I really appreciate your help. I'm quickly learning that I need to forget about AFR, and forget quick. If I leave the gauge configuration alone, 14:7 on the gauge will still mean stoich yes, regardless of what fuel it is calibrated for? I just need to make the changes in B3601 and have the tune tool show EQ, right? Then just basically ignore the gauge. Am I understanding this correctly? I'll see if I can hunt down the custom BEN that's been referred to... I have no idea how to modify any of that stuff unfortunately... hopefully I can find something in that other thread. Thanks again, Shawn!

June 30th, 2011, 06:06 AM
Yes, forget about AFR altogether.

Yes, set B3601, configure tunetool to display EQ, in scantool log GM.EQIVRATIO and EXT.WO2LAM1, WO2BEN is {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{EXT.WO2LAM1} use this as the BEN.

Use the calc_pids.txt from the Calc.VET tutorial... you would use WO2BEN since you're in open loop always...

or we can edit your calc_pids.txt file for you.

June 30th, 2011, 07:10 AM
Yes, hopefully you can appreciate my attitude.,.:grin: Of course its somewhat 'tongue in cheek'..I wish there was just an easier way to explain it. I think the problem is that you have to 'unlearn' AFR first.

As Joecar stated, please feel free to post up you calc_pids.txt file. Editing it will alleviate a lot of confusion. I also say try the suggestions first..once you actually do it..it becomes a lot clearer..

As far as the gauge..I personally leave the wideband AFR setting alone. I.E., I leave 14.7 AFR as stoich in my wideband..But its just for 'amusement'. I know BENS are calculated via EQ, and ultimately the wideband is just reporting in EQ/Lambda.

I promise if if you do a couple of logs as described..it will become obvious. EQ is the the way to tune!!!

June 30th, 2011, 01:19 PM
Yes, forget about AFR altogether.

Yes, set B3601, configure tunetool to display EQ, in scantool log GM.EQIVRATIO and EXT.WO2LAM1, WO2BEN is {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{EXT.WO2LAM1} use this as the BEN.

Use the calc_pids.txt from the Calc.VET tutorial... you would use WO2BEN since you're in open loop always...

or we can edit your calc_pids.txt file for you.

Alright, I'm going to post my calc_pids.txt file so someone can modify it accordingly and then I can see exactly what it should look like afterwards. My calc_pids.txt is untouched... I've never changed it, so I'm saving a backup copy to compare the two... I know I'm going to have to learn how to modify them eventually but if someone can make the first change for me that actually knows what they are doing, then I can learn from the example. THANKS to both of you for your help. Joe has helped me a lot in the past; a few years ago actually, and Shawn... big thanks for your help in "clearing the cobwebs upstairs" so to speak, lol. I appreciate you guys.



June 30th, 2011, 01:41 PM

Ok, you're running OLSD so you have no LTFT's and don't need any MAF corrections, so see the attached calc_pids.txt;

use WO2BEN in as your tuning BEN;

use WO2EQR1 to view measured fueling, use EQIVRATIO to view commanded fueling.

Mr. P.
July 1st, 2011, 03:04 AM
1. Keep Wideband display in Lambda or EQ. Forget AFR!
2. Change B3601 to 14.124 if E10.
3. Change Tune Tool Fuel Units to EQ
4. PE/WOT fuel EQ should be 1.16-1.18.

Your 1.16-1.18 recommendation is only for N/A vehicles, right?? not forced induction i.e. only when MAP is between 95 and 105?

Mr. P. :)

July 1st, 2011, 03:08 AM
Hi Mr. P:

I am going to leave it to the user to inform me if they have additional considerations like boost etc.

Normally, I think it would be smart for all posters to put a signature in when they post. Beats guessing..

Yes, thats a N/A recommendation that will work for E00-E10..:)

Edit: Since he is OLSD, he can choose to Command his Fueling through the 'Open-Loop' Tables. Differs if COS. The PE/WOT example is just that..

July 1st, 2011, 03:11 AM
Your 1.16-1.18 recommendation is only for N/A vehicles, right?? not forced induction i.e. only when MAP is between 95 and 105?

Mr. P. :)Yes, correct. Boost needs to be richer to be safe.