View Full Version : 2002 Duramax LB7 Tuning Pow Wow

January 19th, 2006, 04:37 AM
First off I wanted to thank wait4me posting his tun. I wanted to post the calibration difference between his tun and stock and discuss it with you guys. I am just trying to learn a little bit before I flash my dads truck.

The tun results are on the left and stock on right.

{B0401} Glow Plug Timer (Start)

Different from cell: 5,0 to cell: 5,3 inclusive.

{B0502} Desired Boost Intake Temp Multiplier

Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive.

{B0506} Maximum Boost Pressure

Different from cell: 0,4 to cell: 4,9 inclusive.

{B0720} Main Injection Pulse

Different from cell: 8,11 to cell: 19,19 inclusive.

{B0721} Main Injection Pulse (No Pilot)

Different from cell: 8,11 to cell: 19,19 inclusive.

{B0728} Max Injected Fuel Quantity (Warm)

Different from cell: 17,0 to cell: 25,8 inclusive.

{B0747} Max Fuel Quantity vs Speed

Different from row 10 to row 11 inclusive.

{G0801} Max RPM Allowed by TCM

CAL: "4000.0" <-ALT: "3648.0"

January 19th, 2006, 10:10 AM
{G0901} Max Torque, Front Half Shaft
CAL: "16259" <-ALT: "7000"
{G0902} Max Torque, Front Prop Shaft
CAL: "16259" <-ALT: "2774"
{G0903} Max Torque, Rear Prop Shaft
CAL: "16259" <-ALT: "5762"
{G0904} Max Torque, Rear Axle
CAL: "16259.0" <-ALT: "11297.0"
G0905} Max Torque, Transfer Case
CAL: "16259.0" <-ALT: "8744.0"
G0909} Brake Torque Limit
CAL: "1016" <-ALT: "250"

This looks like pretty much disables Torque Managment right? This won't hurt anything because my dad tows a 11,000 bulldozer and I want to make sure.

January 19th, 2006, 11:36 AM
Not ignoring the posts, just trying to find half hour spare to reply.


Dave Lewis
January 19th, 2006, 11:58 AM
I'll try to answer for Ross (if I may). When you read the difference as "Different from cell: 8,11 to cell: 19,19 inclusive" this is refering to the particular cells for that calibration that have changed. It is not the exact value that it has changed from-to. (I hope this explains) what I'm thinking in my head.


January 19th, 2006, 12:25 PM
{B0502} Desired Boost Intake Temp Multiplier

Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive.

LABELS Desired Boost Intake Temp Multiplier (Factor)
IAT &#176;C Value
-20 1.062500
-8 1.023438
4 1.000000
16 1.000000
28 1.000000
40 1.000000
52 0.976563
64 0.960938
76 0.953125
88 0.937500
100 0.906250
112 0.882813
124 0.812500
136 0.773438

LABELS Desired Boost Intake Temp Multiplier (Factor)
IAT &#176;C Value
-20 1.000000
-8 1.000000
4 1.000000
16 1.000000
28 1.000000
40 1.000000
52 1.000000
64 1.000000
76 1.000000
88 1.000000
100 1.000000
112 1.000000
124 1.000000
136 1.000000

Those are a lot different

Dave Lewis
January 19th, 2006, 01:02 PM
Row 0 thru 13 corresponds to the number on the left (-20 thru 136). What " Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive" is telling you is that when it compares the two tunes the rows on the right are different (although I'm not sure why it includes the few that match). Basically it tells you which cells differ. If you want to see the actual value difference go to the Calibration menu - Show Calibration Differences (Or hit CTRL+6). This will show you the actual numeric difference between identical cells when comparing tunes.


January 20th, 2006, 02:31 AM
Row 0 thru 13 corresponds to the number on the left (-20 thru 136). What " Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive" is telling you is that when it compares the two tunes the rows on the right are different (although I'm not sure why it includes the few that match). Basically it tells you which cells differ. If you want to see the actual value difference go to the Calibration menu - Show Calibration Differences (Or hit CTRL+6). This will show you the actual numeric difference between identical cells when comparing tunes.


Thanks Dave! Which of the above settings can be tweaked if we want more power do you know?

Dave Lewis
January 20th, 2006, 03:30 PM
Injection pulse width, quantity, and timing will have the most effect, but go slow and take tiny steps learning the ffects of each change along the way. Don't make a bunch of changes at once as you will never figure out what had the most effect.

January 21st, 2006, 09:18 AM
Injection pulse width, quantity, and timing will have the most effect, but go slow and take tiny steps learning the ffects of each change along the way. Don't make a bunch of changes at once as you will never figure out what had the most effect.

I appreciate the help Dave. Well turns out my dads truck has a different cal than the one Jesse posted.

Jesse = 15097100.cal
Dads = 15094441.cal

Noticed my dads has a lot more settings to tweak but I was able to take all the modifications and move them over to a backup of his stock tun.

One thing I noticed is his cal has desired boost levels with and without EGR. It measures per stroke on the left and rpm on the top. Is this something I should mess with or not? I can post screenshots or send you the tun if you want to check it out.