View Full Version : Cylinders filling with fuel!

September 23rd, 2011, 01:13 PM
Basically the car ran well enough to get me to class and back Tuesday. Wed. morning I flash the pcm with some changes. I start the car, it ran, but not very well. Needing to go to the store I flashed the tune back in I was using the day prior. Go to start the car, cranks for about two seconds then nothing. I try to crank again, nothing. Get the starter and battery checked out, both check good. Someone suggests I'm hydrolocked on fuel. Yep, pull plugs and rotate motor by hand, gas is coming out of all the cylinders.

Any ideas on why the car is doing this? It started after the second reflash. Both flashes went fine and normal, no errors.

For some reason though the motor will fill up with fuel before it ever has a chance to light off. It is happening really quick and I have no idea why.

I'm almost tempted to throw an optispark back in the car.:shock:

September 23rd, 2011, 01:32 PM
With fuel rail primed (cycle ignition key on/off several times), see if rail pressure stays steady or if it drops...

if it drops, then the injectors are leaking.

September 23rd, 2011, 01:34 PM
Oh, you have a manifold referenced FPR...?

If so, then remove the reference hose and check for fuel inside hose... if fuel is present then FPR diaphragm has ruptured.

September 24th, 2011, 12:44 AM
Thanks! I will do that. It is the original fuel pressure regulator, about 208,000 miles on it. I'll cross my fingers.
They are new injectors I put in two weeks ago, I really hope they aren't leaking.

September 24th, 2011, 02:24 AM
A good flash is a good flash right? People on ls1tech are calling the tune loading into question, but it hasn't shown me any errors. They are like well maybe the file is corrupted. I've tried a few different tunes though and they all load properly.

I had a little fuel in the regulator vacuum line but not a lot by any means, it didn't really come pouring out or anything, just wetted the one end when I pulled it off. I'm going to key on with the line off and see if fuel squirts out. I bought a new regulator anyway. I also picked up a test light while I was out, one that is supposedly computer safe. Going to see if I'm grounded out anywhere, but that doesn't seem likely.

I mean normally while cranking would the regulator restrict flow? It does seem strange that they all fill up, during that initial prime when key on does all the injectors fire a little bit of fuel? I don't think my pulsewidths are any different than stock.

September 24th, 2011, 04:37 AM
Like joecar said if their is fuel present, it needs a new one. See how it works out after you replace it.

September 24th, 2011, 05:33 AM
Yeah when I turned the key to on with the vacuum line off fuel shot out of the regulator. Have the new one installed and the rail back on, just got done pulling plugs and rotating the motor by hand.
I was wondering with the regulator being that bad, could the vacuum from the motor pull all that fuel back in? I was having that issue with the tune also, where no matter how much fuel you pulled out the thing just kept seeing more fuel and was constantly pulling fuel.

September 24th, 2011, 07:29 AM
could the vacuum from the motor pull all that fuel back in?

Of course, not only is the engine vacuum pulling it in, the fuel pump is pushing it in.

I was having that issue with the tune also, where no matter how much fuel you pulled out the thing just kept seeing more fuel and was constantly pulling fuel.

One of the first things I learned at EFI University is that you can NOT tune a
mechanical issue.


September 24th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Yep, new regulator, it at least fired up and idled! I did the idle learn procedure? I've never done that before, I'm not even sure if the 99+ PCMs have to do it, but I did it. Idled smooth, good amount of blue smoke the first 5 minutes, then it stopped with the ridiculous smoke.

Wideband was showing around 12.5-13.2 at idle.

Yeah I've been running in circles with this thing.

Chuck L.
October 2nd, 2011, 05:31 AM
Yep, new regulator, it at least fired up and idled! I did the idle learn procedure? I've never done that before, I'm not even sure if the 99+ PCMs have to do it, but I did it. Idled smooth, good amount of blue smoke the first 5 minutes, then it stopped with the ridiculous smoke.

Wideband was showing around 12.5-13.2 at idle.

Yeah I've been running in circles with this thing.

You did change the oil and filter B4 you started driving, right??

October 2nd, 2011, 06:19 AM
Changed the oil before I even test fired it with the new regulator. Glad I did too, a good quart of gas came out with the oil, I almost filled up the 6 qt. drain pan I use.

Ran decent at the track last night, 12.82@113.59. My 60' still needs a lot of work.

This has been quite the learning experience, I love how I got the right answer on here to my problem and not ls1tech, that was interesting to me also.:grin:

October 2nd, 2011, 06:52 AM
Of course, everyone on LS1tech uses HP Tuners........HA HA HA

Joecar pointed out the problem, I've never had that problem but
it made perfect sense to me. He is one of this forum's most
valuable resources.


Chuck L.
October 2nd, 2011, 10:38 AM
Changed the oil before I even test fired it with the new regulator. Glad I did too, a good quart of gas came out with the oil, I almost filled up the 6 qt. drain pan I use.

Ran decent at the track last night, 12.82@113.59. My 60' still needs a lot of work.

This has been quite the learning experience, I love how I got the right answer on here to my problem and not ls1tech, that was interesting to me also.:grin:

Keep at it, and you'll get the 60's down,,,,