View Full Version : Link ScanTool to TuneTool Data Logging

July 21st, 2011, 12:58 PM
***Edit*** Update #6.1 Jan 9th, 2012 update
Inside Update #6.1: Added the support for the following tables: Transmission Tables

Note: Jan 31, 2012
Disregard the linking feature in the Boost Fuel Limiter table F0502. It is linked incorrectly and should not be used a reliable link to ScanTool Data logs. Update soon to come.

Ok, after downloading and following the instructions, you will be able to view what your data loggs are doing in the TuneTool. (provided that your log has the PID's [and in same units] needed for the table(s) you're wanting to view) For instance, if you want to view you Main Injection Pulse, open your data log in the scantool, then open you tune in tunetool, select what ever table (Main injection pulse in this example) and press play in the data log and watch a grey highlighted cell move around in the tunetool table and 3D graph of what the ECM is actually doing. See attached pic.

Now this will be an ongoing process and updates, some from me when I get time, and some from EFILive when they do as well in Update Releases. Most of the tables are supported, but not all yet.

Here goes:

Click cal_link attachment>Save it to:>My Computer>Local Disk (C:>Program Files [(X86) if 64bit OS]>EFILive>V7.5>Configuration>Highlight "cal_link" text document>Save>Replace existing copy

**Edit For 64bit OS instructions** (Hopefully this will make it easier for these folks with 64bit OS)
If you do have a 64bit OS like I do on one of my computers, after saving the document, Open it in the "Downloads" window that it just saved in, then Save as: to the instructions above: My Computer>etc.>etc.> in the left lower window.

That's it! Now do as instructed from above and enjoy the next best thing in data logging since sliced bread.


Supported tables: F0505, F0508, D0502, E0002, E0024, E0033, E0036, E0039, E0008, D0505, E0063, E0084, E0087, E0090, E0093, E0066, E0069, E0075, E0081, E0078, D0508, F0502, F0519, F0517, F0518, E2503, E2503, E2504, E2500, E2501, E2502, D6264, D6267, D6273, D6258, E0262, E0051, E0054, E0057, E0060, E0259, E0280, E0283, E0286, E0289, E0393, D0782, D0781, D0771, D0774, D0777, D0790, B7511, E2567, B4524, B4526, B4522, B4532, B4534, B4520, B4561, B4512, B4514, B4557, B4516, B4518, B4559, B4501, B4504, B4551, B4506


2007 5.9
July 21st, 2011, 02:27 PM
I tried this...had a couple of issues.

My rail pressure never moved and my rpm didn't either.

I looked at duration, rp was 180mpa

Timing rpm stayed at 620rpm.

I can for sure see this bring helpful...

Thanks for the work!!


July 21st, 2011, 02:36 PM
Make sure the pids in the scantool have the same units as the linking pids on the table axes in the tunetool.

July 21st, 2011, 10:57 PM
Can you please list the specific table(s) (ex. E1234 or D0123) so I can see if I have supported the particular table yet and/or troubleshoot it.


July 21st, 2011, 11:41 PM
Adding to joecar,
Also make sure you data logged the PID you're trying to view in the Tunetool. For instance, when viewing Timing Base Table for Main, make sure your log has Commanded Fuel with Balance rates PID (CM.CMDFUELB shown beside the Unit value in the table in Tune tool) selected as well as Engine RPM (SAE.RPM)

And I have not supported ALL of the tables in the TuneTool yet.

Happy Logging,


2007 5.9
July 21st, 2011, 11:44 PM
SAE RPM isint avail in my PID list..I have RPM B but no SAE....

I 'll look more today to see what I am doing wrong.


July 22nd, 2011, 12:13 AM
Don't be discouraged if everything doesn't work. I'm continually gonna be adding tables and refining the file to hopefully contain all variations of a PID so that it won't matter if you logged an SAE rpm or a CM rpm for example. I'm also on a weekend family vacation right now up in the mountains so I'll get to it when I can.
When I do, you'll see the original Post edited with an Update.


July 22nd, 2011, 03:25 AM
Les, don't beat yourself just yet. Later today I will have an update that will support all the variations of the PID's. So it won't matter if you logged SAE.RPM or CM.RPMB etc etc...


July 22nd, 2011, 03:43 AM
Les, don't beat yourself just yet. Later today I will have an update that will support all the variations of the PID's. So it won't matter if you logged SAE.RPM or CM.RPMB etc etc...


Nice work! Love it, just wait for your new update

July 22nd, 2011, 06:28 AM
Update #2 is posted in original post. July, 22, 2011 3:30pm

July 22nd, 2011, 08:14 AM
Update #2 is posted in original post. July, 22, 2011 3:30pm

Thanks Fubar for you tech no-how

July 22nd, 2011, 08:32 AM
Much appreciated, but I can't take all the credit. ScarabEpic22 has definitely helped me out along the way.

July 22nd, 2011, 08:57 AM
Thumps up

July 22nd, 2011, 09:50 AM
Is E0262 Timing, Base Table supported whit your new update? If so my grey highlighted cell are not there ( not showing)

July 22nd, 2011, 12:20 PM
Is E0262 Timing, Base Table supported whit your new update? If so my grey highlighted cell are not there ( not showing)

Nope. Not yet. Still working on it.

July 22nd, 2011, 01:03 PM
Update #3 July 22, 10:00pm ET posted in orginial post. All of the tables should be supported now, except for E2543, B1252, and F0522.

July 23rd, 2011, 01:16 AM
Can I change the table numbers for a laugh?
Just joking, thanks again Fubar, everyone really appreciates it (especially me).

July 23rd, 2011, 05:37 AM
Can I change the table numbers for a laugh?
Just joking, thanks again Fubar, everyone really appreciates it (especially me).

No problem...glad to see you Aussie's have got a sense of humor!

July 24th, 2011, 11:34 AM
Just included easier instructions for people with 64bit OS's in original post.

July 25th, 2011, 12:44 AM
This is nice. Its already helped find one problem that I was chasing around for three days.

July 25th, 2011, 03:11 AM
Know what you mean..same here. Makes it "clearer" to see so to speak.

July 25th, 2011, 01:17 PM
Update#4 posted in orginial post. July, 25, 2011 10:15PM Fuel Pressure supporting PID's needed to be changed. This should be the last update for a while as most of the tables are supported and have been getting good feedback.

July 26th, 2011, 12:29 AM

I just put this file in yesterday and lemme tell ya, YOU DA MAN!

Makes it much easier to see where things are in real time.

July 26th, 2011, 07:54 AM
Thank ya Rich! Glad I can finally return the favor and help other people out too.


August 21st, 2011, 11:21 AM
Update 5.1 Added support for 3 more tables

August 21st, 2011, 11:37 AM
When are you going to post it up

August 21st, 2011, 11:49 AM
It's edited in original post.

August 21st, 2011, 01:29 PM
Thanks fubar

August 22nd, 2011, 02:24 AM
BTW: if you enable Runway Highlighting, then the row and column are also highlighted for more visibility.

August 22nd, 2011, 09:30 AM
BTW: if you enable Runway Highlighting, then the row and column are also highlighted for more visibility.

Just enabled runway highlight. You got to love Efi! Thanks Joecar

August 22nd, 2011, 01:16 PM
Runaway highlight setup pic

2007 5.9
August 22nd, 2011, 02:44 PM
BAM!!! Thanks works great!!!


August 22nd, 2011, 09:13 PM
Thank you 06redram.

August 23rd, 2011, 12:28 AM
Just trying add my little 2 cents of change. lol

August 27th, 2011, 05:07 AM
i am having problems when reviewing a log in tune tool. problem is the log doesent play from start to finish when watching it in tune tool. it goes to random frames and stops. sometimes its frame 300, sometimes its 800. when i watch it is scan tool its just fine, only when scan tool is playing behind tune tool screen does this happen, any ideas.

August 27th, 2011, 08:03 AM
I can't really pin point anything exactly. But I do know sometimes reviewing my logs when I want to play or move frame by frame it's gets screwed up and jumps frames as you described. To remedy it, all I do is click "stop" in the log (it will restart to beginning of log) and then resume whatever command I was wanting to do and all is fine.

August 27th, 2011, 08:08 AM
On a different topic, I noticed when viewing some tables some parameters didn't match up to the appropriate values in tune tool. It was not a problem though. Somehow the parameter I data logged switched to either Imperial or Metric units (whichever was opposite of tune tool) and of course would not give correct info. All I had to do was: in the log under PID's tap, right click the PID and make sure it was viewing in the appropriate units. The all was well. Just trying to keep an issue from arising.

August 27th, 2011, 08:14 AM
For example, when viewing pulse width table in tune tool, if fuel pressure is in the maxed out column (180mpa or so) your PID in the log is probably in Imperial units (psi, so you can see where it'll always read maxed out in tune tool all the time since the lowest itll see is 7k psi or so, way above 180.)

August 31st, 2011, 01:11 PM
Fubar what is wrong with D0502 no movement in reading data log

August 31st, 2011, 01:16 PM
Make sure you logged mm3's and your fuel pressure PID in Scan Tool is in metric units. Right click on PID and it will have a check mark on imperial or metric. For some reason they'll just change once in a while, other people are experiencing the same thing with the scan tool changing units without them knowing so.

August 31st, 2011, 01:37 PM
Thank Fubar i tried that, nothing

August 31st, 2011, 03:19 PM
It work thanks Fubar

October 7th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Bumping to the top since some people have been asking about this.

January 9th, 2012, 08:34 AM
Jan 6th, 2012 update. Supported Transmission tables. A side note for general useage: Just because the paremeter may say, SAE.TP for throttle percentage, CM.TP will also work. This covers other paremeters as well. This gives you more options in which PID clusters you choose to data log. Something that's always been there, just putting it out there.


January 9th, 2012, 09:07 AM
Thanks for your hard work Andrew in helping to make data usage easy

January 9th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Thank you sir

January 31st, 2012, 04:09 PM
Disregard the linking feature in the Boost Fuel Limiter table F0502. It is linked incorrectly and should not be used a reliable link to ScanTool Data logs. Update soon to come.

April 28th, 2012, 12:53 AM
Any updates or plan for 6.7 tune tool linking?

April 29th, 2012, 07:57 AM
I have no immediate plans for supporting the 6.7. Lately travel that work and family has got me going, I don't plan on taking on any extra ventures. Heck, I've got an injection pump that has been needing to be installed well over a month that I can't get too for my personal own vehicle. Anyhow, hopefully there will be another fellow 6.7 member that is quite familiar with the software and will take on the challenge of supporting the linking feature.

April 29th, 2012, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the update and all your work. Your time is much appreciated

May 15th, 2012, 01:03 PM
I have no immediate plans for supporting the 6.7. Lately travel that work and family has got me going, I don't plan on taking on any extra ventures. Heck, I've got an injection pump that has been needing to be installed well over a month that I can't get too for my personal own vehicle. Anyhow, hopefully there will be another fellow 6.7 member that is quite familiar with the software and will take on the challenge of supporting the linking feature.

Time is limited for me right now too, but I would like to be able to help out, and will be needing the 6.7 features more than the 5.9. I will try to get a start, but testing will be limited as I don't own anything I can log yet (my truck is a 2010). I am working on a couple 08s though, and will post as I make progress, if that will help everyone else. -Joe

May 15th, 2012, 09:30 PM
Thanks a lot.

September 30th, 2012, 06:19 PM
Here is the updated version 11/1/2012 for 5.9 cummins 2005.5 & 2007 that link scantool other maps

October 2nd, 2012, 05:54 AM
This file has 6.7 links in it.
I cannot guarantee this file will work properly, as I do not have a 6.7 to test with.

Edit: The cal_link.txt below has the 6.7 tables linked to the tune tool as well as all of the above 5.9 edits. I just do not have a 6.7 truck around to verify accuracy. Sorry if the original post was confusing.


October 2nd, 2012, 08:05 AM
Sorry this update is for the 5.9 cummins. I do not have 6.7 truck nor do I have the 6.7 cal_link file to modify it to link it to scantool. But if you have cal_link file and a data log file with all the tables that needs to be link I can try working it out for everybody needs. Shoot me an email with both files. My email is: bigcumminsdiesel@msn.com

July 29th, 2013, 08:04 AM
In the attached .zip file is the 6.7 and 5.9 links. They are in the new .ini format for V7.5 Build 232.

October 27th, 2013, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the update!

October 28th, 2013, 02:30 AM

December 7th, 2013, 05:25 PM
I have the newest update V7.5.7(245) but the D0787 Runway highlighting stop working with new update. Is there a cal_Link update to fix the issue or is there a software issue

December 8th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Cal linking file structure changed some months back - maybe as far back as August.

Each controller now has it's own file.


December 8th, 2013, 02:22 PM
Added D0787 for the 5.9.

September 24th, 2014, 02:05 AM
Added D0787 for the 5.9.

Where do I install the .ini files?

Or do I even need to with the latest software release?

October 7th, 2014, 09:29 PM
Or do I even need to with the latest software release?

I'm wondering this as well, is there any need to do this anymore?

December 31st, 2020, 09:08 AM
Bringing this back from dead...
I’m currently on the latest public release and only see cal link file for CMB..
Can I use this as a template to make a CME link file? Does cal link work for CME contollers?