View Full Version : Help with pilot timing

December 3rd, 2011, 10:07 AM
I'm pretty ok with single event timing right now, but want to learn more about pilot timing. It seems so foreign to me since I'm inexperienced with multiple events. I mean, I look at tunes that I have made that run well, and they have 35* of pilot timing at 140mm3 and 2700rpm. Giving them like 45* total timing counting main event. Seems like a LOT of timing. But I know it's not, cause when I knock it down to like 10-20*, I end up with my pilot cutting out and puffing white smoke cause of too little timing. So I know it needs a lot of timing.

Anybody able to explain it for me? I'd like to grasp it a little better in the hopes that I can better use the pilot down the road, once I play around with it after getting a little better understanding.

All help would be appreciated.

December 4th, 2011, 01:12 PM
Ok let me be a little more specific. I know I left that pretty open. Granted, it's because that's about as vague as my understanding is haha. But to tighten it up a bit:

1 - with the pilot event being so early in the stroke, and being of so little fuel volume, it seems that it wouldn't have much effect upon power output. BUT that said, I seem to have much better throttle response in tunes that I build with a pilot event compared to single event. Any info to help me understand this?

2 - given that the stock tune is so crazy with low timing numbers, are you guys moving your pilot shot a little closer to your main event, even after moving the main event to a more aggressive commanded timing?

3 - I understand that if you spray a large pulse too early it sprays outside of the bowl and we see melted piston crowns. But the pilot event is spraying crazy early in many stock cases. Is the reason that it is of no such negative consequence due to its low volume?

I've just got very little understanding of pilot. I know that as much as I love the efficiency of the single event tune, I love the quieter nature and smoke reduction that I get when including a pilot event. But I am far from having a good grasp of it, and any help would go a long way to helping me understand. I don't want any secrets to tunes. Just some help in my general understanding of the pilot. I've searched but am not finding the specific answers to the questions in my brain. Thanks in advance!

December 13th, 2011, 03:18 PM

I don't understand why a single shot gets smokey.

Is it because its late if the pilot isn't there, ie if the wasn't there it should be a lot earlier ?

Or is it because the injection rate is too high unless the combustion chamber is really hot and pressurized from a small, early pilot ?

What is this about burning the piston tops if the pilot is too early ? Akin to what you see with predetonation in a gasser, ie cylinder pressure and temps really high from a really early injection event ?

Very interesting, all of this. Thanks for sharing it.

December 14th, 2011, 03:06 PM
I am sure lot has to do with cam shaft and in cylinder egr will never get it perfict without regringing cam. Thats my opinion.

December 15th, 2011, 05:09 AM
In my experience with the 90hp nozzels i had installed. My single event tune is very clean compared to the way the stock tips reacted. But I also had new injectors installed too. So could have been that an injector was sticking and dumping fuel. Now with pilot that cuts off after coolant reaches 146F start up is clean in the cold . Runs really well. Wish someone with more knowledge than me could tell me why this could be with larger nozzels?!?!

December 17th, 2011, 03:15 PM
Without the pilot pulse, the same main timing schedule is far too retarded. If eliminating PI, then advance the main timing schedule.

Think of PI as a fuse, that ignites the main pulse. Also, you will find information by searching "flame front propogation".

December 19th, 2011, 03:03 AM
Thanks, Michael. You're always helpful and I really appreciate it.

December 19th, 2011, 03:04 AM
In my experience with the 90hp nozzels i had installed. My single event tune is very clean compared to the way the stock tips reacted. But I also had new injectors installed too. So could have been that an injector was sticking and dumping fuel. Now with pilot that cuts off after coolant reaches 146F start up is clean in the cold . Runs really well. Wish someone with more knowledge than me could tell me why this could be with larger nozzels?!?!You may just have it narrowed down a little better, man. Glad to hear all's well.

December 22nd, 2011, 02:22 AM
If I cut out all pilot activity above 2400 rpms how do I increase main timing to compensate? Surely a person has to change something!!!!

December 22nd, 2011, 03:18 AM
increase main timing from where you cut pilot out at. thats what ive done and it works well

December 22nd, 2011, 04:59 AM
I posted a single event tune here but not in a repository. Search my posts. It's not near perfect, and isn't designed for max power. But for daily driving it's great, and you can do the power tuning for your truck.

That tune will give u a good idea of where to go with timing.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:05 AM
Ya adamrrt I've downloaded your tune and looked at it.... I just wondered if there's a specific amount to increase it.. I've heard on a single event tune to get increase timing by 15° on the bottom of the map but that seems way to much for the top end...

December 22nd, 2011, 11:26 AM
you wont need to add that to the top end. basically, how it was explained to me is that you dont want anywhere in the main timing table below 25* (5*).

December 23rd, 2011, 03:35 AM
No Pilot Tune (http://www.mediafire.com/?2abyjpthnj409y6) <------Click HERE

I know this is a no pilot tune but my main time is still no lower than 25 degrees. I use a pilot to heat up to 146F to keep the startup clean.

January 2nd, 2012, 05:43 PM
Thanks for posting that. It gives us newbies something to learn from.

January 6th, 2012, 09:07 AM
No Pilot Tune (http://www.mediafire.com/?2abyjpthnj409y6) <------Click HERE

I know this is a no pilot tune but my main time is still no lower than 25 degrees. I use a pilot to heat up to 146F to keep the startup clean.

Man that's cool! I missed this when you initially posted it I guess. This will really give a BIG head start to anyone wanting to play with a single event!