View Full Version : Performed Calc.VE, Here are the results...

July 2nd, 2011, 07:13 AM
I performed the Calc.VE by following the steps in the tutorial through the Scan Tool. I also took Weatherman's advice and did some precautionary steps as he suggested. Please take a look at what I did and make suggestions.

1.) I created the Calc.pids:
· CALC.VE_Table

2.) I created the new PID selection and file.

3.) Created the VE and MAF maps.

4.) Created a new tune file and made changes to :

B0701: -Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling2.
B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table4.
B4105: O2 Switch-points to 450 Millivolts
Smoother MAF & VE Table6.
B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm)
B3608 and B3609: PE Delay: set these to zeros.
Per Weatherman's suggestion.

5.) Then I data logged for about an hour or so.

6.) Applied averages and filters to both Maps per Calc.VE instructions.

7.) Copy and paste with labels Calc VE map to original VE Map.

8.) Copy and paste with labels and multiply Calc MAF map to original.

Now the maps look completely messed up :), well not really. But there are spikes in the VE Map and some areas that read awfully high compared to others.

Here is the original tune I was running: 11267

Here is the Modified tune to perform the Calc.VE: 11268

Here is the modified original tune with updated VE and MAF tables: 11269

Here is the Log: 11270

I am assuming it's OK to have some spikes, due to computing error? So I need to delete those and smooth the VE map?

What about the MAF curve? I don't think I did that right.

Thanks for taking the time to help! Much appreciated.

July 2nd, 2011, 07:21 AM
Wow, that was a very thorough walk-through of a Tune..unfortunately you are using the wrong Pids & Tutorial.

I assume you wanted to do the CALC.VET which utilizes the wideband along with LTFTs.

There is no need to create your own Pids..they are all included here: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-A-New-Twist-on-CALC.-VE-Table..Computing-the-Entire-VE-Table.

To smooth your MAF curve, please read here: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16280-CALC-VET-Summary-Notes

Again, great presentation..just the wrong Tuning method being applied.

July 2nd, 2011, 07:47 AM
So I should completely scrap what I did? After smoothing the VE table it actually looks like it could resemble and accurate model of the engine.

July 2nd, 2011, 08:06 AM
I am just concerned that you mixed & matched two different Tuning methods.

Obviously something went really wrong with the MAF Table. Thats really the one you need to have accurate..the VE Table will then compute correctly.

Yes, in all honesty I would scrap that log..Is there some reason you did not load up the CALC.VET Pids and use PE Mode and SELBENS? Just curious..we want to make sure all the forum readers clearly understand the method.


July 2nd, 2011, 08:14 AM
I fixed the MAF curve by scrapping the one above and multiplied the LTFT BEN average to the entire curve. I am still trying to get the Calc.VET PIDs working, I was able to get the Calc.VE PIDs working tho. Not really sure what's going on with that yet. I copied and pasted the Calc.VET PIDs into the existing Calc_PID.txt document. Doesn't come up in the scan tool.

July 2nd, 2011, 08:21 AM
Nate if you check my post from last night I suggest users just save the entire calc_pids.txt file..instead of editing. It has everything you need to do CALC.VET.

Or post up your calc_pids.txt file and Joecar can check it over if you prefer.

Applying the LTFTS from closed-loop to PE Mode does not guarantee accurate PE Mode fueling. Thats why we designed CALC.VET. It applies the LTFTBENS from closed-loop and the AFR/EQ BENS from your wideband.

If you have a wideband now, give it a try.

July 2nd, 2011, 11:42 AM
Got it Shawn

I did two Calc.VET tunes and have modeled a nice VE table. LTFT's averaged -.1% and -1.0%. I will probably give it another round tomorrow and see if I can't further improve it :).

July 2nd, 2011, 01:27 PM

As Shawn said, sopy the Calc.VET tutorial calc_pids.txt file (overwrite your existing file)... if you have a V2 then no editing is necessary.

Post pics of the VE and MAF maps (from the Maps tab in the scantool) before pasting...

- scantool Data tab shows MAP units kPa,
- scantool Maps show units for row/col and cells,
- scantool Map units must match tunetool table units.

- in tunetool set VE units to g*K/kPa; in scantool use CALC.VET with same units;
- in tunetool set fuel units to EQ; in scantool avoid the pid GM.AFR;
- in scantool, remember to apply filters;
- CALC.VET map is pasted-with-labels into B0101;
- WO2BEN map is paste-multiplied-with-labels into B5001.

Shawn's Calc.VET tutorial has all the info, print it out, read thru each step, mark off each step.

July 2nd, 2011, 03:48 PM
Here is the VE Map 11275

The MAF map is just a bunch of 1s from 2500 to 10875. I applied the MAF map to my MAF calibration table by pasting and multiplying with labels.

Here is the VE table I created and smoothed. 11276

Here is the log after the second Calc.VET try out

July 2nd, 2011, 06:12 PM
Nate, I think you have one those rarer cars that have a good LTFT and SELBEN MAF curve.

A lot of times people can tune closed-loop to +/- 0, then have problems in PE Mode/WOT.

Yours looks near perfect. Congratulations! You can always add more digits via the 'Precision' Tab on you MAPS if you need more decimals than just 1's..I.E., 1.04, etc.

Looks like you did a pretty good job blending and smoothing the VE Table also.

One of the better 1st or 2nd logs I have seen.

Good job!

July 3rd, 2011, 02:22 AM
Thanks! Can't wait to load the tune and give it another round. I want to data log normally now and see how things have changed.

July 3rd, 2011, 04:47 AM
I logged my trip home from wally world today. Should my LTFT's jump around like this? Or do I need to further improve my VE table?11281

July 3rd, 2011, 05:13 AM
IMO, your LTFTS look just fine. Personally I shoot for an average ~ 1-2%. To make all of your LTFTS go slightly negative and keep your MAF/Injector Slope normal, you would need to add +2% to ALL of Table B5001 (from 1500 Hz-12000 Hz). The formula will then recalculate a very slight difference in your VE Table.

Trims will oscillate with weather and the dozens of different Fuel Trims Cells found in your OS. To keep it simple..shoot for slightly negative LTFTS..I.E. add to MAF before VE Table.