View Full Version : Kory...help with intreptation

2007 5.9
September 21st, 2011, 02:35 PM
I tried a PM, but cant attatch a pic to a PM...

Here is a screenshot of a clipped table and map I created...both are identical cells where its blue...any idea why there is such a big difference between the map cell and the table cell??

And yes they are both in the same MPA/CMFUEL cells....



September 21st, 2011, 02:57 PM
Is the truck suffering a pressure loss? Is it hitting the desired mm3 values? Something is limiting you pulse up there so I would be looking for 1) a fuel LIMITER, or 2) something physically causing the loss.... just my. 02

Also...I would watch it play in real time and see if it ever does hit the desired value..the cells with average what is in them as they fill. You can set filters up for low cell counter as well. Mine is set at now showing a cells value if it has less than 10 counts

2007 5.9
September 21st, 2011, 03:04 PM
FPD and FPA are perfect...

I'll look at the cell counter...but its hitting desired MPA and CMFUEL.


September 21st, 2011, 03:19 PM
I'm assuming your labels copied over correctly? Watch it in real time too and see if it hits desired value. Also, when looking at the log in dash B is it keeping pulse where you want it? Also the up arrow on the map shows the high value of the cell...likewise down arrow shows low value