View Full Version : ANOTHER lockup issue...release problems.

November 2nd, 2011, 04:24 AM
Right now lockup is set at 43, locksup fine, pressure is fine, solenoid seems to pass the fault test, if i go below the release speed (41) TCC releases without issues, if i hit the brake pedal, TCC releases, if i manually shift into D3 (NO lockup), TCC releases...

every now and then (intermittent problem), the TCC will NOT release if i press the pedal past the 'breaking' point....ie if i smash the pedal to the floor gradually or instantly (verified 100% tps via efilive), the TCC still won't release...

i can't seem to track down the X factor though...

any ideas what i should be logging in order to figure out what the issue is?

oh and this never happened until a few days ago when i lowered the lockup apply speed. i'm going to set the previous tune in and see what happens...

PS: this is in my 94

November 2nd, 2011, 06:28 AM
Have you put all of your current TCC and shift tables into the great spreadsheet available on here that overlays them visually so its easy to see if any overlap when they shouldnt.

Check it out here: A4 Trans graphs (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?5876-Tool-to-help-tune-A4-shift-points...)

November 2nd, 2011, 07:46 AM
holy crap. okay. didn't know that existed. i'll be adoin that after work. uploaded my previous tune, same intermittent problem. uploaded the tune i was having issues with earlier and it didn't happen in 30 miles. somethings up and i can't figure it out. i'm leaning towards some sort of sensor fault.

November 2nd, 2011, 10:24 AM

See what Erik said; post your tune file.

Also, log these (watch the spelling (TCC has two C's):

(make sure pid channel count does not exceed 24)

Post the log here.

November 3rd, 2011, 04:49 PM
the tune is called startovermpg4
the two logs are joecar1 joecar 2
the problem didn't occur either time i logged...


November 3rd, 2011, 05:22 PM
In your tune, fix these (set them to 283F):

Out of Range calibration summary: 09:22:17 pm, Thursday Nov 03, 2011

Engine Diagnostics.Misfire
{C5601} Misfire Detection Max Temp, was out of range when loaded.
{C5602} Misfire Detection Min Temp, was out of range when loaded.

November 3rd, 2011, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I know all too well, when you go probing problem, the problem stops happening... :doh2:

When the it happens, look for this:
at the point where the TCC should have unlocked, what was the PCM commanding (TCCMODE and TSTATE00);
look at the TPS signal (does it look right, does it jerk or drop suddenly);
look at the VSS signal (does it look right, does it jerk or drop suddenly).

November 4th, 2011, 03:46 AM
In your tune, fix these (set them to 283F):
thanks! done.

Yeah, I know all too well, when you go probing problem, the problem stops happening... :doh2:

When the it happens, look for this:
at the point where the TCC should have unlocked, what was the PCM commanding (TCCMODE and TSTATE00);
look at the TPS signal (does it look right, does it jerk or drop suddenly);
look at the VSS signal (does it look right, does it jerk or drop suddenly).

okay so it doesn't just happen to me lol. i'll keep my eyes open for those and move those columns to the top. thanks a lot joecar.

ALSO, i did the spreadsheet thing on my current tune and noticed a few overlaps, i adjusted the tcc apply/release points as well as a couple up/down shifts so it follows the hierarchy listed. i did notice that there was an overlap right around 40-45mph which is where the lockup issue always occurs.