View Full Version : WO2-Analog logging with lambda instead of AFR?

October 25th, 2011, 08:36 AM
How do you log lambda instead of AFR when using the analog inputs? Do you have to add a calculation line after the AFR line of CLC-00-955 to the sae_generic.txt file? Thanks.

# Dynojet WBO2
# ========================
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD1}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "{EXT.AD1}*1.6+10"
factor 0.0 2.0 .2 "{CALC.AFR_DJ1.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD2}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "{EXT.AD2}*1.6+10"
factor 0.0 2.0 .2 "{CALC.AFR_DJ2.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"

October 25th, 2011, 10:50 AM
You could edit sae_generic.txt like that... but it would get overwritten every time you update the V7 software.

A better solution is to write the calc pid into the calc_pids.txt file;

this thread has the details on analog lambda (see end of post #1, see under Appendix):
A-New-Twist-on-CALC.-VE-Table..Computing-the-Entire-VE-Table (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-A-New-Twist-on-CALC.-VE-Table..Computing-the-Entire-VE-Table).

October 25th, 2011, 10:51 AM
See here: analog lambda (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-A-New-Twist-on-CALC.-VE-Table..Computing-the-Entire-VE-Table.&p=137997&viewfull=1#post137997)