View Full Version : WOT Tuning?

January 15th, 2006, 06:43 PM
Sorry if this has been covered before but the search feature doesn't allow me to search for "WOT" as it's too short.

Anyways, I have my car's part throttle tuning done and it idles and drives around town perfectly. Now I'm going to move onto the WOT tuning. I feel kind of dumb for asking this, but what's the general process? My limited understanding of WOT was that WOT is handled via the Power Enrichment tables, the main one being table {B3618} "PE Modifier Based on RPM". I also thought that under PE conditions, the car is in open loop. Wouldn't this mean I have to have my VE table dialed in for the PE Modifier table to be accurate? It seems wholely unreasonable to do as the only way I know to tune the table is with the AutoVE method. There's no way I'm putting my car on a steady state dyno and holding it at a bunch of different 6500RPM cells for a minutes at at time.

This leaves the use of the multiplier as an inaccurate factor (i.e. change the multiplier up or down until the desired AFR is measured). This means that I can't change my desired AFR then unless I redo the trial and error method again correct?

January 15th, 2006, 07:22 PM
You are correct to a point on the WOT tuning. When I tune WOT, I do just as you said with the AutoVe. I will adjust the upper portion of my ve table so I know it is a little on the rich side and in the PE vs RPM table use a factor I want to tune for, say 1.13 Go out and make a few WOT blasts. Filter out only your WOT data. Use the same method that you used for part throttle but this time, the only filter should be include/TPA equals 100%. Take the BENs and apply them to your VE table. Rinse and repeat the process until you are satisfied with your BENs. Now in the future if you want to adjust your WOT AFR, seeing how your ve table now matches your PE table,all you have to do is change the factor. This only works while tuning for SD. This does not apply if you have a MAF.

PS. When doing a search on letters/words that are too short, apply a * at the end. Example. WOT*

January 15th, 2006, 07:46 PM
I thought of doing it this way, but my question is would the WB02 be accurate enough? I'm assuming you'd have to do this in all the different gears as the load (MAP reading) is different between 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. The RPMs in the lower gears are going to be shooting up so fast I don't know if the WB02 can provide readings quickly enough. They might be time shifted, i.e. the data packet is being recorded under the 5400RPM data cell when in reality it's the signal from the 4800RPM exhaust pulses.

I know for example that even when I'm doing an AutoVE tune for low RPM part throttle, when I hit a BEN cell and it only has 1 packet recorded for it, it's typically really high. As the number of packets creeps up, the average value drops significantly, sometimes up to 25%.

January 15th, 2006, 09:28 PM
I normally use 2-3rd gear when doing this.

January 16th, 2006, 11:24 PM
The reason the cell numbers drop with more hits is cause its an average that you are seeing.
The WBo2 is plenty fast enough Do your tuning in 3rd gear and then check that 2nd is'nt to lean.
The reason the AFR's vary by gear is cause the ecu is playing catchup all the time.