View Full Version : Success Story

February 5th, 2012, 04:02 AM
Just wanted to share my success. I don't have any marvelous dyno numbers at the moment (to be had soon!) but what I do have is hard proof in the pudding that EFI is king of tuning the 5.9L CR. On my 06 MegaCab I have a measly box stock BW S363,T-4 2nd gen PDI manifold that I port-matched, 45% injectors, Arson 3 minus the FCA, and a built tranny. Currently I have been working with SilverBullet Tuning (Les Szmidt) to hammer out the tuning. I have been all smiles! I've had a bit of a curveball thrown at me because I didn't want that large of an injector (120's to 150's) paired with my choice of turbo. Nothing custom tuning can't handle! So far, I'm smoke free, spools like stock, drives like a grocery getter while DD'ing and while driving in inclement weather, but runs like a scalded dog up top! It's hard to imagine my turbo spooling like stock and smoke free with larger injectors for it, but it does and flows so much air up top with that huge 16cm turbine housing!

Now to the good stuff....My motto has always been, get it done for less or go home! Not in the sense in sacrificing reliability, but I don't go buying parts based off price or advertised hp etc... Just recently I've had my sights set on a particular local truck that cruises around as the BIG DOG of the town..07 5.9L, Quad cab, short bed, G56 with SB DD 3600, Smarty, 75% CP3, 60% over injectors, SilverBullet turbo (66) T-3 HTT stainless manifold, valve springs and push rods, and a few other nic-nacs that have made 620 hp on Dunbar's dyno recently. Staging while cruising 60-70mph on the interstate I let him know just who the NEW big dog is now!! While at a pit stop on our journey, I asked him and his fellow passengers that are Cummins owners as well, what kinda smoke output were they seeing out of mine since I had been ironing out a boost fuel limiter table. Very swiftly they replied, "None, Clean, Very clean!" at that moment, is was like the world stop turning and I knew, I had accomplished what I set out to achieve. What a great feeling that was!! Just wanted to say thank you to Les for his hard work and patience putting up with me, the EFILive crew for making this possible, and the rest of the BETA testers, and friends that have listened to me ramble on.

February 5th, 2012, 06:29 AM
always a sweet victory when a goal is achieved ! Congrats ! Les is definitely one to get good advice from. It will only get better the more parts you add on :-)

February 5th, 2012, 07:10 AM
Thanks man! I'm gonna try and be happy with where I'm at for a while....lol. Oh and btw, they were you're old parts who I spanked.

February 5th, 2012, 07:34 AM
That sounds impressive and gives me something to shoot for. I'm looking to upgrade to the very same box stock charger once I can get the $$$ scraped together. Nothing like tuning on a budget. I like seeing all of the recent success stories. I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

February 6th, 2012, 11:10 AM
Just recently I've had my sights set on a particular local truck that cruises around as the BIG DOG of the town..07 5.9L, Quad cab, short bed, G56 with SB DD 3600, Smarty, 75% CP3, 60% over injectors, SilverBullet turbo (66) T-3 HTT stainless manifold, valve springs and push rods, and a few other nic-nacs that have made 620 hp on Dunbar's dyno recently. Staging while cruising 60-70mph on the interstate I let him know just who the NEW big dog is now!! While at a pit stop on our journey, I asked him and his fellow passengers that are Cummins owners as well, what kinda smoke output were they seeing out of mine since I had been ironing out a boost fuel limiter table. Very swiftly they replied, "None, Clean, Very clean!" at that moment, is was like the world stop turning and I knew, I had accomplished what I set out to achieve.

Oh and btw, they were you're old parts who I spanked.

Andrew I am happy you got your truck running good! As a passenger in this so called truck you spanked, your success story is not exactly all true and very misleading! At best you could hang with him and that would still be a good accomplishment! Staging while cruising? Not exactly! As for your smoke we did not say it was clean as in no smoke! Dont get carried away!

Once again I am happy your truck is running good but I am very disappointed in you and how you told this story!


February 7th, 2012, 02:14 PM
You just don't get it do you. You're not worth my time.

February 7th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Congrats Andrew...you have come a long way and I feel have greatly contributed to the Efilive cummins community as well!

February 7th, 2012, 05:57 PM
I am very disappointed in you and how you told this story!

You just don't get it do you. You're not worth my time.

Now GM vs FORD I can see, GM vs Dodge I can see, but these Dodge guys are tough, Dodge vs Dodge here :nixweiss:

February 8th, 2012, 01:31 AM
Thanks Kory. Lol Ross. These guys just can't grow up. All their childish comments got old. Fact of the matter was you had two trucks, side by side, make probably 6 pulls, and one (me) always outran the other.

2007 5.9
February 8th, 2012, 01:36 AM
Dodge on Dodge crime is probably the worst out of the Big 3...WE HATE TO LOSE...so when we do, we come up with ANY plausible excuse.

February 8th, 2012, 01:48 AM
I've noticed that Les...everytime I beat a Dodge something was always wrong!

Lol jjk, don't jump me, I'm somewhat on the dark side with my 6.7!

2007 5.9
February 8th, 2012, 01:56 AM
I've noticed that Les...everytime I beat a Dodge something was always wrong!

Lol jjk, don't jump me, I'm somewhat on the dark side with my 6.7!


You Dmax boys are all the same...lol!!!

February 8th, 2012, 01:59 AM
Lol! Guilty guilty!

Oh man, Heres a old one!!


February 8th, 2012, 04:36 AM
Oh man, Heres a old one!!


That's hilarious! Sad but true....

February 8th, 2012, 04:41 AM
At least chances are that if your on this forum..your not "that guy"..LOL!

February 8th, 2012, 07:10 AM
You just don't get it do you. You're not worth my time.

Yea we figured you where like that a year or so ago! So it's all good!

Thanks Kory. Lol Ross. These guys just can't grow up. All their childish comments got old. Fact of the matter was you had two trucks, side by side, make probably 6 pulls, and one (me) always outran the other.

The thing that gets me is I feel you think we are putting down your truck and your accomplishments. We never said anything about your accomplishments or what you have done to your truck that is running very good. We both actually said it was impressive how far you have come with your truck and figuring out EFI Live. That is not the issue.

As for the fun stuff of your success story, wording is everything! And you put it on the World Wide Web for all to see. So you must understand it is open for debate. Sorry, but that is just the way it is.

I also have no vested interest in ether truck. I am just someone that watched it all play out and if the other guy would have told the story like you did I would have done the same to him.

2007 5.9
February 8th, 2012, 07:37 AM
I say you settle this on the rollers...out here in the west, we settle disputed beat downs with hard numbers.

The dyno don't lie...

Either way...a 66mm with anything over 100hp injectors, should have walked over a 63mm with the right tuning.

If you can't do the above....then it's time to get real....real tuning.

February 8th, 2012, 07:40 AM
^^Agreed, I'm sure andrew or Les could get the 66 and 100s where they should be.. After all, you are on Efilives forum...care to invest in a nice tune?

February 8th, 2012, 09:28 AM
It’s my truck that is in question here. I was not going to register and add to the nonsense. I have been a lurker here since I heard EFI Live was coming for Cummins. I have also been a long time supporter of smarty (let the bashing begin). I did give EFI Live a try and that left a BAD taste in my mouth. Andrew actually gave me his second License and I paid for tuning (I won’t mention from who but it wasn’t Andrew or Les). This tuning was to help Andrew and I both learn. That did not work out and it wasn’t my or Andrews fault. Someone just didn’t stand behind what they told us. There is no doubt EFI Live or any custom tuning is better than a box tuner but I have few complaints about using the box tuner. What complaints I have EFI Live will solve (Mostly the surging and injector rattle). Until my plans changed recently I was planning on giving EFI Live another shot in the spring after adding a cam. From dyno sheets that I have saw I may be leaving more than 100 ponies on the table. As of now I may sell my truck to fund the build of my wife’s VP truck (She can’t drive a standard comfortably) and it’s hard to justify two of these rigs as Daily Drivers, so I would rather have one we both can enjoy. Given the conditions Yes Andrew did beat me. All but one pull mine just spun on the wet roads as soon as the turbo would start to light. The one decent pull I got he was ahead and once mine spooled he didn’t seem to put anymore distance between us. I was impressed VERY impressed, I would just not consider that a win or a good comparison but that’s me. Mine SHOULD do a lot better than his but I think they are Dang close!!!! I actually enjoy blowing the tires off but not at 80+ in the rain. I have never claimed to be the “BIG DOG” of the area. You can ask anyone locally that has a Cummins as I have helped most of them learn from my mistakes and help most of them wrench on their trucks. I never asked Brian to post anything on here, I actually asked him not too. How I read into his success story is between him and I (not the world) and I said my peace to him. I don’t care to get beat. There is always going to be someone faster than you. There is a local Dodge Neon that has BLOWN my doors off multiple times. I have told him how AWESOME that is but I would NEVER ride in that ity bitty car running like that!!! I never set out to build a monster. I just fell into the never ending one part leads to another and so on. I have met lots of great people traveling to events and got hooked on the sport. That will never change. If I still have the truck later this year Les or Rich will probably be hearing from me. Les I love road trips but I don’t think Cali is in the cards this year but I do get an extra week of vacation next year!!! I did not come here or post this to keep this argument going. Hopefully the buck stops here.

February 8th, 2012, 11:58 AM
I probably will invest in EFI one day.

February 8th, 2012, 12:02 PM
I've noticed that Les...everytime I beat a Dodge something was always wrong!

I got a 'lil sumptin' for ya......


February 8th, 2012, 01:13 PM
I did give EFI Live a try and that left a BAD taste in my mouth. Andrew actually gave me his second License and I paid for tuning (I won’t mention from who but it wasn’t Andrew or Les). This tuning was to help Andrew and I both learn. That did not work out and it wasn’t my or Andrews fault.
And really you shouldn't judge the capabilities of EFILive from that experience either. I appreciate you not naming names on here, so lets maybe say that it just didn't work out for you with that particular tuner. Consider custom tuning like buying a new car, the car is the same, the salesman are not, doesn't mean the car is a pile of junk.

I don’t care to get beat. There is always going to be someone faster than you.
Yep, unless your name is John Force, that is probably a fair call.

February 8th, 2012, 01:35 PM
No it was not efi live it was the tuner!!! That was in the very early stages of it being out for cummins so I decided to sit back and wait. Come on man I know my lawn mower will outrun John Force!!!!

February 8th, 2012, 01:49 PM
I must confess, I haven't followed the NHRA for many years, he's name was one that stuck though.

February 8th, 2012, 01:56 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Just because you give someone a hammer, doesn't make them a carpenter.

February 8th, 2012, 02:11 PM
Rich -challenge accepted! Lol

February 8th, 2012, 02:41 PM
Hey, you two West Virginians, looks like on my USA road trip last year I could have called in to see you both, I looked on Google Earth from the GPS trip log and I passed through Ona on 64. I took the photo below, that is about as close as I could find to Ona to prove it. The only reason I took the photo is beacuse we have a StAlbans here in Melbourne and the town Nitro sounds cool.



February 8th, 2012, 02:45 PM
I get off that exit everyday for work Ross!! Dog gonnit!!

February 8th, 2012, 02:54 PM
That is funny, though I don't think the Dodge Caravan rental would have given you much of a challenge.
So, now I know you are a local, what is this building?


February 8th, 2012, 03:03 PM
That's our pride and joy! Our State Capitol. All of our State's money is tied up in that gold dome.... Lol

February 8th, 2012, 03:19 PM
I thought it was a Mosque when I saw it :unsure:
If things ever go real bad for WV you could always level the building and sell the gold.

February 8th, 2012, 03:26 PM
Lmao. I don't know what would be worth more, the gold or the coal we mine like it's going out of style back here. you happen to find yourself back on the same journey next time your vacationing in the US, LET ME KNOW!! And dodge caravan?? They didn't have any LS engine equipped vehicles at the rental place?

February 8th, 2012, 03:28 PM
He is pulling your leg. That is the state pawn shop! Lol

February 8th, 2012, 03:57 PM
Rich -challenge accepted! Lol



February 8th, 2012, 03:58 PM
You happen to find yourself back on the same journey next time your vacationing in the US, LET ME KNOW!!
Sure thing, but that was the 'big road trip' vacation to cover me off for many years I would say.

And dodge caravan?? They didn't have any LS engine equipped vehicles at the rental place?
Yes, they had Camaro's, but we had three adults, three kids and luggage to travel from CA to NY to FL and everywhere in between. So for that purpose the Caravan did an excellent job, as for cool factor, not even on the menu.

2007 5.9
February 8th, 2012, 04:19 PM
To the guy who owns said truck..please dont let your previous tuner (I know who it was) turn you from EFI. As you can clearly see with Andrews truck..power and very clean power CAN be had. But only if the tuner and driver are WILLING to invest the time to make it perfect. It has taken Andrew and I many, many tunes to get him to where he is. It has been a long process, but I can say without a doubt...I LOVE spending the time. Partially due to the fact that the owner has a smile and ZERO complaints...and that I also learn in the process.

I am and will always be a student...even when i become the teacher...i will always be the student.

I ll be looking for you when the time is right for you to try it again.

February 8th, 2012, 04:32 PM

February 8th, 2012, 05:37 PM
To the guy who owns said truck..please dont let your previous tuner (I know who it was) turn you from EFI. As you can clearly see with Andrews truck..power and very clean power CAN be had. But only if the tuner and driver are WILLING to invest the time to make it perfect. It has taken Andrew and I many, many tunes to get him to where he is. It has been a long process, but I can say without a doubt...I LOVE spending the time. Partially due to the fact that the owner has a smile and ZERO complaints...and that I also learn in the process.

I am and will always be a student...even when i become the teacher...i will always be the student.

I ll be looking for you when the time is right for you to try it again.

If anyone in this game says they have all the answers and says to be the God of tuning...let that be the first red flag thrown...you never quit learning...heck this cummins game continues to throw me for loops...the ultra low timing down low still boggles me from time to time though I have a theory that at least makes sense in my head now... but great saying les...even as a teacher, you should still be the student. I love this forum!
Now time for Rich to pop in with the gay group hug! Lolol

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk

February 8th, 2012, 11:03 PM
Now time for Rich to pop in with the gay group hug! Lolol

You heard it.....he asked for it.....


February 9th, 2012, 01:20 AM
Gurd smurgas fragit Rick!!!!

February 9th, 2012, 01:24 AM
Oh dang!! That wasn't in the cards now man!! Now Its ME that may have to rethink this 1/4mile road-trip this summer....wait, no I don't!!! Bring it!

February 9th, 2012, 06:23 AM
You heard it.....he asked for it.....

:Eyecrazy: {image omitted to prevent further retina damage} :Eyecrazy:

This is one time I'm glad I'm an outsider!

February 9th, 2012, 07:54 AM
gurd smurgas fragit rick!!!!


February 9th, 2012, 09:08 AM
You heard it.....he asked for it.....
Oh dear, get a room boys.

February 9th, 2012, 10:50 AM
Oh dear, get a room boys.

You went back and looked twice, didn't ya Ross?...

It's okay. We'll still be your friend.


February 9th, 2012, 11:48 AM
Funny thing is Rich, a friend of ours (who I assume isn't gay) is in to body building. Last year he asked me if he could borrow my camera for a body building event because it has a good zoom and he could get better close ups.
I don't care what you say, there is just something very wrong with that statement coming from a married man.

February 9th, 2012, 12:21 PM
Funny thing is Rich, a friend of ours (who I assume isn't gay) is in to body building. Last year he asked me if he could borrow my camera for a body building event because it has a good zoom and he could get better close ups.
I don't care what you say, there is just something very wrong with that statement coming from a married man.

When in doubt, pinky out!


February 16th, 2012, 03:14 PM
Hey, you two West Virginians, looks like on my USA road trip last year I could have called in to see you both, I looked on Google Earth from the GPS trip log and I passed through Ona on 64. I took the photo below, that is about as close as I could find to Ona to prove it. The only reason I took the photo is beacuse we have a StAlbans here in Melbourne and the town Nitro sounds cool.


12652That's pretty cool. If you traveled I-64, you passed me as well. Ashland, Kentucky (about 20min West of FUBAR). You were about 10mi from my house. If you are ever passing thru again we should all go get a meal.

February 16th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Very close FUBAR, as the GPS log (blue line) shows. We detoured over to Ohio for 5 mins just to get 'the state sign', tick another one off the list.

February 16th, 2012, 05:25 PM
Yea, I live 10min away from where you traveled on the interstate. I think I was working out of town at the time when you were here though...I remember thinking how cool it would be to meet you all at one of the shows you were attending. The company I work for attends some of the shows you visited, but I wouldn't have even needed to leave the house! Oh, and we have TONS of hot wing joints here! Good eats too..baked, grilled, fried, or all 3!! Heard you like hot wings just a little...or Hooters whichever one...

2007 5.9
February 17th, 2012, 01:37 AM
Yeah apparently there is a WHOLE other food group according to Ross....WINGS!!! LOL...

February 17th, 2012, 08:50 AM
Yep, I got some strange looks when I asked for Wings, but in Main size. I can't find decent ones out here so why not, and, the prices are so cheap compared to food out here I couldn't resist.

February 17th, 2012, 01:46 PM
All this talk about wings made me have to throw a dozen or so on the barbie this evening...good stuff with a Sam Adams! What more could you ask for then to talk engine tuning and wings and brew in one place! Utopia!