View Full Version : Trying to diagnose a funny lope.

March 18th, 2012, 10:41 AM
So my 06 dodge OS 11352407 has a really odd lope. It lopes when its cold out around -5C or colder, you start the truck and it idles at 1000rpm for a few min then it will start to get this were lope. It started this after we put a tunner in it a few years ago, it still did it when you went back to stock. I've tuned it now and it still does it. I just recently data logged it and the post feul and the main feul will drop to 0 intermitently when it lopes. I'm not sure what is causeing this. Has anyone else found the a solution? I have a few buddies trucks that have this same issuse, and in winter you hear it quite often when guys leave there trucks idleing in parking lots. I'll attach the log file.

March 18th, 2012, 10:42 AM
I'll try to attach the file again

March 18th, 2012, 11:16 PM
Be it that you had a 'tuner' on it when it started this issue, and when you went back to stock and it still does it would lead me to believe something in the file didn't fully return back to stock. But anyhow, there have been a few times that I myself have accidentally caused a lope. Usually it's where I had the pulse times too low and too high between two axis's where the truck would idle. Couple that with your temp multipliers and it gets real crazy. The ECM was basically wiggin' out because it had this yo-yo effect where the truck would get a huge shot of fuel, get scared and pull a bunch of fuel back, then flood it for fear of stalling..hence the lope. Hmmm...wonder how many people are going to be playing with lope tunes after saying that? Lol

March 19th, 2012, 06:22 AM
Its not a good sounding lope so I wouldn't recomend it. I was thinking of trying to smooth out the feuling right around the spot it idles and lopes, didn't think to go through the multiplyer charts. I'll try it and see what happens. As far as the tunner goes I was not very happy with it, and have talked to the company and there engineers about this, but that got no where. Its nice that I can handle this stuff myself now.