View Full Version : Is the wastegate adjustable on HE351 with EFI LIVE?

September 9th, 2011, 12:05 AM
I have twins on my 06 and the top turbo is the stock HE351 with the factory wastegate actuator on it and the bottom turbo is a non-wastegated S400. The company I bought the kit from makes the piping so it works with the stock wastegate actuator instead of clocking the turbo and running an adjustable gate. But here's my question. The instructions say to set the gate on the top turbo to open up with anywhere between 25-35# (gotta figure out which runs best on your combo). I know the boost is reference right off the turbine housing, but is there something in EFI LIVE that will allow me to change that value? Or, am I stuck wherever its set to open? If its non-adjustable, I think I'm going to get an adjustable one so I can at least tune it instead of not having that option.

Thanks in advance.

September 9th, 2011, 01:59 AM
Adjust E9000 and E9001 for the wastegate duty cycle....

September 9th, 2011, 02:22 AM
Thanks for that. I saw that one but wasn't sure if there was one that was actually referencing boost. I'll have to start verifying my boost closer after it leaves the bottom turbo compared to the total to see what the little turbo is doing. When changing the max and the min duty cycle, do the two values have to equal 100%? Example would be 75% max and 25% min, or ??? Sorry for the questions, I'd just rather get this to work correctly instead of having to buy an adjustable regulator.

September 9th, 2011, 11:23 PM
I think you'll find that most here have aftermarket chargers and simply disable the wastegate function. If it were a vgt charger you would find tuning alot more benificial. In my opinion you'll be farther ahead switching to an adjustable regulator.

September 10th, 2011, 02:29 PM
Set the min to say 70% and go from there (probably will end up in the 50%-70% range.) Get an idea of what min% is in relation to actual boost psi and how it reacts (holds or falls off quickly.)