View Full Version : What does serial V2 switching of tunes equal to in what position.

February 28th, 2012, 10:25 AM
This is the default naming for serial switch tuning of 1 through 5. What I am wondering is what does #1 equal to. I assume #1 is the base tune. Then #2 is actually DSP1 tune, #3 is DSP2, #4 is DSP3, and #5 is DSP4. Not able to test this but someone asked me if I knew which number went to which DSP1-4 or base tune. I thought of select the DSP5 PID but that is for the switch only setup to check with. Look through the DSP doc with but did not see which one was what. Also searched here for ' DSP5 serial ' but may have missed it in one of the 130 some post. If someone can fill out the below to mach what it does that would be great.

1 Stock tune =??????
2 Smokeless=??????
3 Economy=??????
4 Power=??????
5 Towing=??????

Thank you for your time and help.

February 29th, 2012, 01:25 AM

February 29th, 2012, 06:55 AM
As far as I know your assumption is correct, 1 is base and 5 is DSP section 4. The only thing to be careful of is that some people have made the physical switches work backwards. Long ago there was a rumor that the big tune had to be in the base. It's not correct, but the rumor persists. With the hope of helping solve this, I wrote a couple of scripts last week to reverse the order of DSP5 tunes on late LB7 and LLY DSP5 tunes and posted them here:



February 29th, 2012, 06:58 AM
And I guess the answer to the second half is, there are no rules about which position any particular tune has to go. Most people put the big tune at one end or the other, but I spoke to someone who doesn't because he figures someone borrowing the truck will just spin the knob all the way to the right and get a safe tune., not the one that's capable of hurting something.
