View Full Version : Any Excel gurus?

September 27th, 2011, 08:38 AM
I thought I was good with Excel... until I sat down to create a spreadsheet that'll allow me to input duration (in uS) or rail pressure (in MPa) and will spit out the timing tables accordingly. Anybody great with Excel? I am not sure how to tell it to reference a chart and find things. Only to reference single cells and relationships or arithmetic between cells.

A little help with that would probably fix a LOT of the questions that people have. I know the Dmax guys have lots of these. I'd love to see us pull together like they have and really help each other beat some bowties!

September 27th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Can you post the tables and forulas? I am not really familiar with the formulas for a diesel, but I am Excel '97 certified.

September 27th, 2011, 10:44 AM
We are working on a timing spreadsheet alot like the one josh has made for the dmax...hopefully have it done next week if time permits. I will post it publicly here when it is done.

September 27th, 2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks, Kory. That'd be greatly appreciated.

Nevinsb: may be better to just grab a Dmax spreadsheet and modify it. Mine is starting to look like a trip through the mind of an active shizophrenic. Just starts focused and spreads out into a wandering mess.

September 27th, 2011, 04:13 PM
Google microseconds to crank angle degrees...this is nice for the time being...just don't forget to compensate pressure...quick tip: log pulse and get a loonngggg long log covering all cells in the map you created for logged data...then apply the timing to that map :-)

September 27th, 2011, 04:59 PM
I'm familiar with microseconds as it applies to CAD. But that really doesn't lend itself much to making the spreadsheet with the complexity of the calculators I've seen. It'd be nice to have one that lets us of course paste our desired rail pressure table, which can pretty well be determined as a matter of preference rather than performance, based upon stock settings. Basically just making it a point to not exceed max timing. Then we can enter our desired duration in microseconds, and it use those two tables to spit out a ready-made timing table.

September 27th, 2011, 07:24 PM
I like where this is going!
