View Full Version : 0411 stoich lower limit

December 17th, 2011, 10:09 PM
Guys according to the tune tool the lower stoich limit is 10.0. I've been told by a user of HPT that the PCM doesn't have this limit and that you can go as low as you want. I haven't tried programming 9.7 for E85 yet as I effectively have E70 in my car at the moment. But could this be looked into and have the limits revised

December 18th, 2011, 12:58 AM
Have you tried to lower it in EFI_Live? I used a common tun file and was able to lower it to 9.7 with no troubles. Re-opening the file does not show the "out of range" alert either. It does have a red box around the number. I have not tried this calibration in a vehicle, so test appropriately!


December 18th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Yeah no doubt it will work. Just annoying to have the red box lower limit come up when it's not actually the limit.