View Full Version : $0536 again...

August 10th, 2011, 12:14 PM
Autocal was received from a "well renowned" tuner that has absolutely dropped the ball in regards to customer service.

I have tried sending the "Tuned" files, (which I have absolutely no idea what has been done to them because I was never informed) to efilive explorer as instructed and got the $0536 error code. I understand that this means no license has been assigned to these files. I have also tried sending/saving them under flashscan and reassigning the .ctd files under different names and still nothing works.

I have pulled the stock ECM and TCM tunes of course because the tuner read and used them.

Any help?

August 10th, 2011, 12:24 PM
The $0536 error indicates that the calibration file you are copying to your AutoCal device have not been saved by your tuner for use on your device. They (the tuner) needs to 'save the file for remote flashing', a process which embeds their FlashScan devices license number into the file. Only files "signed" in this way, and only by the tuner that supplied the AutoCal device, can be flashed by your AutoCal device.

August 10th, 2011, 12:30 PM
Thank you very much!!! But, I am concerned that the autocal sent to me has not been assigned to the correct serial #. When I first attempted to login to his site and register my autocal it would not work. He said the Efilive system must not have been updated and he could not do that until monday because this was a Friday evening. (guessing he never did it). Also, in my email he sent the original ECM and TCM from my vehicle, along with the ones he "Tuned".... more confusing.

August 10th, 2011, 12:31 PM
Also, what do I do if I cannot get a hold of this guy...???

August 10th, 2011, 12:41 PM
Thank you very much!!! But, I am concerned that the autocal sent to me has not been assigned to the correct serial #. When I first attempted to login to his site and register my autocal it would not work. He said the Efilive system must not have been updated and he could not do that until monday because this was a Friday evening. (guessing he never did it). Also, in my email he sent the original ECM and TCM from my vehicle, along with the ones he "Tuned".... more confusing.

You can check the Serial Number and License Number if you have installed the V8 software on your machine (which you obviously ave is using EFILive Explorer). To check do the following:
1) Connect your AutoCal device to your PC.
2) Open up EFILive Explorer.
3) Open the EFILive Control Panel (a FlashScan looking icon in your systems taskbar).
4) Go to the F2: USB section. The Serial and License details will be shown

If the Serial and License details/numbers are different then the AutoCal device has been linked (correctly) to your tuners AutoCal device.

I'm guessing the tuner sent you back your original ECM and TCM files having saved them fro remote flashing. If this wasn't done you couldn't flash those tunes back into your vehicle.

Also, what do I do if this guy never gets his Sh!8 together on this whole deal... ???

I guess the same as with any other good or service you purchase. You'd have to go back to them and try and return the device, or resolve the service issue. The AutoCal device you have is not able to be used by any other tuner using EFILive, due to the linkage that occurs.


August 10th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Well, this has been solved by the uber helpful forum members and mods... Turns out my tuner is on vacation and a "tuning trip"

Please delete this thread as this info has been repeated ad nauseum.

Thank you for the help!!!! I hope to make some beneficial contributions to the forum

By the way, I am a guy coming over from the hptuners side (dark side i guess)

December 9th, 2011, 06:29 AM
Im getting this code also my tuner is saying everything has been done on his end. There customer service is top notch but cant seem to get this straight. he re did the tunes and resent same issue. HELPPPPP

December 9th, 2011, 07:02 AM
To check if everything is set up correctly:

1. Make sure you and your tuner are both running the latest software available on our web site. Use the Help->About menu option to see what version/build number you have installed and verify that against the version/build numbers published here: http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=133
2. Open the *.ctd file using Windows Notepad. Important: do not make any changes to the *.ctd file or save the file using Notepad that will destroy the file.
3. Look for the line Remote=003xxxxxxxxx where the x's are digits.
4. Verify that the 003xxxxxxxxx is identical to your AutoCal's license number (note: not the serial number)


December 9th, 2011, 07:18 AM
Is there a way to contact my tuner to get this figured out send me an email at hicky214mx@gmail.com i can tell you who it is. Again they have been great. i dont want to send autocal back if thats not the problem.

December 9th, 2011, 07:20 AM
What was the result of checking the values I suggested?

December 9th, 2011, 07:33 AM
Havent heard back from them yet

December 9th, 2011, 08:34 AM
Havent heard back from them yet

What do you see at your end for steps 2, 3 and 4?

December 10th, 2011, 05:20 PM
So the end user pays for the autocal device, but is always confined to having to deal with the selling tuner for tune support on said autocal device? What if they have a disagreement? Is the owner of the autocal stuck with dealing with that tuner or can the autocal be used with another flashscan cable somehow?

December 10th, 2011, 05:45 PM
The way to look at it is that the end user customer isn't actually buying an AutoCal as such. Rather they are purchasing tuning services from a specific tuner, with that tuner electing to deliver their tuning services on the AutoCal device.

The AutoCal cannot be used by any other tuner, nor be unlinked and reused by another tuner.

December 10th, 2011, 06:01 PM
Adding to Andrew, an AC unit is linked to a particular V2's license number. A tuner purchases a few AC units, loads a tune file and necessary config files using the V8 software, then delivers the AC unit to the customer. The customer then reads their stock file and either downloads the included tune or sends their stock tune back to a tuner via email. The tuner makes the necessary adjustments to the tune and emails it back to the customer who loads it onto the AC, then the customer downloads the tune to their vehicle.

The AC unit is simply a delivery method and is why EFILive is asking the tuners and tunershops to support the AC units and not EFILive. An AC unit is designed to be delivered to a customer and then can be loaded with up to 8 VIN licenses in order to tune a customer's vehicles.

December 10th, 2011, 06:37 PM
Thanks for that. More than I cared to type on an iPad :-)

December 11th, 2011, 02:53 PM
Thanks for that. More than I cared to type on an iPad :-)

No problem, I havent gone to the dark side and bought a tablet yet. Maybe this spring after I get a job...hmmm.