View Full Version : Need a little help with the calc_pids text file

July 15th, 2011, 12:10 AM
After downloading the calc_pids text file and putting it into the My documents efi live 7.5 user configeration are you supposed to copy it to the existing Cacl_pids.txt file of just copy it into the user configeration?

Then after it is copied there one should be able to go into the scan tool and pull it up under the "tune" section. Correct? Sorry been having a lot of trouble with trying to download any text files at all. any help would be greatly appreciated.

July 15th, 2011, 02:12 AM
I always copy it (save) to the existing calc_pids.txt file (thats called overwriting). If you just Save it to user Configuration..it will not work.

Whether you pull it from the System Tab I.E. Calculated, Tune, Tuning..depends on the the 'System' is was saved to. In the Example below..the System was "TUNING".

# ================================================== ============================
*PRN - Parameter Reference Numbers
# --------------------------------
# See sae_generic.txt for more information on the *PRN section
#Code PRN SLOT Units System Description
#------------------------- ---- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------

CALC.CL F032 CLC-00-032 factor Tuning "Closed Loop (based on EQIVRATIO)"

Hope that helps.