View Full Version : Right.... I think it might be my injectors causing my issue but HELP...

March 4th, 2012, 06:00 AM
Right Attached is a run I did. (Not a great run but shows my point) Also is my tune. No matter how many times i VE my tune its seems to just not get better. Anything over 50% throttle kills all power to the engine esspecially at 3-4k. If i run with LTFT's it seems to be drivable at at least 75% TP after a week or two of driving.

Thoughts.... Im over fueling for starters close to 9 in places. This is causing a misfire??? but why.... and is it just i need to keep working and working on my VE?? or is it my injector data is that screwed i should get some that I know the full details of?? (If so can you recomend some injectors at a good price for the UK.)

It all seeming like the figures over 75KPA just keep going up and up. by about 1.5 each time. Im lost now and starting to confuse myself.

And to all I know my IAT Gets high because im not intercooled yet but its not the issue that i can see. Details of what im running is in my sig.





March 4th, 2012, 08:38 AM
I'll have to take a look later today...

what wideband are you using for tuning...?

Which BEN pid are you using...?

March 4th, 2012, 10:32 AM
I'll have to take a look later today...

what wideband are yo using for tuning...?

Which BEN pid are you using...?

I have a LC-1 for a wideband and am using the ............ Just checking

Right. Now I feel like a prize idiot........ I was mapping on EXT.WB02LC1 and realise that that's not right...... New PC and it was all set wrong. Just changed to CALC.BEN1.

Now I see over 3k is averaging 0.80 difference.... So that would make sence... It thinks I'm getting a lot mor air than I really am.... Just altered it on the attached tune by .85 on the 4k and over that I have no data for and will do another run tomorrow to see how much better it looks and if I'm still misfiring. Also if that run show a better match.

VERY SORRY for the waste of your time from an idiot. If I had applied my next tune it would of probably not gone over 3 k at any TP.

LESSON: Always check what your doing and not get lazy.......... Least I went rich not lean!!!!!

March 5th, 2012, 04:22 AM
Hi Antony,

No worries...

So you're using the FlashScan V2 serial comms interface to read the LC-1...?

If so, then look at the pid CALC.WO2BEN in this calc_pids.txt (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12682&d=1329189400)

CALC.WO2BEN is defined as {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{EXT.WO2LAM1} and is independent of stoich AFR.

If your calc_pids.txt file is not empty please post it here so I can look at it.

March 5th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Hi Antony,

No worries...

So you're using the FlashScan V2 serial comms interface to read the LC-1...?

If so, then look at the pid CALC.WO2BEN in this calc_pids.txt (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12682&d=1329189400)

CALC.WO2BEN is defined as {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{EXT.WO2LAM1} and is independent of stoich AFR.

If your calc_pids.txt file is not empty please post it here so I can look at it.

My CALC_pids is clean as my laptop died and I lost all settings from my efilive. I only had my scans and tune. I'm kinda starting again!!!!

Yes I'm using the lc1 in to a v2 via the serial.

Good news is applying the scan I posted to my tune seems to allow at least 60% TP now!!!!

Ill try the CALC pid you posted and use that. Is it more accurate or just mor reliable????

March 5th, 2012, 08:09 AM

Ill try the CALC pid you posted and use that. Is it more accurate or just mor reliable????By avoiding AFR you eliminate the dependancy on stoich AFR...

e.g. AFR = stoich_AFR * Lambda

fuels having varying alcohol content have different stoich AFR;

the LC-1 assumes the stoich AFR is 14.7 which is not ok if you use fuel having a different stoich (altho the LC-1 is programmable).

March 5th, 2012, 08:13 AM

I looked thru your .tun file from post #1, you need to fix these:

Out of Range calibration summary: 11:11:55 am, Monday Mar 05, 2012

EFILive Custom Calibrations
{A0015} N20 Monitor VE Multiplier, contained one or more out of range values when loaded.

and also A0012, A0013 (see the blue dogear corners).

March 5th, 2012, 09:03 AM
So it just removes the need to worry about the lc1 being incorrect (its randomly changed once before) not likely to run anything other than 97-99 unleaded fuel.

Well I have applied this pid now.. See how I get on after a few runs... I can least map 115 and 125 kpa now. Next run should allow me to go to 135. And hopefully not be any richer than 10 afr allowing the car to at least run not 8.99!!!! Might get some better figures that should start moving towards a cleaner tune.

Then trawl through some more filters to be tidier..

I'll look at them tables lat that are out of range. I think if I'm right none are table that activate in my tune. But they should be right.....


By avoiding AFR you eliminate the dependancy on stoich AFR...

e.g. AFR = stoich_AFR * Lambda

fuels having varying alcohol content have different stoich AFR;

the LC-1 assumes the stoich AFR is 14.7 which is not ok if you use fuel having a different stoich (altho the LC-1 is programmable).

March 8th, 2012, 12:29 PM

I looked thru your .tun file from post #1, you need to fix these:

and also A0012, A0013 (see the blue dogear corners).

Right corrected my A0015 to 1 across the board. What is wrong on the A0012 and 13????

There both in range and not serving a purpose..... Have I missed something????

Ps. Looks like I'm managing to get some good figures on my VE still a way to go but I'm closer to 11 at WOT than 9 or lower. Car runs a lot better for it. Couple more runs should see me at my 11.50 target. Then back to the rollers to see if I'm making the lossed 80 RW horses that I could not find due to it leaning out to quick...

March 8th, 2012, 03:42 PM
Set them to 511 and save the file.

[ for OOR values, the tunetool displays the nearest in-range value; so it will show 512 with blue dog-ears; set it to 511, and save file ]

March 8th, 2012, 09:33 PM
Set them to 511 and save the file.

[ for OOR values, the tunetool displays the nearest in-range value; so it will show 512 with blue dog-ears; set it to 511, and save file ]

????mine are both on 824 at the moment and show in range. There the valet rpm limit for ect and non. Surely the max value will be in thousands???? Not 512

Am I being thick...

March 8th, 2012, 11:50 PM
Oh, 824 km/h is the same as 512 mph.

The upper left pane in the tunetool shows the min and max allowed in-range values.

Yes, they show in range (because the tunetool displays the closest in-range value... the presence of blue dog-ear corners indicates that the actual value is out of range (the tunetool is displaying the closest in-range value)...

No, you're not being thick, it is a little tricky and non-intuitive (displays the closest in-range value).

March 9th, 2012, 06:05 AM
Oh, 824 km/h is the same as 512 mph.

The upper left pane in the tunetool shows the min and max allowed in-range values.

Yes, they show in range (because the tunetool displays the closest in-range value... the presence of blue dog-ear corners indicates that the actual value is out of range (the tunetool is displaying the closest in-range value)...

No, you're not being thick, it is a little tricky and non-intuitive (displays the closest in-range value).

On my tune tool there are no dog ears in blue, hence being confused. I'll post a pic up in a bit when home.

March 9th, 2012, 07:24 AM
No Dog Ears


March 9th, 2012, 11:13 AM
Hi Antony,

Hmmm, strange, see my attached image... (I'm using V7 build 180).

March 9th, 2012, 12:34 PM
Hi Antony,

Hmmm, strange, see my attached image... (I'm using V7 build 180).

Just changed my units to MPH and it errors like yours. On a bit of quick research I'm assuming its a bug. The limit for kph is 824 and this is OVER 512 mph by a little bit.

March 9th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Just changed my units to MPH and it errors like yours. On a bit of quick research I'm assuming its a bug. The limit for kph is 824 and this is OVER 512 mph by a little bit.

Scrap that..... Right if you enter 824 in kph you get a value of 823.971555

If you enter 512 in mph you get 511.992029

823.97155 in mph is 511.992188 and is OVER the limit.

Interestingly it seems like efi live is changing the figure to the highest it can go as if I enter 512 and save. Close and open its fine. But then if I convert to kph and back again not changing the field just viewing it fails again.

Minor bug but none the less a bug.

HTH Antony

Ps. I feel redeemed from the original dumbness of my post now!!!!!!!