View Full Version : Release Candidate 7, Dec 22, 2011

December 21st, 2011, 01:20 PM
Release Candidate 7 of the EFILive V7.5 and V8 software is available for download.
Although we've released this software as a release candidate version, we highly recommend not using it in a production environment or in situations where failure cannot be tolerated because EFILive's support service will be closed over the Christmas break. We'll still be checking the forum and emails but we won't be able to resolve issues as fast as we normally do.

Auto Update:

This latest release candidate uses a new installer from Indigo Rose that is not compatible with the V7.5 and V8 software that has been installed with the QSetup installer.
You must uninstall the current publicly released V7.5 and V8 software prior to installing this release candidate.
The new installer supports auto updating but it will not be enabled until the full public release of the EFILive software.
For now, please download and install this release candidate using the links below.

Manual download/install available here:
http://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.7.190_RC7.exe (91 MB)
http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.2.1.180_RC7.exe (33 MB)

Important information
Boot block and Firmware updates
Please update your FlashScan and AutoCal boot blocks to V2.07.04 (Dec 13, 2011) and the firmware to V2.07.22 (Dec 13, 2011).
The boot block update fixes a problem with AutoCal's LCD in low temperatures.
The firmware version has deliberately been left at V2.07.22 so that customers can easily revert back to the existing publicly released V2.07.22 (Aug 24, 2011) firmware if this latest firmware causes problems.

*.ctd v's *.ctz file format
*.ctd (calibration tune data) files are no longer supported by the latest FlashScan and AutoCal firmware. The new file format supported by FlashScan and AutoCal is *.ctz (calibration tune zip) files. The V7.5 and V8 software will continue to allow you to open/read *.ctd files but you can only save files in the new *.ctz file format. This is only a concern for tuners that are sending tune files to their customers. If you want to send *.ctz files to your customers, then your customers must also have the latest V7.5 and V8 software installed and must also have their FlashScans and AutoCals updated with the latest firmware.

Script Files

Script files have been updated. The latest script files must be copied to FlashScan/AutoCal devices to maintain compatibility with the latest V2.07.22 (Dec 13, 2011) firmware.

Known Issues:
Issue #1

Attempting to read a CMB/CMC controller using standalone reading (BBR) when no vehicle is connected to FlashScan/AutoCal may cause FlashScan/AutoCal to hang. In that case you should power cycle FlashScan/AutoCal to regain control.

Issue #2

AutoCal may become unresponsive to USB commands from the host PC after completing a BBF operation while still connected to the PC via USB.

Issue #3

E55 BBL does not work.
Issue #4
Disabling BTM on the Cummins may set a MIL with a checksum DTC, seems hit and miss.
Issue #5
When selecting documents via the Scan Tool Help menu, the documents selected by the user are not the documents that are actually displayed. For now, documents can be opened manually using Windows Explorer from the folder: \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Doc
Issue #6
Black Box Logging for LBZ/LMM controllers fails with "Unsupported PID". Download the updated firmware (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/Firmware_LBZ_LMM_BBL_Fix.zip) that fixes the problem. Unzip the downloaded file into the folder: \Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware and then use EFILive_Explorer to update FlashScan/AutoCal firmware.

Reporting Issues:
If you discover any problems/faults, please make a note of them in this thread.
For urgent or complicated issues, please create a support ticket here: http://support.efilive.com/ (remember, over the Christmas break EFILive support services will be scaled back).

What's new in this release candidate (since the August 24, 2011 public release):
For those that don't want to trawl through the entire list, we've highlighted some of the more important/interesting updates.

Initial beta release:

Added 2007-2009 Cummins 6.7 reading/editing/flashing beta support.
All timing tables for both Cummins engine types have the -20 degree timing offset fixed.
Cummins 5.9L ECM's now have additional transmission control tables.
When changing the VIN for a T43 transmission tune all instances of the VIN are updated instead of just one.
Fixed generation of DTCs when creating script files.
Fixed AutoCal not being able to program Cummins controllers.

Changes in RC1:

Added Cummins fuel timing calculator. Access the fuel timing calculator by clicking on the [Calculator] button in the E2503 calibration.
Optimized Cummins 6.7 reading from 30 mins down to 9 mins (and removed warning for CMC that says it may take 30 minutes to read).
Display user friendly error message when OS data can't be found in *.dat files.
Added stoichiometry option to firmware (and Device settings window) to allow for AFR conversions of fuels with stoichiometric values other than 14.7.
When programing the Device Settings a "Programming Complete" message is now displayed.
Fixed CMC checksum calculation.
Display disabled checksums correctly in V8 (and V7 for CMB/CMC).
After updating AutoCal's firmware details using HAPI, display AutoCal's firmware details, not FlashScan's.
Added option to copy "data only" in V8 Calibration data window.
When a controller cannot be automatically detected, display a message to the user explaining that they need to select the controller manually.
LBZ/LMM files are now merged correctly with their operating system when opened in V8 (and removed LBZ/LMM warning about incomplete merge process).
When selecting controllers in the BBX setup, the caption is automatically set to the selected controller's code.
Changed installer. New installer will make updates simpler in future releases. Disabled online updates, they must be done manually for now...
Added Property settings to hide/show Quick Start columns in main Scan and Tune window. Columns can also be hidden/shown using the Quick Start right-click menu. The "Serial" and "Boot Block" columns are now hidden by default.
Splash screens in V7 no longer forcibly obscure other applications' windows.
Documents are no longer available via the start menu, instead they are listed under the Help menu in the EFILive software.
Added new E38 OS 12644905.
Added new E39 OS 12648907.
Updated CMB/CMC calibration definitions.

Changes in RC2:

Fixed FlashScan/AutoCal not able to display *.ctz files prior to BBF operations
Changed EFILive_Explorer to validate *.ctz (and *.coz) files as valid instead of *.ctd files.

Changes in RC3:

Fixed % button in fuel timing calculator. It was adding an absolute value instead of a percentage.
Fixed E78 and E83 full flash OS compatibility check.
Added OS compatibility check for CMC.
Changed V7.5 saving of *.ctd files to default to saving as *.ctz. Previously it was defaulting to saving *.ctd files as *.tun.
Fixed V8 installer to install the Options.txt file in the Config folder. Previously it was being installed above the Config folder
Fixed V8 installer to not create a desktop shortcut for EFILive_HAPI. Only a start menu shortcut is created for HAPI.
Changed the CMC read process in an attempt to increase high-speed reading stability. The read time has increased from about 9 minutes to about 12 minutes.

Changes in RC4:

Fixed % button in all calibration editor windows. It was adding an absolute value instead of a percentage.
Fixed CMB/CMC BBR/BBF issues. You should expect to see the following timings:

CMB read 5:04
CMB flash 7:35
CMC read 13:00
CMC flash 4:23

As part of the CMB flash, three new "Checking Data File" messages are displayed after the file integrity has been verified, the messages are:

Locating Seg: 1/3
Locating Seg: 2/3
Locating Seg: 3/3 Locating the 3 segments in the tune file will usually take between 10-15 seconds.

Changes in RC5:

Fixed E38 BBF process which was verifying *.ctz file twice.
Fixed LBZ/LMM DSP *.ctz tune files being accidentally converted back to stock tunes when loaded into V7.
Added E55 black box logging support.

Changes in RC6:

Added error message to handle non-writable *.lbu files. With no error message, flashing can appear to fail for no apparent reason when the *.lbu file cannot be created or updated.
Fixed min % option in cummins fuel timing calculator.
Fixed AutoCal display corruption in cold temps - requires boot block to be updated to V2.07.04.
Added support for CMC OS 11620606
Added new E40 table B3671.
Added support for 2012 T43 Operating System 24261871.
Fixed H0101 out of range fault in some late model T42 Operating Systems
Changed FlashScan menu "F3: Licensing" to "F3 About..." to allow firmware details and license details to be on different menus.

Changes in RC7:

Fixed buffer overflow during *.ctz file saving.
Fixed memory leak in Scan-Tune link synchronization.
Optimized file opening in V8 when the quick start file list is large and sorted by date.
Fixed bug that caused garbage data to be added to the end of the meta data in *.ctz files.

Coming Soon:
*.coz files (calibration only zip files) will soon be supported for BBx cal-only flash operations.
*.coz files are much smaller than their *.ctz equivalents so many more can be stored on AutoCal. See image below for file size comparison.

12426 (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12251&d=1320972257)

The EFILive Developemnt Team

December 21st, 2011, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the update (so close to Christmas). :)

December 21st, 2011, 04:44 PM
Merry Christmas!! :cool: Awesome job Ross and Paul!

December 22nd, 2011, 04:25 AM
Thanks guys!

Duramax 6.6L
December 22nd, 2011, 04:42 AM
Thank you for the release, installing now

Merry Christmas

December 22nd, 2011, 06:28 AM
In the scan tool, under "help", the tutorial links don't work.

In the scan tool, I can't seem to choose PID groups.

When I save files, they save as *.tun, not as *.ctz.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:25 AM
got it all downloaded but when i go to flash with the v8, it dosnt show any of my files under "my documents". also, it says the checksum is disabled under the calibration verification. there is the option to update checksum, but the warnings sound like its not a good idea. any input is appreciated.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:32 AM
Don't mess with that check sum!

All that means is that the tune file you are using was previously a "Returned to stock" file from a Smarty or a Bully Dog.

They do not correctly set the check sums and in order to not screw up the way they do it, the check sum is disabled.

Just leave it as is. It's not an EFILive error, that's a left over from when you set your truck back to stock with Smarty.

It doesn't hurt anything, it's just another thing that had to be worked around in some of the dirty files.

Anyone whose truck was "returned to stock" and their file is based off of that read will have this check sum disabled. Just leave it alone and do not update it.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:35 AM
In the scan tool, under "help", the tutorial links don't work.

Can you please check that the tutorial files have been installed.
They should be in the folder:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Doc\Tutorials (on Windows 32 bit systems)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7.5\Doc\Tutorials (on Windows 64 bit systems)

In the scan tool, I can't seem to choose PID groups.
Do you mean the PD groups that are available when selecting for Cummins diesel controllers?
If so, make sure CMB or CMC is the selected controller (using File->Select Controller) and make sure the System drop down list box is set to "All".


December 22nd, 2011, 07:39 AM
got it all downloaded but when i go to flash with the v8, it dosnt show any of my files under "my documents". also, it says the checksum is disabled under the calibration verification. there is the option to update checksum, but the warnings sound like its not a good idea. any input is appreciated.

Exactly what DoghousDiesel said.

As for the files not showing up it is likely that the open file dialog box has its file filter set to "*.ctz".
You won't have any *.ctz files yet. Change the drop down filter setting to "*.tun;*.ctd"


December 22nd, 2011, 07:39 AM
got it all downloaded but when i go to flash with the v8, it dosnt show any of my files under "my documents". also, it says the checksum is disabled under the calibration verification. there is the option to update checksum, but the warnings sound like its not a good idea. any input is appreciated.

Denny, look where it says file types. The new format that it's looking for is .ctz.

Just set it to look for the older file types and you'll be all set.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:48 AM
got it all downloaded but when i go to flash with the v8, it dosnt show any of my files under "my documents". also, it says the checksum is disabled under the calibration verification. there is the option to update checksum, but the warnings sound like its not a good idea. any input is appreciated.

Just to further clarify the "WARNING: Checksum is disabled!" message means.

Some hand held tuners did not or could not update the checksums correctly when they made changes to the ECM. To compensate for that they disabled the checksums in the ECM by "damaging" the checksum calculation routines. When EFILive re-flashes the ECM and when the hand held tuners supposedly "return to stock" the area of memory where the checksum routines are located does not get updated. That means once the checksum routines have been damaged the checksum in the tune file must be left disabled otherwise you will set the MIL.

If you did click on the [Update Checksums] button in EFILive to correct the checksum and flashed the corrected file back into the truck or if you simply flashed stock tune that had its checksums enabled back into an ECM that had been "returned to stock" you would set the MIL.
For Cummins tunes, when the checksum is not disabled (i.e. for a stock tune) the button changes to [Disable Checksums] to allow you to disable the checksum so that it can be flashed into an ECM that expects tunes with disabled checksums - i.e. ECMs that have previously been hand held tuned and returned to stock.


December 22nd, 2011, 08:16 AM
The tutorials open correctly from the tune tool, but in the scan tool, when I select scan tool tutorial the first time, I get "Bench Harness pin out." After that, any tutorial that is selected opens the "Installing an EFILive Custom Operating System & Using the 2/3 bar features of EFILive V7" tutorial.

I wanted to see if there was something I didn't remember about PIDs or PID groups...

When I open the scan tool I can't select any PID group at all. I have the controller set to CMB and list to "all." If I open an existing PID file it works, but I can't do anything else. It must be something in the new download. I haven't had any problems with the previous version. I'm going to uninstall then reinstall the new version.

December 22nd, 2011, 08:20 AM
thanks rich and paul, that took care of the files showing up. my other problem i just ran into is when i make changes to my latest files, save and go to re open the file, it will not allow me to. they are still in my documents but the tune tool says the file being opened is not a valid efilive file. does this have to do with the checksum? these are off a stock file. just to verify, i made a copy of one of the stock, untouched files i had, made a small change and saved. same thing. invalid file. is there a way to restore these files? i uninstalled the new version, reinstalled the old version and it would not let me open the files either. i've got the new version installed now. thanks for any help.

December 22nd, 2011, 08:53 AM
thanks rich and paul, that took care of the files showing up. my other problem i just ran into is when i make changes to my latest files, save and go to re open the file, it will not allow me to. they are still in my documents but the tune tool says the file being opened is not a valid efilive file. does this have to do with the checksum? these are off a stock file. just to verify, i made a copy of one of the stock, untouched files i had, made a small change and saved. same thing. invalid file. is there a way to restore these files? i uninstalled the new version, reinstalled the old version and it would not let me open the files either. i've got the new version installed now. thanks for any help.

Can you please send me two copies of the file?
One of before you modified it that can be opened and one after you modified and saved it that can't be opened.
Send to paul@efilive.com


December 22nd, 2011, 08:56 AM
The tutorials open correctly from the tune tool, but in the scan tool, when I select scan tool tutorial the first time, I get "Bench Harness pin out." After that, any tutorial that is selected opens the "Installing an EFILive Custom Operating System & Using the 2/3 bar features of EFILive V7" tutorial.

I wanted to see if there was something I didn't remember about PIDs or PID groups...

When I open the scan tool I can't select any PID group at all. I have the controller set to CMB and list to "all." If I open an existing PID file it works, but I can't do anything else. It must be something in the new download. I haven't had any problems with the previous version. I'm going to uninstall then reinstall the new version.

I'm not sure what is happening with the tutorials showing up wrong - it works fine here. If you can provide any more information about the problem it would help.

Have you got the "Supported" check box checked? If so the Cummins PIDs (which may be flagged as unsupported until you connect to a vehicle and validate them) will probably not be visible and that will stop the group selections from happening.
So try unchecking the "Supported" checkbox. And when you do eventually hook up to your truck, run the "Validate PIDs" option to take a copy of the valid PIDs so next time the PIDs will show up as supported even when you are not connected.


December 22nd, 2011, 08:58 AM
The tutorials open correctly from the tune tool, but in the scan tool, when I select scan tool tutorial the first time, I get "Bench Harness pin out." After that, any tutorial that is selected opens the "Installing an EFILive Custom Operating System & Using the 2/3 bar features of EFILive V7" tutorial.
Ok, I can reproduce the problem here now.
Its on the list to be fixed..

December 22nd, 2011, 08:58 AM
i cant even open it now but i'll gladly send u the file itself. thanks for your help. email on its way in a few

December 22nd, 2011, 08:59 AM
good deal. still want the file?

2007 5.9
December 22nd, 2011, 02:39 PM
Dumb question...by uninstalling the current software...will I loose all my saved dashes and pid lists that I have self defined??

If so, how can i save them and get them onto the new software??

2007 5.9
December 22nd, 2011, 03:57 PM
Dumb question...by uninstalling the current software...will I loose all my saved dashes and pid lists that I have self defined??

If so, how can i save them and get them onto the new software??

Figured it out guys...thanks anyways...guess they make the copy/paste for a reason....duh. Lol!!

Merry Christmas guys!!!

December 22nd, 2011, 07:06 PM
Dumb question...by uninstalling the current software...will I loose all my saved dashes and pid lists that I have self defined??

If so, how can i save them and get them onto the new software??
Uninstalling the software should not remove any of the files that you have created.
It may overwrite the default dashboards. So if you've modified the default dashboards they may get set back to factory defaults.

If you want to be absolutely sure you don't lose anything then before uninstalling make a copy of the folder \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5.
Then in future if you find anything has gone missing, just copy the necessary files from the backup folder to the standard EFILive folder.


December 23rd, 2011, 04:26 AM
EDIT: Plugging the V2 into the laptop doesn't fix the problem I'm having. When I unplug the V2, it automatically goes back to demo mode. I can't write any tunes with it like this. What am I doing wrong??

I have a question. I un-installed the old software and installed the new. When it finished, I put my license number in and selected Commercial Scan & Tune and put the date in. I don't have my FlashScan tool with me, it's at my Dad's house. After all of this, software is still in Demo mode. With the update prior to this one I didn't need the tool connected in order to build and save tunes. Do I need to connect the V2 to the truck/laptop to get it out of demo mode?

Thanks guys.

December 23rd, 2011, 03:57 PM
I am having the same issue as olboyowl. One thing I did notice is the new file I saved was a V7.5 file instead a V8 file. All of the tunes for my personal 06 Dodge have the "checksum error" , but none of my other customer dodge trucks that I have on file have this issue.

December 23rd, 2011, 06:08 PM
good deal. still want the file?

Yes please.


December 24th, 2011, 03:26 AM
email sent

December 24th, 2011, 07:52 AM
This update will overwrite files in the user config folder.
So make sure to back up everything. :0

December 24th, 2011, 10:48 AM
email sent

Thanks for the files. They are *.ctd files. The RC7 version does not allow you to save *.ctd files.
How exactly are you saving the files as *.ctd files?


December 24th, 2011, 02:10 PM
Why is it that this version of software reverts to "Demo" mode when I unplug the V2. My PC laptop and my Dad's do the same thing. I am unable to write tunes and save them with it like this. It wasn't like this before. Can you help?


December 24th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Keith, did you go Help->Register EFILive and enter the info from the blue card...?

December 24th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Yes I did. I've tried everything I know of and it still reverts to demo. The only way it will work is with the V2 plugged in. I've even un-installed and re-installed the latest public release and same problem with it as well.

December 24th, 2011, 04:15 PM
You're not entering in the correct FlashScan S/N, type (I.e. Commercial Scan and Tune,) issue date, and of key code (letters XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) that's why when you plug in your V2, everything works. But the moment you unplug it, the computer doesn't know it's authorized.

December 24th, 2011, 04:21 PM
Double check your issue date. It's easily over looked

December 24th, 2011, 04:32 PM
I've checked the date, changed the license type from commercial to personal and back again. I've entered the license info at least 4 times and checked and re-checked. No love. I've also tried putting in the same S/N in the "RoadRunner" field with no luck.

Thank you all for the suggestions and help. I'm not sure what happened but after this latest update was installed, it doesn't work. Even after un-installing the update.

December 24th, 2011, 10:03 PM
Don't mess with that check sum!

All that means is that the tune file you are using was previously a "Returned to stock" file from a Smarty or a Bully Dog.

They do not correctly set the check sums and in order to not screw up the way they do it, the check sum is disabled.

Just leave it as is. It's not an EFILive error, that's a left over from when you set your truck back to stock with Smarty.

It doesn't hurt anything, it's just another thing that had to be worked around in some of the dirty files.

Anyone whose truck was "returned to stock" and their file is based off of that read will have this check sum disabled. Just leave it alone and do not update it.

Rich, would this be an issue if I flashed a fresh OS with stock tune?

I am having the same issue as olboyowl. One thing I did notice is the new file I saved was a V7.5 file instead a V8 file. All of the tunes for my personal 06 Dodge have the "checksum error" , but none of my other customer dodge trucks that I have on file have this issue.

I'm having this issue also. I left it alone and didnt update it but I'm still throwing the P0602 code. I try and clear it and after a few trys it does eventually clear and then just randomly pop back up. I just flashed the with the "new" software and I had the code pop up 4 times on the first road trip.

December 24th, 2011, 10:06 PM
I've checked the date, changed the license type from commercial to personal and back again. I've entered the license info at least 4 times and checked and re-checked. No love. I've also tried putting in the same S/N in the "RoadRunner" field with no luck.

Thank you all for the suggestions and help. I'm not sure what happened but after this latest update was installed, it doesn't work. Even after un-installing the update.

Email me the license details you are using and I'll check to see if there is any conflict with the latest software.
Email to paul@efilive.com


December 25th, 2011, 01:33 AM
Thanks for the files. They are *.ctd files. The RC7 version does not allow you to save *.ctd files.
How exactly are you saving the files as *.ctd files?


all i did was un-install the old software, load the new software and made a small change to my file and saved it. went to re-open and it wouldn't allow it. made the same change on the other file and same thing (those were the 2 i sent you). i didn't change anything as far as *.ctd. just hit the save button. i un-installed the new software and reloaded the old software and that also wouldn't let me open the 2 files sent. had no issues with making changes to my files, saving and re-opening them. havn't re-installed the new software yet.

December 25th, 2011, 01:50 AM
If I click on the "save" button it on a tune (even with no changes) and then try to reopen it it tells me it is not a valid EFILive file. If I click on the "save as" button and add another character to the file name, it opens just fine.

December 25th, 2011, 05:28 AM
Email me the license details you are using and I'll check to see if there is any conflict with the latest software.
Email to paul@efilive.com


My apologies guys. I feel pretty dumb right now. I was putting the wrong year in the license date. WoW!! It works now! Thank you to everyone that helped me on this. We're good now.

December 25th, 2011, 08:08 AM
all i did was un-install the old software, load the new software and made a small change to my file and saved it. went to re-open and it wouldn't allow it. made the same change on the other file and same thing (those were the 2 i sent you). i didn't change anything as far as *.ctd. just hit the save button. i un-installed the new software and reloaded the old software and that also wouldn't let me open the 2 files sent. had no issues with making changes to my files, saving and re-opening them. havn't re-installed the new software yet.

What was the file extension of the file that you loaded into the V7 software? Can you send me that exact file, i.e. the file that you first loaded before attempting to (re)save it?


December 25th, 2011, 08:11 AM
If I click on the "save" button it on a tune (even with no changes) and then try to reopen it it tells me it is not a valid EFILive file. If I click on the "save as" button and add another character to the file name, it opens just fine.

When you say "I click on the save button" do you mean in the V7 or V8 software? In the V7 software you should not be able to click on the save button until you have changed something.
Or did you mean you clicked on the "save as..." button?

I'm trying really hard to reproduce this problem but I cannot make it fail the way it is described in the various posts in this thread. If you could provide as detailed as possible, all the steps, no matter how trivial that you went through then may be I can follow precisely what you did to make the same problem happen here.


December 25th, 2011, 10:28 AM
When you say "I click on the save button" do you mean in the V7 or V8 software? In the V7 software you should not be able to click on the save button until you have changed something.
Or did you mean you clicked on the "save as..." button?

I'm trying really hard to reproduce this problem but I cannot make it fail the way it is described in the various posts in this thread. If you could provide as detailed as possible, all the steps, no matter how trivial that you went through then may be I can follow precisely what you did to make the same problem happen here.


I can not duplicate it again. I can send you the file that has the issue and and the tune that I saved it from. The new file has the V7 logo next to it now instead of the V8 logo. My bad file has the V8 logo, but I can open the one wth the V7 logo next to it. I can open all the other files with the V8 logo next to them. and your right about not being able to save an unmodified tune. All I did was changd the fuel level sensor and disabled the grid heater function and then tried to flash it into the truck with the V8 software. It told me the checksum was disabled. I closed everything then opened V7.5 to see what the checksum was about. I went to open the file and thats when it told me that the file was an invalid EFILive file. Then I looked at the rest of my tunes and thats when I found Out that all my tunes for my truck have the checksum's are disabled. (I guess my Smarty did not return the truck all the way back to stock). I then made the changes again and clicked the "save as" button, Added a couple of symbles to the name and then flashed that tune into the truck. Now I get a P0602 code that I was not getting before the update.

December 25th, 2011, 11:20 AM
What was the file extension of the file that you loaded into the V7 software? Can you send me that exact file, i.e. the file that you first loaded before attempting to (re)save it?


it was the "workinprogress35" file i sent you. that was the first one loaded with the new software. if i can get u anything else, let me know. those were the 2 files/tunes that gave me the issue. sorry if im not giving you want you need to help. me and computers are not the best of friends.

If I click on the "save" button it on a tune (even with no changes) and then try to reopen it it tells me it is not a valid EFILive file. If I click on the "save as" button and add another character to the file name, it opens just fine.

this is the same thing mine was saying. are you sayin that if u go to file/save as/ and add a character to the file you couldn't previously open, it will open the file? with the old software re loaded, it gave a bigger discription sayin something along the lines of there were changes made that efilive does not recognize and i can try and open and resave. then asks if you want to proceed. when i click yes, it then says the same as the new software with not a valid EFILive.

December 25th, 2011, 01:25 PM
It's only done it to me that one time. I've made other changes to other tunes and click just the "save" button. But I have not tried to load those tunes into the truck after I modified them. I was afraid to thinking I was going to loose another tune. (I did make copies of all my tunes onto a thumb drive before I uninstalled the software to install the new software). The only thing I didn't do was try to install the recently modified tune into the truck after saving it. I'm going to wait until I get to work on Tuesday to flash a factory tune from Tech Authority to get rid of this checksum error.

Has anybody clicked the updated checksum yet? There is a very scary warning that pops up when you do. I am not looking forward of the factory programing changing my OS.

December 25th, 2011, 01:46 PM
i tried a stock file/tune i had. i disabled the check sum, made a small change and saved it. worked fine. i'd just like to have the 2 files accessable again. im sure you can understand i got alot of time into them. just another bit of info that i don't know if it'll help or not. the last 5 files/tunes i have revised and 3 stock files i have all have the check sum enabled on the calibration page. i think my issue is my file/tune was a "returned to stock" file from my previous smarty. don't know if i misunderstood earlier in the thread, but i thought that the "stock" files/tunes would not have the check sum issue disabled and the "returned to stock" files would have the check sum enabled. sorry, just trying to understand all this.

December 25th, 2011, 02:21 PM
It's only done it to me that one time. I've made other changes to other tunes and click just the "save" button. But I have not tried to load those tunes into the truck after I modified them. I was afraid to thinking I was going to loose another tune. (I did make copies of all my tunes onto a thumb drive before I uninstalled the software to install the new software). The only thing I didn't do was try to install the recently modified tune into the truck after saving it. I'm going to wait until I get to work on Tuesday to flash a factory tune from Tech Authority to get rid of this checksum error.

Has anybody clicked the updated checksum yet? There is a very scary warning that pops up when you do. I am not looking forward of the factory programing changing my OS.

Agreed, I'm concerened with this also.

I tried to change the tune today and it must have thrown the P0602 code along the lines from me shutting it off and trying changing the tune and I didnt realize it. I got about 2 1/2 minutes into changing the tune and it locked up on me, I ended up tring to reload the tune 3 times with the same results. I then went in and cleared any codes and then reloaded the tune and it did take it.
So I would like to get this checksum deal straightened out.
I didnt have this problem before I went to the new software and now I cant drive my truck around the corner without throwing the P0602 code.

December 26th, 2011, 12:44 AM
i have disabled it. that was the only way i could get a file/tune to save without having it become an "in-valid- EFILive file". when you disable it, the yellow warning triangle on the calibration page next to calibration verification turns into a green check mark. when you open it with the old software (which i have loaded back up) the calibration verification is already checked with the green checkmark

December 26th, 2011, 12:55 AM
i'd just like to have the 2 files accessable again. im sure you can understand i got alot of time into them.

The only "problem" with those files is that EFILive saved them with *.ctd extension when they were actually *.tun files. So if you just rename them back to *.tun you will be able to use them.

What I'm trying to figure out is why they were saved with *.ctd extension in the file name but inside the file they were saved in the *.tun format.


December 26th, 2011, 01:05 AM
ok, i'll try it. thanks paul. hope u didnt take it as me bitchin about the software. i live this shit! i cant tell u how many hours i have into learning/tuning with EFILive. there is nothing like it by far. i know there will be some hang ups with new releases and such. all part of the learning experience. and obviously, the customer service...awsome. nuff said. keep up the good work and hopefully we can help u guys get some of these issues squashed.

December 26th, 2011, 03:25 AM
when i go to rename the files, it wont let me save them as a *.tun files. i did rename 2 files and save them as *.tun files, but i could still get into those files. i cant open/save file as the one i need to rename. i am trying this with the new software re loaded. still tryin...

December 26th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Paul means for you to change the filename extension to .tun from Windows... i.e rightclick->Rename.

December 26th, 2011, 11:05 AM
when i open up my documents to select a file in the tune tool, if i right click on the file i can't open and rename it (for ex. if it was cumminsfile.ctz and i rename it to cumminsfile.tun), it still won't let me open it. still says its invalid. unless im doing something totally wrong... again, sorry if its me overlooking something simple.

December 26th, 2011, 03:21 PM
I just want to say this is my favorite update yet! I really like how things are laid out, down to the software changes as well. Looking back before EFILive, I can honestly say I haven't had this much fun tinkering with my truck up to now with EFILive. And much better results to boot!!


December 26th, 2011, 04:04 PM
Glad to hear! The new parameters are awesome.

December 26th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Updating to the new release has stopped my ability to CMB standalone flashing. Will ther be a fix soon

December 26th, 2011, 10:28 PM
Thurmon, you gotta config format and full (slow) program your BBX in V8 for your ECM. After updating the firmware of course.

December 27th, 2011, 07:48 AM
when i open up my documents to select a file in the tune tool, if i right click on the file i can't open and rename it (for ex. if it was cumminsfile.ctz and i rename it to cumminsfile.tun), it still won't let me open it. still says its invalid. unless im doing something totally wrong... again, sorry if its me overlooking something simple.Hmmm... use the tunetool to open it as .ctz and save it as .tun... does this work...?

December 27th, 2011, 08:29 AM
i can't read a 6.7, or 5.9 after a smarty has been installed and removed. not sure how to update script files in V2 says they need to be copied to the flashscan. could this be causing my issues?

December 27th, 2011, 08:58 AM
Has it worked on those trucks you were trying to read in the past?
As we've discovered, the concept of 'return to stock' for some programmers doesn't actually restore the ECM back to the same condition it was in before the programmer was flashed it. To me, return to stock means return the ECM back to exactly as it was right. It's a most annoying situation for everyone and with each release we are add new ways of handling this situation in to the software.

December 27th, 2011, 09:07 AM
the 6.7 truck i was able to read as soon as updating then installed smarty for egr/dpf delete and no read script exited mode not supported. i have always been able to read previously smarty modded 5.9's. should i revert back to previous release?

December 27th, 2011, 09:30 AM
Hmmm... use the tunetool to open it as .ctz and save it as .tun... does this work...?

bare with me here...when "my documents" is open, all my files/tunes including the one i cant open is under the "all files" (*.ctz, *.tun, and i think *.bin) drop down box under the drop down box that has the name of the file/tune. when i go to rename it, it just saves the renamed file/tune back in that same folder. even if i put a .tun behind it when renaming, it saves it in the "all files" folder. in order for me to change it to the *.tun folder, i have to be able to open it and "save as". im gonna try and mail it out to fubar tomorrow and have him open it, rename it as a *.tun file and send it back to me to see if that works.

December 27th, 2011, 09:40 AM
ok i uninstalled sw and installed old public release and reverted to old firmware and still no "script exited mode not supported" must be in bootblock? since this is only thing that can't be changed back

December 27th, 2011, 09:40 AM
Is there any specific reason you want to save it as a ".tun" file rather than a ".ctz" file? When you send it to me tomorrow, let me know what computer, windows version, etc your using.

December 27th, 2011, 01:03 PM
Thurmon, you gotta config format and full (slow) program your BBX in V8 for your ECM. After updating the firmware of course.

That's Andrew: it's back working

December 27th, 2011, 01:15 PM
Is there any specific reason you want to save it as a ".tun" file rather than a ".ctz" file? When you send it to me tomorrow, let me know what computer, windows version, etc your using.

i have to save it as a *.tun file so i can open it, make changes and save it without the file becoming an "invalid EFILive file". if i save it as a *.ctz file, i have to disable the check sum and i can make changes and save all day. will do and thanks

December 27th, 2011, 02:20 PM
Ross and Paul is there anyway I can get the patch install that allows you to enable and disable the injection pulse width. I lost the ability to enable and disable on reinstalling software

December 27th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Thurmon, you gotta config format and full (slow) program your BBX in V8 for your ECM. After updating the firmware of course.

Could you explain this more? I am having the same issues. I get a script error $0101

December 27th, 2011, 03:02 PM
Could you explain this more? I am having the same issues. I get a script error $0101

I got the file to load on V2 but trying to load tune to truck getting script error

December 27th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Ross and Paul is there anyway I can get the patch install that allows you to enable and disable the injection pulse width. I lost the ability to enable and disable on reinstalling software
That doesn't make sense, there has been no change (at least on purpose) to that particular calibration {D0511}.

December 27th, 2011, 06:47 PM
I'm sorry the older software 180. Had to go back to the older software because the new update beta software gave me the checksum code that I can not fix

December 27th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Where you previously running another box tuner? This is usually where the problems with checksums start.

December 28th, 2011, 01:34 AM
I'm not saying that you can't get around theses check sum problems, but it really would save hassles and headaches if you would get a dealer update flash. I've only had a Smarty on the truck, and never really had many problems other than one. Pulse limiting. So I took it into the dealer for an update flash. They only charged 1 hour labor rate (which was $65 at my dealer) and enabled the pto high idle option. Everything is working great now and I don't have to worry about check sums or any other phantom problems.

Just my $0.02

December 28th, 2011, 02:59 AM
Where you previously running another box tuner? This is usually where the problems with checksums start.


December 28th, 2011, 03:00 AM
I'm not saying that you can't get around theses check sum problems, but it really would save hassles and headaches if you would get a dealer update flash. I've only had a Smarty on the truck, and never really had many problems other than one. Pulse limiting. So I took it into the dealer for an update flash. They only charged 1 hour labor rate (which was $65 at my dealer) and enabled the pto high idle option. Everything is working great now and I don't have to worry about check sums or any other phantom problems.

Just my $0.02

Big thanks Andrew! I will do that. Will the update flash change my OS Code or number, after can I load my tune or will I have to do bidirectional from EFI V8. I hope the new flash does not stop me from using EFI Live? LOL

December 28th, 2011, 05:14 AM
A few links are missing:

When in B4508, there is no link to B4507.

B4510, no link to B4509

Thank you

December 28th, 2011, 05:28 AM
I'm not saying that you can't get around theses check sum problems, but it really would save hassles and headaches if you would get a dealer update flash. I've only had a Smarty on the truck, and never really had many problems other than one. Pulse limiting. So I took it into the dealer for an update flash. They only charged 1 hour labor rate (which was $65 at my dealer) and enabled the pto high idle option. Everything is working great now and I don't have to worry about check sums or any other phantom problems.

Just my $0.02

Hmmm, I guess I'll have to make a visit the dealer. I'm also having some sort of pulse limiting problem along with the p0602 code that I can't seem to get rid of. I didn't have any issues hitting my Max main us before the new software update but no no matter what I do I can't seem to get there.

December 28th, 2011, 10:07 AM
A few links are missing:

When in B4508, there is no link to B4507.

B4510, no link to B4509

Thank you

As of now, pretty much no tables are linked when EFILive releases their software. End users can easily define this, in fact for the 5.9L Cummins one member did a bang up job on it. Look in the 5.9L section.

December 28th, 2011, 12:04 PM
Thanks Scarab!! It's stickied as a matter of fact in the 5.9L forum. I need to update to support more tables, but I'm swamped at the moment.

December 28th, 2011, 12:08 PM
Got it working, no more laptop needed

Could you explain this more? I am having the same issues. I get a script error $0101

2007 5.9
December 28th, 2011, 04:18 PM
Got it working, no more laptop needed


Mine is stopping mid flash with a error code...

First time BBF'n for me...am I missing something??

December 28th, 2011, 05:10 PM
Are using the new update

2007 5.9
December 29th, 2011, 01:44 AM
Yes sir...but Ive never been able to BBF...maybe I missed the yellow bus on that one..lol

December 29th, 2011, 02:53 AM
Yes sir...but Ive never been able to BBF...maybe I missed the yellow bus on that one..lol

I am using the software before the new update. Fubar maybe can help you on bbf on the new update. I M him

December 29th, 2011, 03:09 AM
As of now, pretty much no tables are linked when EFILive releases their software. End users can easily define this, in fact for the 5.9L Cummins one member did a bang up job on it. Look in the 5.9L section.

Go to B4508 (or B4510) in the tune tool and find the link - the blue "B4507(9)" to click on to get to the axis table. It isn't there. All the other tables have links to the corresponding axis tables.

December 29th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Go to B4508 (or B4510) in the tune tool and find the link - the blue "B4507(9)" to click on to get to the axis table. It isn't there. All the other tables have links to the corresponding axis tables.

What is the vehicle type and operating system that you have loaded when you notice the problem?

December 29th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Need patch that will give the ability to enable and disable pulse width for v7.5.7 (180).

December 29th, 2011, 12:46 PM
What is the vehicle type and operating system that you have loaded when you notice the problem?

Cummins 5.9, OS 11450201. I've checked five OSs and calibrations and it's missing in all of them. You can get to the axis table by clicking "Axis define", so it's not a show stopper. However, all other tables have links to the associated axis tables. I assume it is an oversight that these are the only two tables that don't.

December 29th, 2011, 01:11 PM
olboyolw, did it work for you?

December 29th, 2011, 01:16 PM
Here are two screen shots. One is 4-3 downshift (B4510). The other is 4-3 downshift T/H Mode (B4555). Notice the link in B4555 to the axis table B4554. In B4510 the link to B4509 is not there.



December 29th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Need patch that will give the ability to enable and disable pulse width for v7.5.7 (180).

I found the patch and installed works great

December 30th, 2011, 03:27 PM
olboyolw, did it work for you?

yes and no. thanks to andrew, i got the file thats been giving me headaches to open and resave/rename it. on the other hand, its limiting pulse and giving me the P0602 cel. i have the old software back up and i'll be heading to the dealer next week. thanks again for the help and will keep yall posted.

Duramax 6.6L
December 30th, 2011, 04:30 PM
I found the patch and installed works great

Where did you find the patch?

December 30th, 2011, 04:48 PM
Where did you find the patch?

In my old download saved file

December 30th, 2011, 05:28 PM

This patch is for disable and enable main injector pulse limiter, Brake Torque Management option and other limiter. I am posting this for those who lost those limiters by reinstalling Build 180

Moderator Edit:
We do not recommend downloading and using this zip.

December 30th, 2011, 05:46 PM
LMM BBL broken at least for me, no pids will validate. I thought the pid unsupported error was a thing of the past but anyways every pid is unsupported for me. I've tried everything from reloading everything including bootblock/firmware/config files through efi explorer also since it wouldn't work on the V8 software either.

December 31st, 2011, 01:19 AM
yes and no. thanks to andrew, i got the file thats been giving me headaches to open and resave/rename it. on the other hand, its limiting pulse and giving me the P0602 cel. i have the old software back up and i'll be heading to the dealer next week. thanks again for the help and will keep yall posted.

Well, I'm glad I could at least alleviate some headaches. If you do have and read the dealer flash with the current official release version (old one or NOT the RC7) as .ctd file, make sure to save a duplicate version as a .ctz file and work from there. Maybe you could ask if there's any reason why you couldn't go ahead and save it with RC7? But I can see where you're coming from wanting to read it with the official release version too.

December 31st, 2011, 10:18 AM
Tried going back to the previous public release hoping it would work but I can't go back to the old boot block or firmware so no luck for BBL still on my V2 scanning is working on pass through though. Anybody else having problems or just me? I don't have any other vehicles to test it on at the moment.

December 31st, 2011, 10:22 AM
If you guys use the .calz files 06redram posted you will be missing the 20 degree timing offset which will mess up the Timing Calculator, new tables will not be shown, I would not recommend doing this.

I have to say this, using the new .calz files on a factory tune will disable the BTM and P0602 will not set. The problem I think we are still running in to is the left overs from some of the handhelds out there. We now all know they don't return to true stock (as in, put the ECM back exactly as it was). One in particular must not have been able to figure out how to calculate the checksums so they 'patched' the checksum routine in the ECM so it always passed if the checksum was a value of 0. The issue EFILive is having is we are doing it by the book, when we are making changes we correctly update the checksums, this unfortunately on those botched handheld OS's is setting the P0602, even though the customer has chosen to 'return to stock'.

Annoying as it is because it's going to be a lot of work, we might have to look in to a 'restore checksum' patch to get around this problem. EFILive is designed to work with factory programs, and it does that fine, reality is we are going to have to pick up the pieces of others that have messed everything up. So those with botched checksum routines can be restored to normal without needing a dealer reflash.

The Main pulse limiter is in a different category, that isn't missing in the latest release .calz files.

December 31st, 2011, 10:49 AM
Is there any way to cure the P0633 SKIM code? If I use a tune that shows checksum disabled, then I get a P0602 code and MIL. That's probably hand-held tuner remnants and not EFI. If I use a tune I built from a stock factory tune (checksum NOT disabled) I get the P0633 SKIM code, but no MIL. I'm not sure why. The VIN is correct and the truck runs. I didn't have either of these issues until the latest update with the trans tuning. Prior to this update I had no codes and no problems.
Anyway, is there any way to get rid of the P0633 while using the latest software?

Also, I appreciate you considering a checksum work-around... it's great you all are willing to work to correct a problem you didn't create. It makes me glad I paid for EFI.


Mike Q.

December 31st, 2011, 11:13 AM
Mike, If I recall, the P0633 DTC will set if the VATS is disabled {E6510} and a VIN has been programmed, check that as a first step. If that is fine then please let us know and we can look further.


December 31st, 2011, 11:46 AM
E6510 VATS shows enabled in my tune. Would it help if I sent you the tune or is it not specific to an individual tune?

December 31st, 2011, 12:13 PM
Sorry I did not post it to be used for the new update. Only for the guy that needed to go back to the build (180) that will be missing tables that was there before they completely uninstalled. Happy New Everyone

Thanks Ross for putting that WARNING out there for others

December 31st, 2011, 12:23 PM
E6510 VATS shows enabled in my tune. Would it help if I sent you the tune or is it not specific to an individual tune?
It won't help sorry because I don't actually know 100% what causes the SKIM code to get set. I thought it was when the VATS was disabled.

December 31st, 2011, 01:48 PM
It won't help sorry because I don't actually know 100% what causes the SKIM code to get set. I thought it was when the VATS was disabled.

What is different in the new software that I am getting codes vs. the previous release that worked with no codes?

December 31st, 2011, 02:07 PM
That I don't know either, what things have you changed in the tune since the update?

December 31st, 2011, 03:43 PM
Everything in the tune is the same as it was in the previous update, except the addition of the trans tables. I haven't made any changes to the transmission tables yet.

January 1st, 2012, 12:35 PM
For the guys having the P0602 code and the ghosts haunting your tunes, make a visit to the dealer.

I was having some major ghost's and the checksum code problems but after the fresh dealer flash all is perfect.

It only takes about an hour and to have mine flashed only cost me 55.00 at my local Dodge dealer.

January 1st, 2012, 01:13 PM
Good to hear Dodge74! It really makes me angry when a tuning platform lies about their product. They say "returns truck back to stock," but in fact DOES NOT and banks on most people's ignorance, that they won't know the difference until they run into situations such as we have doing things the RIGHT way..tuning with EFILive.

January 1st, 2012, 01:19 PM
Right now I am working on a final P0602 solution. It will restore the ECM's checksum routines to stock so when EFILive calculates the checksums everything works as it should and no P0602. As we've discovered, "return to stock" unfortunately leaves in the ECM the botched checksum routines at least two of the box tuners use.
We've also added and tested the function to edit the VIN directly in the V7 tune tool so you can change the VIN prior to flashing the ECM to avoid those SKIM codes if you flash a file from another truck.
I'm still not opposed with still starting fresh from a dealer reflash because there may be other ghosts left over from the box tuner "return to stock".

January 2nd, 2012, 07:28 AM
I had a customer flash a .ctz file from this release into an LBZ truck and had some interesting things happen. The truck would only run on non-DSP, and would shut off immediately once the switch was switched to any DSP1-4. We tried a full reflash on the truck and then it wouldn't even click (no-start). The customer has the latest RC7 and both firmware/bootblock updates.

Flashing the same tune in with V7.5 works fine. Truck runs as it should.


January 2nd, 2012, 01:07 PM
I'm running into some ghosts with the newest release. I have also noticed at least one mis-labeled parameter. I datalogged a run and I will post some results in a bit.

January 2nd, 2012, 01:51 PM
Go to B4508 (or B4510) in the tune tool and find the link - the blue "B4507(9)" to click on to get to the axis table. It isn't there. All the other tables have links to the corresponding axis tables.
Thanks, got that fixed for the next update.

January 2nd, 2012, 01:52 PM
Thanks, got that fixed for the next update.

Thank you.

January 2nd, 2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks for pointing it out, when you stare at those maps all day developing it's pretty easy to miss that sort of thing.

January 2nd, 2012, 05:24 PM
{B4541} "Full Throttle Mode, TPS Enable" should be Disable since {B4540} is Enable.

January 4th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Hi Nick,

Found the fault and fixed it.
Thanks for all the work you did tracking down and sending the trace files.
The problem was the V8 software was not identifying the DSP5 tune files correctly when they were being opened and it was flashing part stock data and part DSP5 data - causing the problems you experienced.
I expect to have an update (Release Candidate 8) available tonight or tomorrow.


I had a customer flash a .ctz file from this release into an LBZ truck and had some interesting things happen. The truck would only run on non-DSP, and would shut off immediately once the switch was switched to any DSP1-4. We tried a full reflash on the truck and then it wouldn't even click (no-start). The customer has the latest RC7 and both firmware/bootblock updates.

Flashing the same tune in with V7.5 works fine. Truck runs as it should.


January 4th, 2012, 02:51 PM
Thanks Paul. Much appreciated

January 4th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Yeah, I had to have a Bosch ECM on the bench again today :yucky:

January 4th, 2012, 06:12 PM
Yeah, I had to have a Bosch ECM on the bench again today :yucky:
I'm pretty sure you can't catch any communicable diseases from Bosch ECMs.
But the rubber gloves and tongs was a bit too much.
:) :) :)