View Full Version : Gift Tune

October 4th, 2011, 11:12 PM

Some guys have been asking for a tune to play with other than a stock tune.

Here ya go.

FIRST AND FOREMOST....YOU! <--- Read that <--- YOU, take full responsibility if you choose to use this file. I do not know your truck, your modifications, how you use your truck, your intentions or what condition it is in. Any use of this file, original or modified, is at YOUR OWN RISK!

This is a tune for a manual transmission truck, with stock injectors, and a stock turbo.

It's nothing super crazy, it's just a 60 - 90 hp tune for a daily driven tow rig.

It DOES NOT have every parameter in the tune changed. This IS NOT a tune that I spent hours and hours and hours on for a competition truck. Many of the smaller, minor tables are completely letft alone.

This is one that I use on our 2006 2500 G56 test truck and it works very well. The most weight I've put behind the truck so far has been our flat bed tandem axle (3400 lbs) with my truck on it (7100 lbs) and it does fine.

It does not have aggressive throttle response, it does not have the brake torque management turned off, it's not a high RPM tune, it's not going to roll coal every time you leave a light, it's pretty tame; it's meant for an otherwise STOCK motor. It's just something OTHER than the stock files for those that have asked.

This tune DOES have the 20* timing offset still built into the timing tables, so once that is adjusted in the newest updates, please keep that in mind.

Keep in mind, the test truck does have an South Bend OFE clutch in it.....just a word of warning.

October 5th, 2011, 12:05 AM
See guys, Rich is sweet after all!!! Lol cool deal Rich...this should help a few folks out

October 5th, 2011, 12:24 AM
awesome Rich, guess it's about time I start playing with my EFILive instead of having it sit on my desk in the box :hihi:

October 5th, 2011, 01:10 AM
That's pretty cool man.

October 5th, 2011, 01:22 AM
nice work man

October 5th, 2011, 04:17 AM
This tune DOES have the 20* timing offset still built into the timing tables, so once that is adjusted in the newest updates, please keep that in mind.

We getting close on that offset update Rich? Nice tune! :phatyo:

October 5th, 2011, 04:29 AM
Actually, we just got the beta update that has all the offsets removed.

The next public release shouldn't have the 20* offset in there.

The Gift Tune certainly isn't meant to be a hot rod tune by any means. It's a good daily driver and tow tune and if you have a decent clutch in the truck, you can have some fun, but the throttle is very soft, it's not gonna jump off the line or anything, but if you decide to get after it, it will tear the tires off. If you want to make it more of a play tune, you'll need to mess with the pedal positioning a little bit and bump the timing a bit down low.

The rail pressure map that is in that tune is the one I use in pretty much each daily driver tune. It's real smooth and it's not going to kill your fuel system. It peaks out just under 24k psi. When you step on the throttle, the pressure is coming up, there won't be any dips or drops.

The duration is MOSTLY stock. There is a "little" in the upper RPM's but not much. You've got room to work on duration too.

Now, it does not have a 3rd injection event. The pilot is modified and falls off in the upper RPM's.

Like I said, if you want to use it and play around with, feel free. It's not a super hot rod tune, it's about 60 - 90 hp on an otherwise stock truck. With a properly fueled and turbo'd truck, it'll do more, but it's meant for a pretty much stock truck.

October 5th, 2011, 12:37 PM
Can you say wether the offset will affect our older tunes, or is it something that will only be used going forward?


October 5th, 2011, 01:09 PM
The only thing the offset should effect is scripts.

If you open a file that had the offsets, and I'm sure Ross will correct me if I'm wrong, and you use the new software without, it won't show the offset.

So if the offset tune was showing +17 degrees of timing, the non-offset software will show it as -3 of timing.

Now if you try to apply a script from an offset to a non-offset file, that's where you'll run into an issue.

October 5th, 2011, 05:35 PM
I certainly don't expect anything for free. So, I think it is pretty neat that someone who knows what they are doing took the time to help us less experienced guys out with a well balanced/built tune to help us learn a little more about what to do, and what some things should look like. I appreciate you doing this for us.


October 6th, 2011, 12:15 AM
Thanks for the Gift Tune Rich. Also, thanks for the 409 OS. I'm wondering if my 2006 manual didn't originally come with that OS. Then in 2009 sometime, I had the truck in for some warranty work and they update the flash in the computer. Well, it sucked after that. Didn't seem to run as good and I ended with the 602 OS.

October 6th, 2011, 03:04 AM
The only thing I've noticed on the 409 OS that doesn't seem to work correctly is the automatic door look speed parameters. Not that I could really give a crap about those honestly, but that is the one this that doesn't seem to respond.

Otherwise, I don't have issues with it.

My stock OS was a nightmare, but it may not have necessarily been "stock" persay because of all the times it was flashed.

October 6th, 2011, 03:11 AM
Where some people get confused with these tunes is they think that, lets say for example, if I posted the tune I run on my truck that if they loaded it on their truck, they'd make a ton of power.

Well, the truth of the matter is exactly the opposite, at least at low RPM, unless you had similar modifications.

What would happen with the tune on my truck, if it was loaded on a truck with stock injectors, is it would idle in P and N, but as soon as you drop it into R or D, it would likely stall....but that would also depend on the converter, my converter is about 250 RPM's tighter than stock.

The duration in my tune is lower than stock to control the smoke of the larger injectors. Do that to stock injectors and you don't have enough fuel to run the truck under load.

That's why you see these box tunes hazing at an idle.....thats what you get with a "one size fits all" approach.

Like I said, the Gift Tune is meant for a mostly stock truck. Intake, exhaust, clutch upgrade....that's all the truck it runs on has.

October 6th, 2011, 03:23 AM
The gift tune looks nice, especially considering it being "free" guys! It is something great to learn off of.

October 6th, 2011, 03:26 AM
I certainly don't expect anything for free. So, I think it is pretty neat that someone who knows what they are doing took the time to help us less experienced guys out with a well balanced/built tune to help us learn a little more about what to do, and what some things should look like. I appreciate you doing this for us.


X2 ....well said

October 7th, 2011, 07:08 AM
So, I flashed in the gift tune into my truck, and changed the vin. As soon as I started the truck the brake, abs, and air bag lights all came on and stayed on. The next morning I flashed my tune back in and all of the lights are still on. I checked all of the fuses, and disconnected the batteries for about 5min, but that didn't help. Any ideas how I can undo whatever it is that I did when I flashed the gift tune? Thanks.


October 7th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Sounds like you tried to start the truck before you changed the VIN and now you have a mismatch between the ECM, the ABS module and the TIPM.

October 7th, 2011, 12:08 PM
Remember, if you flash a tune with another VIN, you need to turn the key to run, connect with the Scan Tool, go to the Bidirectional tab and change the VIN before you start the truck.

I recommend you also save that file and flash it with that VIN before starting, just to make sure. Otherwise, you'll be making a trip to the dealer to get your ABS module and TIPM reflashed so the trucks configuration matches.

The only other time I've had this happen was on one truck that had a Bully Dog and one that had a Superchips. Both had reprogrammed the ABS for tire size but the tuning was set to stock and when flashed the VINs were mismatched in the ABS module.

October 7th, 2011, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the reply. No, I did not try to start it. My bully dog messed up my stock program, so when I first got efilive I had to download another stock file and change the vin, etc. Rob @ ATP sent me instructions on how to do it. So what you are saying is that I've got to go to the dealer and have the abs and tipm re flashed? I don't understand why this happened, but it would be nice to be sure that this wont happen again in the future.


October 7th, 2011, 06:25 PM
I can't say it won't happen as I don't know what you did or what you had for tuning previously.

I know what condition usually causes the problem you are having now and I know, in my experience, what 2 programmers have caused that problem also.

There are 2 things that can happen here.

1 - You can try driving the truck on 2 trips separate trips of 8 miles or more. When the the vehicles goes through it's diagnostics and it does not see a problem over this period of time, it will turn off the lights.

2 - If that doesn't work, you have to go to the dealer and they have to reflash your ABS module and TIPM.

I can tell you this....I can count on one hand how many ECM, ABS or TIPM problem we've had due to all other tuners combined. Bully Dog on the other hand.....I can't even count. They tear up some TIPM's.

October 7th, 2011, 06:56 PM
So just clearing the codes in the abs module and tipm wont do it? Seems strange that they would have to be reflashed. The air bag light went out on my way home from work today. Will see what happens with the abs when I get back home monday. I've had access to a drb, starscan, wi-tech, and many other scan tools for years, now I don't when I actually need one!


October 8th, 2011, 12:23 AM
No, right now, the problem you are having its showing a configuration mismatch, not just a code. There are currently 2 different VINs in there.

This is NOT EFILive.....I've had 2 other programmers do this and is was when I took the tuner off the truck. The first time I found it it gave me a fit, it was totally inadavertent and I thought it was something I did. The truck had a Superchips on it and it reset the ABS module for the tire size, I reset the truck to stock with the Superchips (hadn't driven then the truck at all yet), and as soon as I did, all the dash lights came on. I asked the owner if all his lights were on before and he said yes, so I stopped there. Hooked up the Modus and it was the ABS and TzipM mismatch. It was a used Superchips and this thing had 2 different VINs in it. Off to the dealer, reflash, no issue. What was weird, is the truck shouldn't have ran....unless the security module was being disabled.

Can' tell you how many times I've had guys go from Bully Dogs to Smartys and fry to TIPM. If a guy tells me he has a Bully Dog, I won't put anything else on it until he has a fresh flash on it.

Those are the times I've seem the issue you are having. Mostly it's when guys start the truck and haven't changed the VIN. The other times it's tunes that have messed with the ABS or TIPM and have left traces in there and it wasn't set TOTALLY back to stock.

Suggestion....if you've EVER had some other tuner one the truck. Use a FRESH flash, change the VIN and go from there to avoid the headache.

December 26th, 2011, 11:00 AM
To all who are ahead of me on this tuning...which is most Im sure. I want to use this gift tune against some of the tunes I have from Starlite. Rich talks about the offest from the old EFI live version. I just downloaded the new software 7.5 and 8 and the new tune library from Starlite. The gift tune would not be a direct flash since the new software has the offset changed. Does this make any sense. I stuggle to put my thoughs into words! Second question, the gift tune is a manual and mine is a auto. If I wanted to directly flash his tune....how or where do I find the steps to ensure I dont flash in the wrong VIN? I know I can cut and paste all the tables from the Gift Tune over to a existing tune but there has to be another way then all that cutting a pasting. Any help would be appreciated.

December 27th, 2011, 04:53 PM
Since you have the newest software, the offset change is taken care of for you when you open the old file. Cut and paste is about you're only option I think....

April 26th, 2013, 03:04 PM

April 27th, 2013, 08:04 AM
Sub'd. Need to start messing with cummins tuning

April 30th, 2013, 04:43 AM
I am having some similar issues with my truck as far as having to go the the dealer to get the TIPM and ABS module flashed. The other day I was trying to track down an injector rattle/ticking, so i wanted to flash in an old stock tune to see if that effected it at all. Well the first one I flashed in was the wrong one (my mistake) It was a stock federal file that Zach at Starlite sent me awhile back which did not have the vin changed yet... so it started up and died right after. I had realized what happend and then when and found the actual original tune that came out of my truck and flashed that in and it started fine but had the ABS, Brake, and air bag lights on (Im thinking that my original stock file that I flashed in caused the issues because I had ran multiple different programmers before EFI Live, including a bullydog....). Zach told me I would need to go to the dealer to get a reflash so thats what i did. They reflashed the ECM and the TIPM but it would not let them reflash the ABS module for some reason (reflashing the TIPM did get rid of the codes showing up for that). We tried disconnecting the ABS and the reconnecting it with no luck. I also tried driving the truck for 2 separate trips of over 8 miles each but that did not help either. All the lights are still on in the dash and its showing ABS C2206 Configuration Mismatch. Im not sure where to go from here... If Rich @ doghouse or anyone else can give some advise I would appreciate it. Thanks

December 21st, 2013, 01:51 PM
So I know this is alittle off topic but would anyone be willing to share a 6.7 file or least look at the one ive been trying on my 07.5 truck? I feel its on the right track but little too smokey and seems to fall on its face up top at say 60mph and has a stutter to it at wot. Any input would be great, Thanks

December 27th, 2013, 02:33 AM
Thanks Rich, for the gift tune!

Ok, so I opened the gift tune and was going to compare it to my stock tune, but i got a message that the operating system was different and there would be no comparison, and obviously the VIN number is different. So my next step was to open a copy of my stock tune (fresh factory flash) and then open a copy of the gift tune and go through the entire tune, one item at a time. I confirmed everything that was the same, and copied and pasted all differences from the gift tune to the stock tune. I saved the new tune with a different name closed it and reopened it. Assuming I copied everything and didn't fat finger anything, I should be good to go to flash the newly named tune to my truck. Is this correct? Thanks in advance for your help.

December 27th, 2013, 03:25 AM
Thanks Rich, for the gift tune!

Ok, so I opened the gift tune and was going to compare it to my stock tune, but i got a message that the operating system was different and there would be no comparison, and obviously the VIN number is different. So my next step was to open a copy of my stock tune (fresh factory flash) and then open a copy of the gift tune and go through the entire tune, one item at a time. I confirmed everything that was the same, and copied and pasted all differences from the gift tune to the stock tune. I saved the new tune with a different name closed it and reopened it. Assuming I copied everything and didn't fat finger anything, I should be good to go to flash the newly named tune to my truck. Is this correct? Thanks in advance for your help.

Howdy Nick. Oh my EFI in your truck now ! :-) You're correct as along as you did copy/paste everything correctly. When you load the file in the tuning program, is will say if it's ok to flash. You obviously asked Rich though and I'm sure he'll get back to you. Just wanted to say hi and damnnnn, EFI in your truck ! lol

December 27th, 2013, 03:37 AM
Hey Ty! Yup I'm exploring my ecm from the inside now... :0 Steep learning curve on this for me.....

December 28th, 2013, 04:24 PM
Success... Flashed the new tune I copy and pasted and she runs! :)

I have some tuning questions now. I'll start a new thread for that,


January 28th, 2014, 03:06 AM
It's been COLD here a few days lately. Truck hasn't liked it and I'm sure it was the tune. So this morning I limped into work and had just enough time to toss a tune back on the truck. But didn't have my thumb drive with me. Knowing of this thread, I put this tune on my truck (06 mega auto). Now it runs S correctly, but will I have issues because of it being a manual tune on an auto truck? If so, can anyone tell me how to change it to an auto tune? Thanks guys.

August 2nd, 2022, 05:55 PM
hey i tried this tune today but it says incorrect file type it needed to be ctz but the file here is ctd can i just change that and it will still work?

thank you