View Full Version : SD Card Socket Replacement.

December 20th, 2011, 11:03 PM
Hi All,
So after quite some time of getting weird error messages when logging to the SD card ("file not found" errors mostly), I decided it was time to see what was going on. I replaced the old 2GB Sandisk card with a new 4GB Kingston job and for a while, it was great. But then the same problems started to reoccur. The 2GB card started having issues in the PC, hence the purchase of the 4GB job, which has been fine in the PC. SO it was looking like the V2 was playing up.

Given the V2 is way, way out of warranty, I figured it couldn't hurt to take a look. I knew there was a problem as soon as the case was open an a small piece of black plastic fell out. It turns out the SD card socket had cracked down one side and was not holding the card securely. Here's a pic of the remains, I'll admit to breaking the left side when I was getting in past the USB socket, but the right side was how it was before I started...


So now I need to find a new full length SD card socket that will fit the board. Any ideas in Melbourne? The usual shops I go to ( Jaycar, RadioParts, Altronics) either don't stock them, or don't have the contacts in the right place. I've found one on-line shop based in Melbourne, but getting a delivery this side of January is not going to happen. I was even tempted to rat one from one of the USB card readers I have, but they are all 1/2 length jobs. Any one have a definite source for one?


December 21st, 2011, 04:51 AM
www.digikey.com , www.mouser.com or http://au.element14.com is where I'd look. All 3 seem to have a good selection.

Maybe one of these is will work?



December 21st, 2011, 08:02 AM
Thanks Ira. The Molex one looks close. I also found this one that may work, just need to check that the "card present" and "Write protect" leads are in the right spot.

December 21st, 2011, 12:41 PM
I would send you a replacement from stock, but the manufacturer (where the stock is held) has already closed for Christmas and won't be open again until 2nd week of Jan. I guess that's too late :(

December 21st, 2011, 02:21 PM
:( Oh well.... Looks like I'll try and get something else going. I have a half length socket that would fit, but that means the SD card would stick half way out. It may be OK till next year though.

December 21st, 2011, 09:13 PM
Well, it's all back together and working fine. In the end I found that Altronics had a socket that was a very close fit...


It needed some minor modifications for the "Card Detect" and "Write Protect" switches to work, but everything is operational now. Here's a couple of pics.....

The new socket mounted up. it was a little bigger than the original one, so I put some tape over the components behind it to ensure nothing touched.


To make the switches work, I had to reroute the earth connection. Fortunately, all of the earth points connected to the case, so I only needed to supply an earth to the case. It's not pretty, but it works.


Finally, due to the size difference, the inserted card sits slightly higher than the original one. It does make it slightly easier to get the SD card out though.


I've tested reading and writing from/to a couple of SD cards and it works fine so it's all good. Total cost was $2.30, but it took a bit of time. To get to the SD card, you have to remove the display and it's soldered on 20 odd, pins, through plated holes..... ( for the electronics bods ).


December 22nd, 2011, 12:31 AM
To get to the SD card, you have to remove the display and it's soldered on 20 odd, pins, through plated holes..... ( for the electronics bods ).

And that is not an easy thing to do :)

P.S. Nice job getting it working again.


December 22nd, 2011, 01:03 AM
You are a bloody legend Swingers....or should I say - MacGyver...LOL

December 22nd, 2011, 08:35 AM
C'mon, MacGyver would have made an SD holder out of a bit of orange peel and sticky tape, he isn't worthy of the MacGyver title.

December 22nd, 2011, 08:48 AM
Not really a MacGyver, but nice none the less. I can pull the LCD in a couple of minutes now but I've never wanted to replace a SD socket. Maybe I'll have to look at that again.


December 22nd, 2011, 08:54 AM
I just used a std spring loaded, plunger type, solder sucker. Heated each pin with a quality soldering iron ( Weller unit that's nearly 30 years old now and was $250 back then.... ) then quickly dropped the sucker over the pin and released the plunger. Then checked each pin by gently wobbling it to ensure it was free and eased up the display off the pins. Finally I used desolder braid to clean up the pins and the boards before finally washing them down with a little metho to remove the surplus flux.

Now all I need to do is to work out what I did with the ODB-II cable.....

December 22nd, 2011, 10:42 AM
I had one of those, WTCPM as I recall. but there are much nicer irons today for a lot more money. The Hakko 808 is worth every penny if you want to do a lot of desoldering. I just ordered a FM-206 (http://www.hakkousa.com/detail.asp?CID=51,345&PID=4937&Page=1) as a holiday present for myself as I'm tired of having to run around finding room for all the different tools.


December 22nd, 2011, 10:49 AM
Nice one Ira, I wish I'd got the FM-206, on my FM-204 (http://www.hakkousa.com/detail.asp?PID=4466&Page=1) I have to swap between the soldering iron and de-soldering gun, I can't run both at once. As I don't use it daily it's more an annoyance than a reason to replace it. Also, the FM-204 package I got does not come with a cleaner for the de-soldering gun, why they couldn't include a 50 cent piece of wire is beyond me.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:41 AM
If the Weller ever gives up, I'll get something with a built in desolder function. The problem is that with 30 years of use, it's still on the original heater, barrel, leads! I've only changed tips and sponges in that time.

December 23rd, 2011, 08:53 AM
Good job Simon :cheers: you have the Knack :)

December 23rd, 2011, 05:07 PM
Mmmmm.... My Sharona!

(Srry, Ausie joke there.....)

December 23rd, 2011, 05:34 PM
wow, that goes back a few decades... :bangin:

December 23rd, 2011, 05:56 PM
Yeah, it was. Good song though.

December 24th, 2011, 05:55 AM
Yeah... reminds me of the good old days when I was still a teen :)