View Full Version : Why the change in price?

October 14th, 2011, 07:32 AM
This may bring lots of flaming, but why did you change the price of licences. i see this will not really affect me yet but all the prices seem to be raised.
just asking

October 14th, 2011, 07:37 AM
It has to do with the falling US dollar.

October 14th, 2011, 10:22 AM
A company that doesnt change their prices in 5 years time has my respect by all means...you can thank our country and inflation for the price increase! lol

October 14th, 2011, 12:22 PM
It has to do with the falling US dollar.

Hmm, yet again though, us blokes in Aust (and NZ) pay more, even when we ought to be enjoying the advantage of our stronger (comparative) currencies.

Either way, we lose, because the larger market is always the one most catered to. I do realise it isn't only EFILive doing this, but it is still disappointing, nonetheless.

October 15th, 2011, 02:41 AM
... I do realise it isn't only EFILive doing this, but it is still disappointing, nonetheless ...

The economic market system is what is "doing this" - has since the dawn of the industrial age. I remember when gasoline was $0.35 a gallon, a new Chev pickup was $2,200 and a modest first home could be purchased for $25,000.

In my area gasoline is current $5.69 a gallon (Imperial), a new Chev Silverado is $25,000 plus, and you can't find a habitable starter home for less than $200,000.

If you are working on a vehicle with both an ECM and TCM - the "other" tuning software suite charges a licence fee for each controller - EFILive charges one licence fee per controller pair - that equates to half the licencing cost of the other software provider.


October 15th, 2011, 04:00 AM
I know people don't like what I say a lot of times , but to raise prices in a down economy (recession) is a sure way to end the company .
Sorry if it offends anyone .

October 15th, 2011, 04:20 AM
Fuel prices, vehicle prices, housing costs, wages ... etc. have all increased year to year since the non-great depression of 2008. Companies falter when costs exceed revenue, product quality decreases, or the marketplace shifts.

For tuning vehicles with ECM and TCM controllers, EFILive is a more cost effective option than HPTuners, and much more cost effective than LS2Edit. The staff at EFILive advised of a forthcoming price increase - well in advance. Most parts suppliers / GM dealers rarely, if ever, advise when the cost of parts will increase.

As you may have deduced - people wanting something for nothing (greed) does not fit into my economic view. Greed is what caused the recent non-great depression, and changed the lives of the planful and conscientious - at the hands of the foolish.


October 15th, 2011, 04:34 AM
i disagree Chev.

October 15th, 2011, 11:09 AM
I'm ok with it! I just charge $250 for my tunes instead of $200 :) It's all good, still well worth it and as stated the TCM stuff is a huge plus. I am charging $40 for TCM tuning because I have dozens of extra ones left over lol. And sorry but with all due respect the extra $25 will not end the company...

October 15th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Greed is what caused the recent non-great depression, and changed the lives of the planful and conscientious - at the hands of the foolish.


Google ==> Bernie Madoff

I'm ok with it! I just charge $250 for my tunes instead of $200 :) It's all good, still well worth it and as stated the TCM stuff is a huge plus. I am charging $40 for TCM tuning because I have dozens of extra ones left over lol. And sorry but with all due respect the extra $25 will not end the company...

What ?? I already charge $250, most people do, I know some that charge 250 AND make customers pay the license.


October 15th, 2011, 12:00 PM
Yep I charge 300 for a tune and 500.00 for dsp5! Price increase was fine with me

October 15th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Is this $200 to 300 you guys charge for a tune a mail order or 3-4 hours on a load bearing dyno?

October 15th, 2011, 12:28 PM
150 mail order... 300 on site.. 500 for dsp5 and if its on the dyno add 150.00 for dyno costs.

October 15th, 2011, 12:36 PM
I should say I was asking about gas tunes. Diesel is different in a way. They come with turbocharging and its fairly well known what to expect. I always read a 50 horsepower tune a 100 hp tune etc etc. A good diesel tuner knows exactly what changes and parts will get x amount of power. Cant do anything but the basics with a gasser. Way to many variables and add boost, heads cams etc to the mix it can get complicated. Not saying it is simple to tune a diesel at all just different the way I guess im seeing it.

October 15th, 2011, 12:46 PM
150 mail order... 300 on site.. 500 for dsp5 and if its on the dyno add 150.00 for dyno costs. Also is their a big difference in the changes and type of tunes you do between mail order and on the dyno. They are two different kind of customers, looking for two different results?

October 15th, 2011, 12:53 PM
What's funny is I build all my tunes on the dyno and from truck to truck they are typically within 5 or so hp every time if I put the same tune on the next truck....so on stock trucks its really not needed..but big Injectors..turbos ect its done on the dyno.

October 15th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Bingo,thats what I was trying to ask lol. You have perfected it on the dyno first, and know what works. thanks

October 15th, 2011, 01:25 PM
yeah buddy, just some people insist on seeing their 50+hp tune make whatever i says it is,,and if the pump has pressure it will be... Those gassers are hard(er) to tune i will 100% admit...they are a diff story and i sure have my respect for u guys that can do that over mail order!

October 15th, 2011, 01:49 PM
Ive seen those tables in the diesel tunes, not easy figuring out what they do. Gas and diesel are somewhat the same more air and fuel = more power but interperting those diesel tables I was thinking where do you start. None of it is that simple.

October 15th, 2011, 02:16 PM
I do some basic Gasser stuff using Shawn's auto ve...and then just basic tunes for stock stuff..but I just don't have the hardcore interest to go much further...ill let u guys handle that and ill just stalk the threads learning! Lol

October 15th, 2011, 02:46 PM
The economic market system is what is "doing this" - has since the dawn of the industrial age. I remember when gasoline was $0.35 a gallon, a new Chev pickup was $2,200 and a modest first home could be purchased for $25,000.

In my area gasoline is current $5.69 a gallon (Imperial), a new Chev Silverado is $25,000 plus, and you can't find a habitable starter home for less than $200,000.

If you are working on a vehicle with both an ECM and TCM - the "other" tuning software suite charges a licence fee for each controller - EFILive charges one licence fee per controller pair - that equates to half the licencing cost of the other software provider.


I'm not quite sure you understood my angle there Taz.

When the AUD was at USD$0.70, we paid the USD$110 or so licence fee (so, AUD$150+). Now, we're at or over parity and rather than us being positioned to take advantage of the currency situation and pay a similar amount to you blokes (comparatively), we cannot - the price went up. So, rather than our stronger currency enabling us to get the same licence, for which you've paid $110 for a long time, at around the AUD$110-115 mark, the goalposts have moved and we're now paying more, again.

Oh and for a comparison, a house here costs $300k+, a basic Holden utility 6cyl, costs $30k+ and we pay AUD$7, or thereabouts for an Imperial Gallon of fuel. In Melbourne the other day, fuel rose by AUD$0.20 a litre ($0.90/imp. gallon) overnight.

I've been to plenty of lands around the world and comparatively, we pay a LOT more than other places for the same things.

A set of Yella Terra LS1 rockers - made here - cost us AUD$700-800 to buy here. If we source from a US-reseller, we can expect to pay AUD$450-500 - landed back here!

I'll reiterate, I'm not singling out EFILive, but it is a frustration when we constantly seem to get less value for our money.


October 15th, 2011, 03:30 PM
A set of Yella Terra LS1 rockers - made here - cost us AUD$700-800 to buy here. If we source from a US-reseller, we can expect to pay AUD$450-500 - landed back here!

That is STUPID !!!!

So Just buy them from a US-reseller and have them put on Will-Call at the factory :secret::hihi::cheers:


October 15th, 2011, 05:35 PM
I'm not quite sure you understood my angle there Taz.

When the AUD was at USD$0.70, we paid the USD$110 or so licence fee (so, AUD$150+). Now, we're at or over parity and rather than us being positioned to take advantage of the currency situation and pay a similar amount to you blokes (comparatively), we cannot - the price went up. So, rather than our stronger currency enabling us to get the same licence, for which you've paid $110 for a long time, at around the AUD$110-115 mark, the goalposts have moved and we're now paying more, again.

Oh and for a comparison, a house here costs $300k+, a basic Holden utility 6cyl, costs $30k+ and we pay AUD$7, or thereabouts for an Imperial Gallon of fuel. In Melbourne the other day, fuel rose by AUD$0.20 a litre ($0.90/imp. gallon) overnight.

I've been to plenty of lands around the world and comparatively, we pay a LOT more than other places for the same things.

A set of Yella Terra LS1 rockers - made here - cost us AUD$700-800 to buy here. If we source from a US-reseller, we can expect to pay AUD$450-500 - landed back here!

I'll reiterate, I'm not singling out EFILive, but it is a frustration when we constantly seem to get less value for our money.


Have you thought about moving? I had a great time when I flew through there when I was in the Air Force, maybe its just better to visit, lol.

Thats crazy. In Brenham 30 mins from here they make Blue Bell Ice Cream, its more expensive in the town they make than it here 30 mins away, lol.

October 15th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Have you thought about moving? I had a great time when I flew through there when I was in the Air Force, maybe its just better to visit, lol.

Thats crazy. In Brenham 30 mins from here they make Blue Bell Ice Cream, its more expensive in the town they make than it here 30 mins away, lol.

Nah mate, wouldn't live anywhere else in the world as this is the best place to be! I 'spose I was trying to highlight the fact that we always seem to get rear-ended here on pricing, no matter what other economies are like, due to the economy of scale and the fact that living standards are fairly high.


October 16th, 2011, 07:18 AM
You know what would be nice is a "shade Tree" Package. Meaning a V2 unit with just one license for the DIY'er at a reduced cost ~ $500-600 dollars . That may appeal to a larger audience. :confused:

October 16th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Macca, it's not an AUD vs USD issue, it's NZD vs USD (remember EFILive is NZ based), the NZD trend isn't the same as AUD against the US dollar. It would probably be a bigger increase if EFILive was Australian based thanks to the company killing taxes we have here in Australia. Still, someone has to fund the hoards of people who make a living off not working, but, that's socialism for you.
If you want to talk about why Australia pays more for things in retail, pretty simple really, compare the costs of employment of one staff member here vs the US. Out here a person working on minimum wage ($590 per week) still wants to buy the latest 60" 3D TV for Christmas and the unions agree they have that right as well as all the workcover, medical expenses the employer must pay, that cost has to be passed on to someone.
Back to EFILive, I can't think of many products that have remained at the same price for over 5 or 6 years like our licenses have, and if and increase of $25 is pushing you towards the verge of not making it viable to tune, you aren't charging enough to begin with.

October 16th, 2011, 11:28 AM
What about NZD vs AUD :hihi:

The thing about the rocker arms really tripped me out, Why would someone pay more for their own
country's products ??


October 16th, 2011, 11:49 AM
Why is this thread still open?
Inflation happens. :doh2:

The down side of this is the inferior products are cheaper and sell more units.

Ask why would someone spends thousands of dollars on engine modifications and use the cheap stuff
to email tech support for segment swaps, pay extra for COS, no BBL/BBX or serial connection, fewer tables ect.

You get what you pay for and FWIW
I paid $825 (us) for my V2 & LC-1 way back in November 2006. :hihi:

October 16th, 2011, 12:10 PM
What about NZD vs AUD :hihi:
If I fully understood the currency markets I'd be a stock broker, not a computer programmer. If it was as simple to buy and sell in three currency's to make a profit, everyone would be a millionaire.

Why is this thread still open?
Because apparently a price rise after 6 years is evil and we should be burned at the stake for it. $25, c'mon. I've spoken to numerous shops who have sunk $25K+ in to HPT, and they still keep paying for new models every year, I don't think it's even possible to spend $25K on EFILive.

Macca, compare the price of one license for GM SD tuning on EFILive vs HPT, $123 AUD for EFILive, $236 AUD for HPT, please explain how we are now so expensive with our $25 price rise? It's almost 50% cheaper.
By the way, VCM Suite AU charge $925 for the 'pro' package, same thing in the US is $649USD (about $639AUD). That is why we moved to be based on ONE currency for pricing worldwide, it removes that problem. The issue we ran in to was the massive drop in value of the US dollar.

Ask why would someone spends thousands of dollars on engine modifications and use the cheap stuff
That comment reminds me of a conversation I had with a guy from one of the aftermarket ECU companies, he said he's never figured out why professional race teams moan about pricing on an ECU setup that will last for years without costing a cent, is the life blood of the car, yet they will happily burn through thousands of dollars worth of tyres any time the car is run around the track.

October 16th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Because apparently a price rise after 6 years is evil and we should be burned at the stake for it.

That is a little harsh, I bought 3 the day before the increase and 4 a week later..........didn't bat an eyelash.:cheers:


October 17th, 2011, 12:56 AM
If I fully understood the currency markets I'd be a stock broker, not a computer programmer. If it was as simple to buy and sell in three currency's to make a profit, everyone would be a millionaire.

Because apparently a price rise after 6 years is evil and we should be burned at the stake for it. $25, c'mon. I've spoken to numerous shops who have sunk $25K+ in to HPT, and they still keep paying for new models every year, I don't think it's even possible to spend $25K on EFILive.

Macca, compare the price of one license for GM SD tuning on EFILive vs HPT, $123 AUD for EFILive, $236 AUD for HPT, please explain how we are now so expensive with our $25 price rise? It's almost 50% cheaper.
By the way, VCM Suite AU charge $925 for the 'pro' package, same thing in the US is $649USD (about $639AUD). That is why we moved to be based on ONE currency for pricing worldwide, it removes that problem. The issue we ran in to was the massive drop in value of the US dollar.

That comment reminds me of a conversation I had with a guy from one of the aftermarket ECU companies, he said he's never figured out why professional race teams moan about pricing on an ECU setup that will last for years without costing a cent, is the life blood of the car, yet they will happily burn through thousands of dollars worth of tyres any time the car is run around the track.

Honestly, who cares about HPT, I bought EFILive?

Secondly, I don't believe anyone ran at you with a pitchfork, then tied you to a stake, so try and remain calm.....

If you cannot see my point, particularly when I make specific mention of a product such as the YT rockers, then you simply do not get my point.

BTW - the AUD / NZD relationship has remained fairly consistent throughout, has it not??? Yet, we still pay, based upon the USD, ie, we do not benefit from our comparative prosperity, yet are hammered when the USD is high....

October 17th, 2011, 04:45 AM
What macca is saying is: why do Aussies have to still pay more even if the AU$ is stronger then the US$ (for example, the set of rockers).

October 17th, 2011, 09:41 AM
Honestly, who cares about HPT, I bought EFILive?
Then why complain about the price rise, we are still cheaper, you are still better off than the other alternative. My point about HPT's prices was a clear demonstration about US pricing vs AU pricing from another similar company.
Do you walk in to the petrol station and complain every time the price goes up 10cents? It's the first price rise we've had for licences, ever, I don't get the moaning about it. Next car you buy (assume another Holden), are you going to expect it will cost the same as the one you bought 5 or 6 years ago?

Secondly, I don't believe anyone ran at you with a pitchfork, then tied you to a stake, so try and remain calm.....
'off forum' was a different story.

If you cannot see my point, particularly when I make specific mention of a product such as the YT rockers, then you simply do not get my point.
I get your point, it's why I rarely walk in to a shop these days, I order from Amazon, buy off Ebay etc. Why would I buy a 16Gb memory stick for $50 from a shop when with a few clicks I can get one for half that off Ebay.

BTW - the AUD / NZD relationship has remained fairly consistent throughout, has it not??? Yet, we still pay, based upon the USD, ie, we do not benefit from our comparative prosperity, yet are hammered when the USD is high....
Not quite the same, at the start of 2007 the NZD was worth around $0.70USD, in 2009 it dipped as low as $0.50USD, now it's hovering around $0.80USD.
The Aussie Dollar in 2007 was around $0.75USD, dropping down to $0.65 in 2009, at the moment of course it's hovering around the $1.05 - $1.10 mark.

What macca is saying is: why do Aussies have to still pay more even if the AU$ is stronger then the US$ (for example, the set of rockers).
That I don't know, he needs to call Yella Terra.
I recently purchased a new camera, it was at least $600 cheaper in the US than here for the exact same thing, SONY Australia couldn't even justify why the price difference was so great. I think it all comes back to the higher costs of running a business here in Australia that ultimately gets passed on to the consumer.

October 17th, 2011, 01:51 PM
I get your point, it's why I rarely walk in to a shop these days, I order from Amazon, buy off Ebay etc. Why would I buy a 16Gb memory stick for $50 from a shop when with a few clicks I can get one for half that off Ebay.

I recently purchased a new camera, it was at least $600 cheaper in the US than here for the exact same thing, SONY Australia couldn't even justify why the price difference was so great. I think it all comes back to the higher costs of running a business here in Australia that ultimately gets passed on to the consumer.

Holly CRAP, now I really feel bad, can I just donate some money ??

-Justin :cheers:

PS I never complained about this increase, at first I thought cummins was high,
then I realized you get two licenses.

December 14th, 2011, 02:11 PM
I just ran across this old thread.. lol but yes I noticed the price went up since I bought my scan/tune little disappointed but not surprised. still didnt stop me from buying my RR license. having price differences in areas is common and isnt always about the value of the nation currency alone. I can drive to the parts store 20+ miles south of here same state + county tax and because its a cruddy town the prices at the same chain store is several dollars cheaper!!! its like that everyplace you go. I can go to new york and pay more for a McDonalds cheese burger than I would here.

local market often dictates the price of a product and can be a good reason a locally produced product costs more at home than miles away. so sony AU may be based on that market where here in the US its based on our market.

then there is taxes and agreements to throw it off even more.

January 31st, 2012, 01:05 AM
Just digging up an old thread, but is there any specials going to happen for say the ls1b controllers if you purchase say an e38 or later model stream? like say 50% off? or does the ls1b stream still represent a good source of income?

January 31st, 2012, 05:45 AM
There are no pans to revise the Stream or discounting structures at this stage. The LS1B covers a massive amount of vehicles and we believe the current price still represents excellent value for customers that are tuning these vehicles in volume. The current discount and rebate program is described here (https://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=52&Itemid=112).

February 1st, 2012, 07:50 PM
The LS1B covers a massive amount of vehicles and we believe the current price still represents excellent value for customers that are tuning these vehicles in volume.

IMO its the best stream for your money, atleast for me it was. Of course it all depends on what your tuning but it covers ALOT of vehicles.

February 1st, 2012, 10:31 PM
LS1B is great value for money because it spread over so many years, GM really didn't want to give that thing up. Although the E38 is probably on it's last legs for new GM applications, it's been in a lot of different cars and trucks for the last 5 or 6 years, the E38 has massive coverage.