View Full Version : New to tuning of this magnitude- Please help

January 4th, 2012, 07:01 PM
I have an 04 6 speed. I understand EFILive is not ready for the 03-05 CRs but I would like to start learning now so I have a good idea of what I am doing for when the software is available for my truck. I have a smarty s06 and have played with the SSR but not extensively. I am not real happy with the Smarty after seeing my friends' 06 and 07 Live tuned trucks hit the dyno and murder mine, and from reading these threads none of you seem to thrilled with Smarty either. I downloaded the demo version and have been playing with LLY pre-saved tune. I have been going through all the posts for the 5.9 just trying to soak up some information and ideas, and though some are over my head I have learned quite a bit already. I got to the EFILive for dummies custom mapping thread but when I tried to do create a new map and hit Ctrl + enter but it didn't do anything (possibly because that's for Cummins software only?). So my questions are- is playing with the demo version not doing me any good? How do I go about getting the full version where I can play with mapping, injection, turbo parameters ect? I'm sure this is stupid to ask, but is there a book on EFILive? Could someone send me a good tune where I could go through all the parameters and compare it to the stock tune for the Cummins? This is all for learning purposes only but as soon as Live is out for my truck I will be buying it. Obviously I am not the tuning genius most of you are, but I have a decent understanding of the physics of the different tune-able areas of a diesel which must help in some way. I just have a lot of learning to do and I am willing to put in the time. At some point I will need to know everything that I need to purchase, whether tuning software is separate or not I have no idea, and what hardware I need to buy, which is best for me ect. If you don't have the time to answer all my questions please just point me in the direction of the best way to learn the ins and outs of EFILive if possible.

And just out of curiosity, what is the difference in tuning licenses and stream licenses?


January 4th, 2012, 08:02 PM
I can answer the VIN vs stream license, but right now diesels (especially Cummins) are out of my knowledge base.

A VIN license (currently Cummins controllers can ONLY be licensed this way, no streams are available as of 1/4/12) is locked to the controller's unique serial number. So if you purchase a new ECM/PCM, you need a new VIN license to flash it. Theoretically you could move your ECM/PCM to another truck and not buy another license, but then you'd be giving up your tuned ECM/PCM.

A stream license lets you flash an unlimited number of that controller type. For example, if I were to buy an E67 stream license I could write to unlimited E67 ECMs, regardless of year, serial #, etc. But, this stream license is ONLY for that particular controller (ie Id still have to buy VIN licenses for any E38s I wanted to tune).

Hope that clarifies it a little better.

January 5th, 2012, 01:57 AM
Check out my website...I have nearly an hour long tutorial video posted.. passcode is 7777

January 5th, 2012, 02:52 AM
Check out my website...I have nearly an hour long tutorial video posted.. passcode is 7777

Don't worry about his hockey helmet and drool cup though....doctor said the condition is temporary.


January 5th, 2012, 03:04 AM
LOL Rich wtf? hahahahaha :grd:

We just down Tabasco sauce with a side of crawfish for that fix...what Dr.?? lol

January 5th, 2012, 03:40 AM
Thanks Kory. I'm not the OP, but I'll take advantage of the knowledge you shared.

January 5th, 2012, 04:20 AM
LOL Rich wtf? hahahahaha :grd:

We just down Tabasco sauce with a side of crawfish for that fix...what Dr.?? lol


Just had to liven up a Tursday.

January 5th, 2012, 09:27 AM
there isn't a whole lot of info you'll be able to read on the Cummins as of yet. The V2 does come with a scan and tune manual on a CD which helps a lot but is mainly geared towards GM.

I don't know if the powers that be care but, if they don't..... I could post the manual .pdf files for you.

2007 5.9
January 5th, 2012, 11:27 AM
there isn't a whole lot of info you'll be able to read on the Cummins as of yet. The V2 does come with a scan and tune manual on a CD which helps a lot but is mainly geared towards GM.

I don't know if the powers that be care but, if they don't..... I could post the manual .pdf files for you.

Well if it isint Mr. Rattler himself...welcome to the "Real Tuning World" Ty!!!

2007 5.9
January 5th, 2012, 11:29 AM
Please look to the work of Rich from Doghouse Diesel...he made these "How-to's"...just for newbies like yourself.


January 5th, 2012, 11:51 AM
Well if it isint Mr. Rattler himself...welcome to the "Real Tuning World" Ty!!!

Hey Les, thanks :thumb_yello: man isn't that the truth, it's my new found hobby and a challenging one! I can still hold that title for now though. I've just started logging to try and narrow down a little more of it. If I couldn't get rid of anymore though I'd be perfectly happy, cause it's a different truck.

January 5th, 2012, 12:57 PM
Thank you Erik, that is exactly what I wanted to know.

Check out my website...I have nearly an hour long tutorial video posted.. passcode is 7777

Thanks Kory I will look at that as soon as it loads up (taking a while, must be quite big) I’m sure that will be a big help.

Don't worry about his hockey helmet and drool cup though....doctor said the condition is temporary.

Rich, don’t understand the above (still funny) and don't think I'm supposed to but since you posted it’s a good opportunity for me to ask you a question I had because you seem to be one of the genius’s of Live :master: . I downloaded your “gift tune” and looking at the main pulse section of that tune compared to the main pulse of the LLY tune on demo tune tool that was available free on Live’s website. This kind of showed me that comparing Cummins and Dmax tunes for the purpose of learning about Live is pure stupidity, I guess because of the difference in stroke, pump capacities, injectors, turbo and so on. I was wondering though if you would give me a gift by making a copy of the stock Cummins tune and putting it on here so I can compare it against your gift tune. I think my best choice will be to just talk to someone like yourself or Kory about buying a few of your mild tunes when Live is out for 03-05s but I still like to learn. :book:

Triton, if the powers that be see this and give you the OK that would be great, don’t want to upset anyone though, I’m sure I’ll have more questions in the future.

Please look to the work of Rich from Doghouse Diesel...he made these "How-to's"...just for newbies like yourself.

Thanks Les I couldn’t find part 1 those are such a huge help :master: to Rich LOL I can only dream of being that knowledgeable with Live.

To everyone above I really do appreciate your help!

January 5th, 2012, 02:36 PM
There are plenty of stock 06-07 tunes around.:thumb_yello:

Look at tunefiledepot.com and Comp D.



January 5th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Ooooh I didn't figure you could find stock tunes. Thanks!

January 5th, 2012, 03:04 PM
First, let me restate the intent of the "Gift Tune"....

It was posted so guys had something to look at other than a stock file.

I DID NOT post it specifically so you could run it on your truck.

I tried to make it very clear that not all the tables were modified in that tune.

I made it very clear that there is no technical support should you chose to use it on your truck.

I probably get 20 emails a week asking about it.

NO, I will not modify it for you. NO, I will not make it an auto trans file for you. NO, I will not fix your truck if you load it and something breaks.

It's nothing special, it's nothing fancy, it was just something put there so guys had something OTHER than stock to look at.

If you choose to use it, it's on you.

Okay, rant off.......cumminsho13 this wasn't directed at you, I just get some off the wall requests for that tune from guys using it on their trucks.


And no, the duration table for a Duramax will not necessarilly work on a Cummins. You gotta remember that with a Duramax you have a cylinder firing every 90*'s, with a Cummins you have 120*'s between power events. Those numbers all by themselves make tuning it different.

January 5th, 2012, 03:17 PM
I can delete that about the gift tune so as not to advertise it. I didn't know people were giving you all that trouble, that's what you get for being nice I guess...

And ok that makes sense I didn't even think about it firing one more time per revolution, I was thinking purely length of stroke compared to a Duramax, thanks man.

January 5th, 2012, 03:35 PM
Check out my website...I have nearly an hour long tutorial video posted.. passcode is 7777

Great video! Thankx it really shed some light on the Cummins system.

January 5th, 2012, 06:01 PM
I can delete that about the gift tune so as not to advertise it. I didn't know people were giving you all that trouble, that's what you get for being nice I guess...

And ok that makes sense I didn't even think about it firing one more time per revolution, I was thinking purely length of stroke compared to a Duramax, thanks man.

No, no, that's okay.....don't sweat that.

You just have no idea how many calls and emails I get asking for this and that about that tune.

I try to tell guys that it's really not that refined. That was just a quick throw together for that truck and it gives guys a look at something other than stock.

January 6th, 2012, 12:54 AM
I posted the manuals for you but, I guess the powers that be didn't want them posted cause they never made it online. Sorry.

January 6th, 2012, 06:09 AM
No, no, that's okay.....don't sweat that.

You just have no idea how many calls and emails I get asking for this and that about that tune.

I try to tell guys that it's really not that refined. That was just a quick throw together for that truck and it gives guys a look at something other than stock.

Well maybe reading this thread will keep people from pestering you so much, but I appreciate you putting it up, it gives me something to play with to learn a little about the software, just can't wait till its out for my truck and I can do some real playing!

January 6th, 2012, 06:10 AM
I posted the manuals for you but, I guess the powers that be didn't want them posted cause they never made it online. Sorry.

Oh its fine, I kinda don't blame them, thanks for trying.