View Full Version : Release Candidate 9, Feb 09, 2012

February 8th, 2012, 09:22 PM
Release Candidate 9 of the EFILive V7.5 and V8 software is available for download.
Although we've released this software as a release candidate version, we highly recommend not using it in a production environment or in situations where failure cannot be tolerated.
If you absolutely must use RC9 in a production environment, please familiarize yourself with the updates that have been made in all RC versions. You may need to manage the differences between this RC9 release and whatever public release your customers may be using.

We plan on releasing one more RC version (RC10) in 1-2 weeks. We plan for RC10 to be the stable release that will go live some time later this month.

Auto Update:

This latest release candidate uses a new installer from Indigo Rose that is not compatible with the V7.5 and V8 software that has been installed with the QSetup installer.
The RC9 installer will automatically chekc for and uninstall incompatible versions of EFILive. In previous RC updates some user data (such as registration details) was accidentally being overwritten. This RC9 installer attempts to backup and restore that user data so that it is not lost. However, we also recommend backing up your \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 folder prior to installing RC9. That way if any files do get overwritten or deleted you can always restore them from your backup copy.

The new installer supports auto updating but it will not be enabled until the full public release of the EFILive software.
For now, please download and install this release candidate using the links below.

Manual download/install available here:
http://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.7.195_RC9.exe (90 MB)
http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.2.1.185_RC9.exe (33 MB)

Important information
Boot block and Firmware updates
Please update your FlashScan and AutoCal boot blocks to V2.07.04 (Dec 13, 2011) and the firmware to V2.07.23 (Feb 08, 2011).
The boot block update fixes a problem with AutoCal's LCD in low temperatures.
After updating to firmware V2.07.23, you will no longer be able to revert back to firmware V2.07.22.

*.ctd v's *.ctz file format
*.ctd (calibration tune data) files are no longer supported by the latest FlashScan and AutoCal firmware. The new file format supported by FlashScan and AutoCal is *.ctz (calibration tune zip) files. The V7.5 and V8 software will continue to allow you to open/read *.ctd files but you can only save files in the new *.ctz file format. This is only a concern for tuners that are sending tune files to their customers. If you want to send *.ctz files to your customers, then your customers must also have the latest V7.5 and V8 software installed and must also have their FlashScans and AutoCals updated with the latest firmware.

Script Files (i.e. *.obj files used to read/flash the controllers - not to be confused with script files that are used to automate calibration updates)

Script files have been updated. The latest script files must be copied to FlashScan/AutoCal devices to maintain compatibility with the latest V2.07.23 (Feb 08, 2012) firmware.

Known Issues:
Issue #1

Attempting to read a CMB/CMC controller using standalone reading (BBR) when no vehicle is connected to FlashScan/AutoCal may cause FlashScan/AutoCal to hang. In that case you should power cycle FlashScan/AutoCal to regain control.

Issue #2

AutoCal may become unresponsive to USB commands from the host PC after completing a BBF operation while still connected to the PC via USB.

Issue #3

E55 BBL does not work - Fixed.
Issue #4
Disabling BTM on the Cummins may set a MIL with a checksum DTC, seems hit and miss (this should be 100% cured in RC8a).
Issue #5
Reading or flashing may fail in BBx mode but complete successfully in pass-thru mode.
Please download the attached zip file and unzip the contents into
\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 32 bit systems)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 64 bit systems)
The use EFILive_Explorer to update the firmware so that the firmware date shows as Feb 12, 2012.

Issue #6
Changing the VIN of a T43 calibration in the V7 Tune Tool software will cause an error stating: "EFILive has detected changes in the data that were not made by EFILive" when the file is saved.

Reporting Issues:
If you discover any problems/faults, please make a note of them in this thread.
For urgent or complicated issues, please create a support ticket here: http://support.efilive.com (http://support.efilive.com/)

What's new in this release candidate (since Release Candidate 8):
For a description of previous updates, please see the RC8 thread here:

Changes in RC9:

Interesting/Important updates in green

Fixed AutoCal hanging when attempting to scan when one or more PIDs were unsupported.
Changed V7 and V8 installer to automatically uninstall old versions if/when required.
Fixed V7 installer to save and restore the "User Configuration" folder so license and other user data is not lost when V7 is automatically uninstalled.

Fixed V7 installer to allow user to choose to keep or discard existing registry settings.
Removed copyright check and warning in V7 when loading tune files.
Added Virtual VE table support for E39, E78 and E83
Added intake and exhaust cam position options fro generating VVE tables.
Fixed WO2 Stoichiometry setting in FlashScan/AutoCal to correctly default to 14.7 if it is never set away from 0 by the user.
Fixed V7 sometimes not recognizing the connected cable at start-up and defaulting to the wrong authorization level.
Fixed Cummins timing calculator window to prevent 3D surface map being permanently hidden if the horizontal splitter bar is moved to the top of the window.
Changed "Paste and multiply by %" to handle all data values consistently- previously it was handling values from 0..2 as -100%..+100%.
Fixed copy/paste of text fields in dialogs and MDI child windows.
Fixed single digit file names not showing up on FlashScan (i.e. 1.ctz).
Fixed hanging after updating lots of Quickstart items.
Put docs back onto start menu.
Added BBF Full flash for LS1B, LB7 and LLY (Note, LS1B and LB7 full flash is currently disabled. If you want/need to test either, please contact paul@efilive.com)

Add P12 read/flash (for V8 & BBx).

Add P08 and P11 cal-flash.

Fixed auto detecting of P08 and P10 controllers.
E40 full flash script now checks for BB compatibility correctly.
Fixed range check error when opening LBZ/LMM BBR files for the first time.
Prevent LBZ/LMM BBF full-flashing if *.ctz file has not been merged with base OS.
Fixed LBZ/LMM display messages while BBFing.
Fixed CMB flash to reduce possibility of failure due to packet-loss.
Added T76 TCM read support.

The EFILive Development Team

Duramax 6.6L
February 9th, 2012, 12:05 AM
Downloading and installing now

February 9th, 2012, 03:09 AM
After updating to this RC, format my config file and programming my FlashScan slower, it will not BBF my CMB controller after 3 attempts. When I get to the point when my FlashScan asks me if this file is the one I want to flash controller, after selecting ok, it always quits after 3-5 min. Giving me the $0340 or $0380 error. I'm flashing with laptop now to see what happens.

February 9th, 2012, 03:13 AM
After the fourth attempt (1st with laptop) it successfully flashed elapsed time of 6:22.

February 9th, 2012, 03:51 AM
Flashed second time with laptop in 5:52.

February 9th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Yay, P12 BBR/BBF! And P08/P11 BBF! Sweet!

Looks pretty good to me, imagine the VVT guys will appreciate the VVE being able to show that now.

February 9th, 2012, 11:36 AM
Does this fix the checksum error we were having with the box tuners not going to stock on the 6.7 cummins?

February 9th, 2012, 11:50 AM
That will be in the next release (in a week or two), with that should also be the DTC disable lists :jump:

February 9th, 2012, 12:16 PM
Thanks Ross. I can't speak for the masses, but gotta say I'm extremely impressed with ya'lls progress and level of customer service.

February 9th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Thanks Dave, it's been quite challenging switching back and forward between Cummins and GM gas ECM's to get these releases out.

February 9th, 2012, 01:53 PM
Thanks Dave, it's been quite challenging switching back and forward between Cummins and GM gas ECM's to get these releases out.

I bet there are times when you don't know which way is up or down after working with the Cummins ECM's...

Anyhow, is anybody else experiencing issues flashing a Cummins with just their FlashScan? I know Ross said they were gonna slow down the particular area that seemed to be causing trouble, but now I can't BBF at all.

February 9th, 2012, 02:05 PM
I tested the Cummins ECM's here before release.
5:50 flash from PC, 6:45 from V2. Never saw any issues, and yes, the update includes the slow programming of the early sections.
Sorry, but I have to ask the obvious, did you update the V2 firmware to that included with RC9?

February 9th, 2012, 03:23 PM
Yes I did.

February 9th, 2012, 03:29 PM
I've also done this...

February 9th, 2012, 06:37 PM
E40 is reading the Boost VE wrong. Its now reading from 15kpa to 195kpa instead of 105kpa to 195kpa. Throws the whole table out.

February 9th, 2012, 09:44 PM
JezzaB, there has been absolutely no changes to the E40 calibrations for a fair while now, can you perhaps post a screen shot?

February 9th, 2012, 09:45 PM
I've also done this...
Ok thanks FUBAR, so with those speed changes it seems the reflash is a little more flakey than before? Well, at least from the V2?

February 10th, 2012, 01:08 AM
Yes. Before it would be 1 out of every 10 flashes flaky, now we're batting 100% flaky...or from home runs with an occasional fly-out to all strikeouts. (not sure if you all have Baseball in Australia)

Edit: Speaking of BBF'ing only.

February 10th, 2012, 09:20 AM
Ok, would certainly be interested to hear if the laptop continues to remain stable.

February 10th, 2012, 10:59 AM
Have to ask... but the LBZ/LMM issue that was fixed with this release - for Full Flashing - is that fixing it so that with this firmware / software we can now full flash successfully without reverting to older versions? Just kind of curious to know if that's what is meant by that particular fix - or if there's more to the puzzle....

February 10th, 2012, 02:10 PM
5 out of 5 BBF'es failed. 4 out of 4 PC flashes successful with the Cummins CMB. The most stable I have seen of BBF'ing for Cummins CMB was the July 29th 2011 release.


February 10th, 2012, 04:59 PM
5 out of 5 BBF'es failed. 4 out of 4 PC flashes successful with the Cummins CMB. The most stable I have seen of BBF'ing for Cummins CMB was the July 29th 2011 release.


After the BBF fails (before unplugging the FlashScan/AutoCal), can you please save a trace file on the FlashScan/AutoCal device, then copy the log file to the PC and email it to me at paul@efilive.com. Include a link to this thread so I know what its about, thanks.

February 10th, 2012, 07:19 PM
LS1B BBF/FF... wow!! :) thanks, I'll be trying this out over the next few days.

February 11th, 2012, 06:55 AM
After the BBF fails (before unplugging the FlashScan/AutoCal), can you please save a trace file on the FlashScan/AutoCal device, then copy the log file to the PC and email it to me at paul@efilive.com. Include a link to this thread so I know what its about, thanks.

You have mail.

February 12th, 2012, 09:21 AM
JezzaB, there has been absolutely no changes to the E40 calibrations for a fair while now, can you perhaps post a screen shot?


Has appeared on the last couple of RC buids ive loaded on. All were uninstalled and then reinstalled. Ive opened previous tunes iv done a couple of years ago and the BoostVE table appears screwed up as well. I dont remember the BoostVE table reading under 105kpa.

Very weird. The Main VE table reads correctly

Also had a couple of pass thru flashes to the E40 where everything appears to be correct and flash correctly but the g/cyl airflow is very very low when logging. Reflash or Full flash and (sometimes) its fixed and back reading what it should. Not good when it starts trying to command something in the .32g/cyl area under boost

February 13th, 2012, 09:26 AM
I'm trying to tune a 2012 Turbo Sonic, I can't seem to open the file (Unrecognized PCM) is there a different build I should be looking for to tune this thing or is it still in the works? Thanks

February 13th, 2012, 10:06 AM
5 out of 5 BBF'es failed. 4 out of 4 PC flashes successful with the Cummins CMB. The most stable I have seen of BBF'ing for Cummins CMB was the July 29th 2011 release.


Please see Issue #5 in the first post of this thread.
I've updated the firmware to hopefully fix the problem.


February 13th, 2012, 10:06 AM
I'm trying to tune a 2012 Turbo Sonic, I can't seem to open the file (Unrecognized PCM) is there a different build I should be looking for to tune this thing or is it still in the works? Thanks

Please send the file that you read from the controller to me at paul@efilive.com

February 13th, 2012, 10:14 AM
Has appeared on the last couple of RC buids ive loaded on. All were uninstalled and then reinstalled. Ive opened previous tunes iv done a couple of years ago and the BoostVE table appears screwed up as well. I dont remember the BoostVE table reading under 105kpa
Sorry JezzaB, I forgot we did add a table in to the E40 back in December so the E40 has been modified recently, I'll need to look and see why those tables you showed are all messed up now. Just hold off on tuning that table for the moment, I'm not sure it will be changing the correct data.

February 13th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Sorry JezzaB, I forgot we did add a table in to the E40 back in December so the E40 has been modified recently, I'll need to look and see why those tables you showed are all messed up now. Just hold off on tuning that table for the moment, I'm not sure it will be changing the correct data.

Yeah I havent touched the table as im sure the data is fine as long as its not changed. Reminds me a bit of when im looking for tables in TunerPro :p

February 13th, 2012, 10:35 AM
Yes, it becomes pretty obvious when tables aren't set up correctly.

February 13th, 2012, 12:56 PM
Reading or flashing may fail in BBx mode but complete successfully in pass-thru mode.
Please download the attached zip file and unzip the contents into
\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 32 bit systems)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 64 bit systems)
The use EFILive_Explorer to update the firmware so that the firmware date shows as Feb 12, 2012.

Please see Issue #5 in the first post of this thread.
I've updated the firmware to hopefully fix the problem.


:thankyou2:Thank you! I just BBF'd my Cummins CMB controller successfully with Feb. 12, 2012 Firmware. From the beginning of the flash (when it starts to check data file) to the end of flash (when you turn the key off) took an elapsed time of 7:14. Much appreciated! It sure is nice not to rely on the laptop and preserve the battery life of the laptop when making multiple changes fine tuning, etc..


February 14th, 2012, 07:31 AM
BBx seems to be very stable so far!! Woohoo! Now when can us Cummins rednecks BBL?? Just kidding, you guys are doing a standup job!

February 14th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Oh memories......

I remember when the E38 was brand new and BBL was only just starting. 10 min cal flashes from the laptop, setting up the laptop under the drivers seat to log long trips. The V2 and EFILive has come a long, long way in the past few years. To achieve both product enhancement and new calibrations is no small task. You guys have done a superb job and it shows when comparing with the competition.


February 14th, 2012, 10:03 AM
. . .

Known Issues:
. . .
Issue #5
Reading or flashing may fail in BBx mode but complete successfully in pass-thru mode.
Please download the attached zip file and unzip the contents into
\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 32 bit systems)
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware (for Windows 64 bit systems)
The use EFILive_Explorer to update the firmware so that the firmware date shows as Feb 12, 2012.

. . .
Does this apply to any specific controller...?

February 14th, 2012, 10:49 AM
Does this apply to any specific controller...?

It applies to all controllers but more so to CAN controllers and even more so to Cummins controllers. Seems like anyone who wrote code for the various controllers had their own idea about how to implement the "keep alive" strategy. There's quite a few differences between not just manufacturer's but between controllers from the same manufacturer.

Anyway, just for everyone's benefit, the update I made was to redesign the keep-alive message strategy used by FlashScan/AutoCal. The keep alive message strategy is used to keep the various on-board modules in a particular state (e.g. logging, reading, flashing etc). If the keep alive messages stop (eg FlashScan is unplugged from the vehicle), then the controllers will (should) revert to their normal operating state. One of the reasons why reading/flashing may fail is controllers returning to their normal state because either the keep alive messages stopped or were not timely enough or some module (usually aftermarket devices) on the communications bus ignored the keep alive messages.

Previously FlashScan/AutoCal used a mix of synchronous and asynchronous keep-alive message strategies required for various controllers. It was manually configured for each controller and relied on known operating states of the target controller.

There is now just one type of keep alive message strategy for all controllers that works seamlessly with any controller in any operating condition and is fully integrated into FlashScan's/AutoCal's real time operating system.
It is more robust and it interacts with other modules on the bus in a predictable manner.


February 14th, 2012, 12:57 PM
:Eyecrazy: My head hurts after reading that....but many thanks! Let me guess...was this something specific that the only problem child that didn't like the strategy or message was the Cummins CMB controller? And when you say now there is a "more robust keep alive message strategy" in place, does that mean you didn't revert back to the previous firmwares, but in the new zip file changed to a whole new strategy? I think I'm reading your mail right... I have to say, it's been 100% reliable.


February 14th, 2012, 01:12 PM
What happened was a mismatch between the test systems and the development systems over the past week while we were testing RC9 prior to its release.

One test system had already tested the CMB/CMC as functioning correctly, another test system found a fault with the E39 full-flash. Fixing the fault for the E39 full-flash caused the CMB (which had already been tested and passed) to fail in the RC9 release. That's how the CMB BBF failure got through our testing procedures. To prevent that from happening, every time a fault is found during testing we have to fix the fault and restart the testing process. The testing process is long and time consuming. It takes 3 people up to 3 days each just to test the various FlashScan/AutoCal read/flash/log, BBx and pass-thru combinations. I made the decision not to restart the testing because I didn't think that the E39 fix would cause any failures - how wrong I can be sometimes... :(

Once I realized what had happened, and saw that the keep-alive strategy for E39 and CMB was just too incompatible to implement with the old strategy, I bit the bullet and redesigned the whole thing based on what we had figured out over the years about the GM VPW, GM CAN and Cummins CAN controllers.

So to answer your question, yes this is a completely new update/strategy but I think it will end up being better and more reliable than the old system.


February 14th, 2012, 02:18 PM
So much goes on behind 'closed doors' that most and myself included probably take for granted for the most part than we realize. That being said, I and probably can speak for others, appreciate the efforts and achievements the EFILive Development Team has done/doing!


P.S., When I sent you the BBx trace file, was I correct in how I saved it, or did I miss something. If you can't remember it's alright.

February 14th, 2012, 02:43 PM
P.S., When I sent you the BBx trace file, was I correct in how I saved it, or did I miss something. If you can't remember it's alright.

The file was empty, so it didn't help much. But before I was about to ask you for another version I tried the CMB BBF and got the same result as you so it was pretty obvious there was a problem - and it didn't take long to figure out what had happened.
The worst thing is when I can't reproduce the problem on our test system, that's when I really need the logs. If I couldn't have reproduced it here then I would have been pestering you get the trace file(s) again :)


2007 5.9
February 16th, 2012, 01:22 PM
So far...ZERO failed BBF (usually every 3 or so)on Cummins controller...and I think it actually flashes faster now than before.

Great work guys!!!

February 16th, 2012, 01:45 PM
Thanks Les, because that makes sense for Cummins. Send the data slower and it flashes faster :Eyecrazy:

February 25th, 2012, 11:03 PM
I updated to this release today after a couple of weird issues with the firmware in RC8. I'd paused a log file and when restating, the timer came back to life and the PID data started updating, but the frame count didn't increase. When I canceled the BBL session after driving for 20min, the log ended at shortly after the car had previouly been stopped, so nothing was written to the SD card after waking up the V2. The steps involved were...

Start a new logging session.
Drive for 20 min or so, the frame count going up all the time.
Stop the car and get out, the V2 was left alone as it has the 60 sleep timer set.
Come back to the car after 10 min or so.
Turn ignition on, pick yup the V2 ( which has gone to sleep and has a blank screen ).
Press the <OK> or <Power> buttons to wake up the V2. Normally I just watched to see the timer start and/or the PID data on the screen change.
Drive another 15 to 20 min.
Turn off the engine and press the <Cancel> button to finalise the log.

At step 8 I notice the frame count was way lower than I'd expected and before I canceled the log, I noticed the frame count was not increasing, even though the timer was. So after finalising the log, I saved a trace file just in case. I'd almost think that the routine to write data to the SD card never came back, as everything else seemed fine. If you want the trace file, let me know.

I'll also retry this with the latest firmware to see if it re-occurs.


February 26th, 2012, 07:14 AM
I updated to this release today after a couple of weird issues with the firmware in RC8. I'd paused a log file and when restating, the timer came back to life and the PID data started updating, but the frame count didn't increase. When I canceled the BBL session after driving for 20min, the log ended at shortly after the car had previouly been stopped, so nothing was written to the SD card after waking up the V2. The steps involved were...

Start a new logging session.
Drive for 20 min or so, the frame count going up all the time.
Stop the car and get out, the V2 was left alone as it has the 60 sleep timer set.
Come back to the car after 10 min or so.
Turn ignition on, pick yup the V2 ( which has gone to sleep and has a blank screen ).
Press the <OK> or <Power> buttons to wake up the V2. Normally I just watched to see the timer start and/or the PID data on the screen change.
Drive another 15 to 20 min.
Turn off the engine and press the <Cancel> button to finalise the log.

At step 8 I notice the frame count was way lower than I'd expected and before I canceled the log, I noticed the frame count was not increasing, even though the timer was. So after finalising the log, I saved a trace file just in case. I'd almost think that the routine to write data to the SD card never came back, as everything else seemed fine. If you want the trace file, let me know.

I'll also retry this with the latest firmware to see if it re-occurs.


When the log is paused, the timer will increment but the frame count will not - just like you described.
Pressing the OK button during a log will pause the log. Not sure what the ramifications are of pressing the OK button to wake from sleep during a logging session - I'll need to test that.
FlashScan should ignore any button used to wake from sleep, but maybe it is processing the OK and pausing the log.


February 26th, 2012, 09:31 AM
OK, maybe that's what I did. I've paused logs a few times and only had this occur post RC8. I tried to replicate this morning on RC9 and it didn't occur, maybe the "key debounce" wasn't working correctly before and it picked up multiple key presses, putting the V2 into "pause" mode? Anyway, I'll keep testing.


February 28th, 2012, 03:46 PM
Any updates on when the release of the stable RC10 system is going to happen for Cummins 6.7 tuning?

I upgraded by blue V2 the other day but I'm worried about using a pre-release (RC9) program to tune a 6.7 Cummins.

March 6th, 2012, 05:51 AM
Any updates on when the release of the stable RC10 system is going to happen for Cummins 6.7 tuning?

I upgraded by blue V2 the other day but I'm worried about using a pre-release (RC9) program to tune a 6.7 Cummins.

RC10 should be posted this week.

March 8th, 2012, 06:23 PM
I just updated the V8 and V7.5 to RC9, the bootblock to 2.07.04 (Dec.12 2011), and the firmware to 2.07.23 (Feb. 12, 2012). This was done without uninstalling anything first. Now, when I try to flash with the V2, it says something about the firmware not being correct, and will not flash. Any ideas what is wrong?


March 8th, 2012, 10:45 PM
Hi Mike,

Are you trying to BBF from the V2...?

If so, did you run the V8 S&T software, go into BBx and Program the files into your V2 (you may have to format the Config space first)...?

Duramax 6.6L
March 9th, 2012, 12:04 AM
I just updated the V8 and V7.5 to RC9, the bootblock to 2.07.04 (Dec.12 2011), and the firmware to 2.07.23 (Feb. 12, 2012). This was done without uninstalling anything first. Now, when I try to flash with the V2, it says something about the firmware not being correct, and will not flash. Any ideas what is wrong?


You may have to uninstall EFI and reinstall. I beleive they said that a new installer was being used and you had to uninstall the software first and then install. What version did you upgrade from?

March 9th, 2012, 04:50 AM
Hi Mike,

Are you trying to BBF from the V2...?

If so, did you run the V8 S&T software, go into BBx and Program the files into your V2 (you may have to format the Config space first)...?
Yes, I am trying to BBF. I have not run the V8 scan & tune and programed the files into the V2 since it has been updated. When I click on the BBX tab, then on tune, all of the captions say "unused." I think I remember seeing a CMB option in there before. Does the V2 need new config files with the updated RC9?

You may have to uninstall EFI and reinstall. I beleive they said that a new installer was being used and you had to uninstall the software first and then install. What version did you upgrade from?
I thought I read that with this version EFI did not have to be uninstalled to be updated - maybe I have it backwards. I updated from the previous version - can't remember what that was off hand.

March 11th, 2012, 02:04 PM
RC10 is now available here:


March 12th, 2012, 06:15 AM
I installed RC10 and get the same thing. I then tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling RC10 and verifying the bootblock (2.07.04 - Dec 12, 2011) and firmware (2.07.24 - Mar 08, 2012). I am getting the same error code when trying to BBF - $050B Script not compatible with firmware version. Not sure what to do at this point...

March 12th, 2012, 06:47 AM
I believe you will need to open V8 scan and tune with V2 connected.
Hit F5 for bbx then hit F3 to tune. Program after you make sure that CMB is selected(assuming that this is an 06/07).

I believe it will update your V2 BBX setting with the latest config files.
Not sure if that will take care of it but I had a customer who was having the same issue and I dont remember hearing back from him.

you can also verify this by opening EFI Explorer and looking under the config tab

March 12th, 2012, 07:05 AM
I just opened the V8 with the V2 connected, hit f5, then f3. There is no "cmb" to select - just a page of "unused." The "config files" listed under the efilive explorer are dated jan 18th, jan 5th, and jan 5th. Looks like I am missing the "cmb" information in the V8?

March 12th, 2012, 07:14 AM
Ok, I was able open config under V8 while in the V8 tune tab. I found cm849 and programmed that to the V2. Now, the options file under config in the V2 says march 12th, but there are no config files under the options file like there were before. Is this correct?

March 12th, 2012, 07:17 AM
Yes sir you are.

Once you hit F3 hit open and there should be a text document labled "options"

Open that and then re check to see if cmb is available or you can got to efi explorer

and manually move the config files to your V212776

March 12th, 2012, 07:56 AM
Ok, I was able open config under V8 while in the V8 tune tab. I found cm849 and programmed that to the V2. Now, the options file under config in the V2 says march 12th, but there are no config files under the options file like there were before. Is this correct?

No you need to see CMB_f and CMB_R under the config tab

all the configurations are found in the program files for you to manually load if need be. I just wiped my V2 clean and programmed with just the CMB and it would not show up until I manually put them in there.

Im not sure what caused or is causing this but Im sure Paul will have an idea.

for now though you can paste them in there and you should be good to go

March 12th, 2012, 07:56 AM


March 13th, 2012, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the help guys. It's working now!

March 14th, 2012, 03:18 AM
No problem