View Full Version : 2006 Mazda Miata VIN into an 06' GTO e40 pcm

November 25th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Heres what has happened. When I started this swap 2 years ago North Carolina only looked for error codes and didn't reference the VIN, now they do. The car is tuned via HPTuners and it can't do it. "Supposedly" EFILive can write anything in the VIN field to the PCM, but if it dosen't match it can't make changes. If so can't I just write the Miata VIN in and put the GTO vin back in if I need to make changes?

Thanks, everyone.

November 25th, 2011, 05:29 PM
i've written in generic text into the vin field so yes it is possible.

November 25th, 2011, 06:08 PM
Yes, and even though EFILive "needs" a GM VIN to make changes, you can modify a file to force the scan tool to display the correct enhanced PIDs for your car even with the Miata VIN. I cant for the life of me remember where or what this file is, but I know it exists...help anyone?

This is outdated, EFILive does not need to see a GM VIN anymore to display the enhanced PIDs. See post #4 below.

November 26th, 2011, 07:45 PM
The requirement for a GM VIN to display enhanced codes in no longer in place.
The sae_generic.txt file has this section in it:

# ================================================== ============================
# VIN/config files
# ----------------
# This section determines which additional config file(s) should be loaded
# based on the VIN detected in the connected vehicle.


#Controller Config file
#---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
CMB cummins_enhanced.prn
CMC cummins_enhanced.prn
default gm_enhanced.prn

That means enhanced PID selection is no longer tied to the VIN, but tied to the selected controller.

P.S. I just noticed the comments in that section still refer to the VIN, the comments are out of date. :doh:


November 26th, 2011, 07:48 PM
Heres what has happened. When I started this swap 2 years ago North Carolina only looked for error codes and didn't reference the VIN, now they do. The car is tuned via HPTuners and it can't do it. "Supposedly" EFILive can write anything in the VIN field to the PCM, but if it dosen't match it can't make changes. If so can't I just write the Miata VIN in and put the GTO vin back in if I need to make changes?

Thanks, everyone.

Some vehicles require the VIN to be correct to prevent the MIL from illuminating. I can't remember which ones.


November 27th, 2011, 10:52 AM
Thanks Paul, didnt know this was revised! Good to know, makes it easier to remember now.

November 28th, 2011, 02:38 AM
OK so my answer is:

Yes I can input the Miata vin with EFI
I can leave it the miata vin and still tune
MIL light may not work correctly
I'll need delete the HPT tune out of the car and retune with EFILive

Thanks a ton everyone.

November 28th, 2011, 03:31 PM
Yes I can input the Miata vin with EFI - Yes
I can leave it the miata vin and still tune - Yes
MIL light may not work correctly - VIN will make no difference to the MIL operation on the E40.
I'll need delete the HPT tune out of the car and retune with EFILive - Only if it's a HPT custom OS, if not you should be fine.

November 30th, 2011, 11:58 AM
Thanks a ton I'm super close now, already read the pcm and saved a copy. It looks like there are 2 places to input vin. Can any tell me where I can go to study up on how to do this, the manual I have doesen't cover vin swapping lol.

It can't be as easy as deleting the vin there and putting in the niata vin and flashing, can it?

November 30th, 2011, 12:20 PM
Open the Scan tool, connect to your PCM using the green button in the upper left corner. Then click Bidirectional ->Change VIN. Input the VIN you want and click ok, it will prompt you to turn the ignition off for 15sec and you're set.

November 30th, 2011, 03:39 PM
+1 via the scantool.

November 30th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Well that was freaking easy when you have those kind of directions, Thank You! We'll see if the miata vin shows up tomorrow when I try to inspect it. Fingers crossed.

Again Everyone, Thanks a ton, if this works you saved my arse.

PS just put my copy of hptuners up for sale

November 30th, 2011, 04:01 PM
In the scantool, goto the OBD-II tab, and then on one of the subtabs you will find the VIN that the PCM is now reporting.

December 2nd, 2011, 09:10 AM
Well everyone Thanks. I'm inspected and tagged woohoo!

December 2nd, 2011, 09:46 AM
Well everyone Thanks. I'm inspected and tagged woohoo!

Great to hear! :D

December 2nd, 2011, 11:18 AM
Cool :cheers: