View Full Version : Single Event startup white smoke .... Solution! MAYBE!

October 10th, 2011, 03:53 PM
Guys I finally was able to get the pilot to be controlled by the coolant temp!! cuts off when temp reaches 160F. Keeps startup clean for those like myself that have trucks white smoking at startup. Least it did today. lll be 100% sure in the AM.

Im hitting the sack right now, but ill be back in the AM to tell you what i have done. :banana:

October 10th, 2011, 04:18 PM
I'm going to guess you set the Pilot coolant temp multiplier to 0 for whatever temperature you want the pilot to shut off. I just don't understand why you guys are trying to completely get rid of pilot injection.

October 11th, 2011, 12:09 PM
The less the stix fire the more reliable they'll be. It sounds better to some. Allows for a larger/longer main event.


October 11th, 2011, 01:23 PM
The less the stix fire the more reliable they'll be. It sounds better to some. Allows for a larger/longer main event.


This hasn't proven even remotely true for teh DURAMAX as some with LB7's have tried this and all they got was an engine that sounded like a powerstroke and was a pain to cold start and still had injector problems. I don't see why you guys aren't just cutting it out at a lower RPM. I know I for one can't stand the noise of a diesel without pilot injection and this was one of the reasons I opted for a DURAMAX conversion instead of the 12 valve CUMMINS like so many others do. Not to mention the improved starting that comes along with it.

October 11th, 2011, 01:56 PM
I used to shut pilot off above 2000 rpm. The powerstroke sound got old after about 2 days. I shut it off completely once, and got crappy idle, white smoke, and poor cold starting in return. I still shut it off above 2600 rpm & 75% throttle to keep timing and rail pressure happy on the bigger tunes. So far I'm trying the same on the cummins, and it seems to work well.

mispeeld with tapatalkz

October 11th, 2011, 02:19 PM
Well sorry this isnt the AM but had a busy day. Yes i modified the coolant multiplier to cut off at 150F... Works perfect . Never had a problem starting just some white smoke at idle first thing in the morning. After that never a problem. Always starts even when its been in the upper 30's here in the smokies.

I agree that this isnt for everyone. not everyone likes a noisy engine. Im just old school. I always have liked it. But I like what jake said about the main event. Thats my aim is for a larger main event. This may be pointless to some but I like the challenge to see if i can get it to work. Learned alot so far.

Swapping in a 2nd gen cam I have laying here. See what that does with the main event. To my understanding that the 3rd gen cam has the EGR effect on that particular grind. Also was told that the pistons in the 3rd gens wasnt exactly perfect for the single event so there would always be some smoke during hard acceleration but that if a 03-04 pistons were used that it would probably eliminate the haze.

Anyway learning how the pilot works with this and how to tune it if nothing else. Clears my smoke up at start up perfectly.

October 12th, 2011, 04:44 AM
I agree that this isnt for everyone. not everyone likes a noisy engine. Im just old school. I always have liked it. But I like what jake said about the main event. Thats my aim is for a larger main event. This may be pointless to some but I like the challenge to see if i can get it to work. Learned alot so far.


Great job!!

October 12th, 2011, 05:24 AM
Great job on this! I think the sound of a Gen 1 Cummins coming out of a Common Rail is awesome.

October 12th, 2011, 08:37 AM
I put together my own tune with some ideas from this thread (BIG thanks!). Here's what I've got so far...


It feels so much better than other tunes I've run the only thing I don't like is the ONLY time it's not smoking is when you're idling, I need to work on that. Temps never got more than 900* at about 80% on the APPS, boost gets up pretty quick... definitely loving the sound since I miss my old 12v! Also don't mind the tach, I'm having the typical electrical issue with the cluster and don't feel like getting it fixed.

October 13th, 2011, 12:57 AM
... Also don't mind the tach, I'm having the typical electrical issue with the cluster and don't feel like getting it fixed.

my tach has gave up as well. i didnt realize this was a common problem. Mine freewheels from zero and wraps all the way around and back to zero with no rhyme or reason

October 13th, 2011, 01:20 AM
Texas cummins , my truck has the white haze during hard throttle. During cruising though its non existent. Im getting right at 20 21mpg hand calc on my last trip to edisto beach in SC. Not bad at all. I can go down and back on a tank of fuel. Of courst that means no side trips lol... Anyway Its like me and fubar found out , its all in the timing and duration.

Now that ive got my "white out" problem fixed at start up , keep tweaking my main event. Need to get this thing on the dyno as well to see what my numbers are before i put in the 2nd gen cam and ed turbo . NO FUBAR IVE STILL NOT DONE IT YET LOL!

PS my tach has been dead a while now. Im going to pull my cluster out and see whats going on there. Like to know if its something component level that can be replaced... Time to rip out the soldering skills.

October 13th, 2011, 02:45 AM
Nice job, icem. I'll have to do this tonight.
I like the single event for multiple reasons, and sound isn't one. I think it sounds like a 1975 garbage truck.
- Single event simplifies tuning for power until we start getting info on how to tie the pilot and post into the tune better for power.
- One single, shorter event should theoretically give more power per volume than a longer, more drawn out, multiple-pulse tune.
- Reliability - theoretically, I should see a little less wear with one opening instead of three, although it won't if it's the same overall volume of fuel. Injectors wear due to erosion - flow at pressure. Not opening and closing.
- I get better mpg on the single event. Especially in town. Which sucks cause that's where I'd like to have the pilot working so it isn't so noticeable.

Just my personal thoughts on it. If people have any thoughts to disagree, I'd love to hear them. I'm always willing to learn. Throw in some hard evidence if you have it, cause that's better than my theoretical reasons (other than the city mpg, which I've already proven to myself).

October 13th, 2011, 03:00 AM
Texas cummins , my truck has the white haze during hard throttle. During cruising though its non existent. Im getting right at 20 21mpg hand calc on my last trip to edisto beach in SC. Not bad at all. I can go down and back on a tank of fuel. Of courst that means no side trips lol... Anyway Its like me and fubar found out , its all in the timing and duration.

PS my tach has been dead a while now. Im going to pull my cluster out and see whats going on there. Like to know if its something component level that can be replaced... Time to rip out the soldering skills.

I have no white smoke at all, what I'm getting is a constant haze even under light acceleration and black clouds every now and then. I will start messing with duration and changing the timing up a bit to see if I can clear it.

November 1st, 2011, 03:11 PM
Bringin an old one back, but have been thinking lately about a single event tune for myself. I have many others but would like to try this for myself. Would any of you that have done it care to share with me how high you had to bump up your timing to get it to run right? Im assuming it will have to be increased mainly in the lower fueling and rpm areas, but Im not sure how much.


November 2nd, 2011, 01:35 AM
I would appreciate more info on this too.