View Full Version : Ab 2289 new california smog law---any affect on the tuning world ????

March 8th, 2012, 06:11 AM
AB 2289
Set to begin January 01, 2013; Model year 2000 and newer vehicles will no longer require the tailpipe emissions test portion of the smog check process. AB 2289 will require late model vehicles be administered the smog check's visual and functional tests only.

The implementation of AB 2289 is expected to reduce the time and cost of the smog check. The program will now take better advantage of a vehicle's OBD II technology by eliminating tailpipe testing and instead using the vehicle's own OBD II emissions monitoring system.

This new smog test system is already in place in 22 other states. "This new and improved program will have the same result as taking 800,000 old cars off the road, also resulting in a more cost effective program for California motorists." said ARB Chairman, Mary D. Nichols.

Currently California's smog check procedure requires all vehicles undergo a tailpipe emissions inspection to measure harmful pollutant output from the tailpipe, a visual inspection for present and properly installed emissions components, a functional test to insure the proper operation of various emission components; and as part of the functional test, an OBD II computer diagnostic check.

Under AB 2289, the tailpipe emissions portion of the smog inspection will be eliminated for 2000 model and newer cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs.

Background on the OBD II system - All vehicles imported into the United States as of 1996 have had to be equipped with an On Board Diagnostics system referred to as OBD II. The OBD II diagnostic system is designed to monitor all aspects of your engine's emission conditions and report this information to a central database within it's computer. This information is processed and checked against the computers pre-determined values for various input levels and performance patterns.

If any problems are found, the computer will determine whether to alert the driver or not. If a decision has been made to alert the driver of an emissions problem, the "Check Engine" or "Engine Malfunction" light will illuminate on the vehicle's dashboard. In more serious emission conditions the computer may even begin to rapidly flash the "Check Engine/Malfunction" light indicating to the driver, that the vehicle needs immediate diagnosis/repair attention.

AB 2289 now requires the smog test inspection to rely on data from a vehicle's own on board emissions computer to determine the vehicle's harmful emissions production as opposed to using a smog machine to sample the vehicle's emissions output from the tailpipe. This design is expected to reduce the cost of equipment at the smog station, reduce the amount of time it takes to smog check a vehicle, and reduce the cost of the smog inspection to the consumer.

March 8th, 2012, 07:11 AM
I have some concerns about this...

for 2005+ vehicles they have an OEM supplied database of calibration ID/CVN values (CVN is like a CRC/checksum)... they will be reading the ID/CVN values from the ECM and comparing these to the database;

for 2000-2005 vehicles I have reason to believe that they have been collecting calibration ID/CVN values from each smog test since 2009;

so after 2013 if they detect that your calibration ID and/or CVN has changed, they will want to borrow your vehicle for closer inspection (they consider the ECM to be emissions equipment, and any tampering with emissions equipment is a felony)...

Consider this:
they believe in strictly enforcing the smog laws, and they will not give you anything for free, there will be a catch;
and CA is hurting for money, and while they say they want to save the consumer money, they also want to increase state revenue (which comes from the consumer).

March 8th, 2012, 06:20 PM
and for diesels that don't get sniffed at the smog station? how does this affect them?

March 10th, 2012, 05:49 AM
JOECAR--- I agree Not quite sure how deep they will go---I'm hoping they will check only for the "readiness tests" completion and for any DTC's---But if they get into the check-sums we may have a battle on our hands-
To me Calif is doing it absolutely BACKWARDS than i would have expected----No sniffer ?? no rollers ??? They're thinking that they will REMOVE 800,000 cars that pollute from the road---HOW????? If they wanted really to clean up the air---just stick all cars on the sniffer and if it passes---IT PASSES--period--regardless of what the DTC's or checksum or readiness tests show---That would eliminate any polluters-- So i believe their agenda is based on something else--most likely $$$$ and being in bed with the car companies to sell more new cars--- And NOT to clean up the air----Can you imagine our grief ? having to re-tune back to stock all cars we've tuned every 2 years ?? And maybe that won't even do it as i don't know if the ECM data will show that the ECM checksum reporting will show that the ECM has once been altered---Then what will we do ? replace all the ECM 's with new ones ???

March 10th, 2012, 10:43 AM

Yes, it is money driven... but they are even more driven by green...

Yes, the loaded roller exhaust sniffer test would be the simplest method of determining pass/fail.

It also seems that they want to prevent smog shops that take "passing privilege fees" (which incurs very heavy fines if caught; there's some that are being hard to catch).

I don't think they look at the ECM's own recorded calibration history (not all ECM's have this), but I am convinced (from what I read) that they will look at the calibration ID and CVN.

LOL, they're removing 800,000 cars from the road every year... that's just rhetoric, otherwise a lot of people would be walking. They also claim they have prevented 3 billion tons of emissions gasses... do you have any idea how much volume 3 billion tons of gas occupies...? It's all rhetoric they use to justify their strongman control over the CA car owner (the BAR - Bureau of Automotive Repair - have more power than the CA State Police, they have the power to impound your car (via CHP) and to deny license renewal (via DMV) if they believe you're running a modified car in violation of the emissions tampering laws...)

Sure, I am completely in favour of clean emitting cars, but there are more friendly ways of doing this.

February 15th, 2013, 07:20 AM
I have some concerns about this...

for 2005+ vehicles they have an OEM supplied database of calibration ID/CVN values (CVN is like a CRC/checksum)... they will be reading the ID/CVN values from the ECM and comparing these to the database;

for 2000-2005 vehicles I have reason to believe that they have been collecting calibration ID/CVN values from each smog test since 2009;

so after 2013 if they detect that your calibration ID and/or CVN has changed, they will want to borrow your vehicle for closer inspection (they consider the ECM to be emissions equipment, and any tampering with emissions equipment is a felony)...

Consider this:
they believe in strictly enforcing the smog laws, and they will not give you anything for free, there will be a catch;
and CA is hurting for money, and while they say they want to save the consumer money, they also want to increase state revenue (which comes from the consumer).

So I have a follow up question now that this has been supposedly implemented. Has anyone yet gone through one of these "new" tailpipe-less emissions checks? I've got one coming up in a few months, and I am wondering what has happened, if anything, to those of you with "tuned" ECM's.

February 15th, 2013, 08:13 AM
is there not some tuners out there that are carb approved ( much like air filters, that you get a sticker saying that it still passes emissions)

June 14th, 2016, 02:11 AM
Getting back to the original question.....
what specifically will the Smog computers check with regards to the programming?

I am in California.

I am swapping an 2010 LS3 into a 2004 BMW Z4.

so an E38 ECM.

will Smog Check look at what ECM program I have?
what the checksum is?
whether it has factory programming, and DTC checks are operational.

for a specific, something as simple as - I will have to disable VATs. so this will be a new program, and new Checksum.
but if I touch nothing else, so all GM smog stuff has been swapped, is in place, and functioning properly, will it pass?
or just because I have modified GMs ECM program cause it to fail?


June 14th, 2016, 02:28 AM
what specifically will the Smog computers check with regards to the programming? - they don't check programming.

will Smog Check look at what ECM program I have? - no. they only hook up to the OBD to check for readiness of the smog monitors, ie: oxygen sensors. and for codes

what the checksum is? - it is a program verification done by the PCM/ECM to determine if the loaded program is legit. loosely, (i may be wrong here) it is the sum of all the bits that make up the program. this number is stored in the PCM. then if the program is altered and the new sum does not match the checksum then the PCM will refuse to run. EFI live will recalculate the checksum and update the PCM automatically so no need to worry here. also, not related to Smog

for a specific, something as simple as - I will have to disable VATs. so this will be a new program, and new Checksum.
but if I touch nothing else, so all GM smog stuff has been swapped, is in place, and functioning properly, will it pass? - Yes

or just because I have modified GMs ECM program cause it to fail? - you will be fine. just make sure the loaded VIN in the PCM matches the vehicle VIN

June 14th, 2016, 02:42 AM
cool - thanks.

(I know what the checksum is and does.
I was meaning did the Smog check verify that it was the original checksum. obviously this would be a "no" per your explanation).

a follow up:
if I disable a bunch of stuff that sets the MIL, would that still pass?

for example:
P0806 - clutch position
P0461 - Fuel level

I won't have those, so would turn off their ability to set the MIL.

June 14th, 2016, 02:44 AM
having any CEL/MIL in california is an instant FAIL

June 14th, 2016, 02:51 AM

that is why I would want to prevent those particular functions (which I will not have) from setting the MIL.

I thought that is what I could do with the EFILive S/W. (just guessing here as I learn):

Calibrations >> Engine Diagnostics >> DTC MIL
and set whatever I want to "No MIL"

but then in the extreme case - couldn't I set everything to "no MIL" ? and never get a Check Engine Light?

or could I go to "DTC Type" and change them to "Not Reported"?

June 14th, 2016, 03:30 AM
as long as you can pass the visual and you have no MIL then you should pass.

if an "item" has been removed that would normally cause a MIL then yes, disable their ability to set the MIL

June 14th, 2016, 03:41 AM

thank you

June 14th, 2016, 05:30 AM
There's a lot more to it than this... and you can't just disable DTC's to make readiness tests pass, that is cheating (and they are looking).

if you want to register your vehicle with a transplanted engine/ECM you have to get it inspected by a referee who will go over the vehicle...

there are rules as to what can be transplanted, it may be good if you contact the DMV, BAR and CARB before you proceed.

June 14th, 2016, 05:32 AM

http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/aftermkt/replace.htm (https://www.bar.ca.gov/Industry/Engine_Change_Guidelines.html)

June 14th, 2016, 05:40 AM
you are completely correct.

i wasn't really trying to get into all the aspects of an engine transplant and related inspections. i was just trying to answer the specific questions. but yes, if he could never make it past DMV/DOT then the smog check would be irrelevant.

June 14th, 2016, 06:30 AM
I am aware, and abiding by those requirements.
I have done OBDI transplants before, and visited CARB referees (and got the magic sticker).

I was just curious and asking specifically about OBDII, AB2289, with regard to the ECM and my required re-programming...