View Full Version : Release Candidate 10 (updated), Mar 21, 2012

March 20th, 2012, 03:00 PM
Release Candidate 10 of the EFILive V7.5 and V8 software is available for download.
Although we've released this software as a release candidate version, we believe that it is ready for production use. If you use this software and something fails please inform us immediately so we can fix it asap.
If the issue is minor, post the issue in this thread. If the issue is major please start a new thread and post a link to the new thread in this thread.

(All we ask is that you make allowances for the time difference between you place and ours - sometimes it will work in your favor, sometimes you may need to wait. We are currently 3 hours behind the US west coast time. So we will be online checking for issues from about 11:30am to 10:00pm US west coast time.)

Please familiarize yourself with the updates that have been made in all RC versions. You may need to manage the differences between this RC10 release and whatever public release your customers may be using. Including helping them to convert their existing *.ctd files to *.ctz files. See the section below under the *.ctd v's *.ctz file format heading, it explains the automatic conversion tools available to help you and your customers convert those files.

We do not plan on releasing any more RC versions. We plan for this RC10 to be the stable release that will go live some time later this month.

Auto Update:

This latest release candidate uses a new installer from Indigo Rose that is not compatible with the current public release V7.5 and V8 software that has been installed with the QSetup installer.
The RC10 installer will automatically check for and uninstall incompatible versions of EFILive. In previous RC updates some user data (such as registration details) was accidentally being overwritten. This RC10 installer attempts to backup and restore that user data so that it is not lost. However, we also recommend backing up your \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 folder prior to installing RC10. That way if any files do get overwritten or deleted, you can always restore them from your backup copy.

The new installer supports auto updating but it will not be enabled until the full public release of the EFILive software.
For now, please download and install this release candidate using the links below.

Manual download/install available here:

Important information
Boot block and Firmware updates
Please update your FlashScan and AutoCal boot blocks to V2.07.04 (Dec 13, 2011) and the firmware to V2.07.25 (Mar 21, 2012).
The boot block update fixes a problem with AutoCal's LCD in low temperatures.
After updating to firmware V2.07.25, you will no longer be able to revert back to an earlier version of the firmware.

*.ctd v's *.ctz file format
*.ctd (calibration tune data) files are no longer supported by the latest FlashScan and AutoCal firmware. The new file format supported by FlashScan and AutoCal is *.ctz (calibration tune zip) files. The V7.5 and V8 software will continue to allow you to open/read *.ctd files but you can only save files in the new *.ctz file format. This is only a concern for tuners that are sending tune files to their customers. If you want to send *.ctz files to your customers, then your customers must also have the latest V7.5 and V8 software installed and must also have their FlashScans and AutoCals updated with the latest firmware.

We have added an auto conversion feature in the V8 Scan and Tune software that will automatically convert all the *.ctd files to *.ctz files in any folder (and sub-folders) that you select. You can also automatically convert all the *.ctd files to *.ctz files on a FlashScan or AutoCal device. Look for the F8: Tools option in the main Scan and Tune window.

Script Files (i.e. *.obj files used to read/flash the controllers - not to be confused with script files that are used to automate calibration updates)

Script files have been updated. The latest script files should be copied to FlashScan/AutoCal devices.

Known Issues:
Issue #1

Attempting to read a CMB/CMC controller using standalone reading (BBR) when no vehicle is connected to FlashScan/AutoCal may cause FlashScan/AutoCal to hang. In that case you should power cycle FlashScan/AutoCal to regain control.

Issue #2

Sometimes the fields on the "Security Restrictions" panel in the "F3: Tune" -> "F4: Properties" window are not visible - select another panel, then re-select the "Security Restrictions" panel to make them visible again.
Issue #3 (Added March 12)
The E78 virtual VE calibrations have not been included in this RC10. We are still finalizing that controller. As soon as they are ready the *.calz files needed for E78 VVE support will be made available for download.

Reporting Issues:
If you discover any problems/faults, please make a note of them in this thread.
For urgent or complicated issues, please create a support ticket here: http://support.efilive.com (http://support.efilive.com/)

What's new in this update:
For a description of previous updates, please see the original RC10 release thread here:

Changes in this update:

[*=1]Fixed LLY full-flash failing when performed in a truck.
[*=1]Fixed LBZ/LMM full-flash randomly failing with $0322 error.
[*=1]Added required support files for full-flashing E54 (LB7) and LS1B controllers to the V8 installation. They had been accidentally left out of the original RC10.
[*=1]Fixed Dash Page A gauges being non-responsive during logging/playback.
[*=1]Fixed security flags being set incorrectly when saving *.ctz with V7 (also when saving for AutoCal).
[*=1]Changed AutoCals to allow the "FS2 LINK" message to be cancelled so that the device can be used/configured prior to linking.
[*=1]Added some new DTC descriptions.
[*=1]Added E39 VVE calibrations and updated support to include all 2012 models.

The EFILive Development Team

Duramax 6.6L
March 20th, 2012, 11:08 PM
Thank you for the update installing right now

March 20th, 2012, 11:18 PM
when will supprt for 2012 e78? i read a 2012 silverado and the efilive tune tool says unrecognized pcm. i did a few 2011's but i did not know the 2012 was not supported, or different?
any guess on when they will be supported?


March 21st, 2012, 02:36 AM
So is this what a consumer needs to download and install into our Autocal for full flashing of LB7 for DSP 5 support?? Or is there a more "official" release coming I should wait for? If this is it could you post step by step instructions for me to update mine and get my truck flashed to use a DSP switch so I don't screw it up lol. Thanks!!

Duramax 6.6L
March 21st, 2012, 04:13 AM
So is this what a consumer needs to download and install into our Autocal for full flashing of LB7 for DSP 5 support?? Or is there a more "official" release coming I should wait for? If this is it could you post step by step instructions for me to update mine and get my truck flashed to use a DSP switch so I don't screw it up lol. Thanks!!

Although most of the bugs are worked out of this software, I would wait for the official release of this version.

March 21st, 2012, 04:20 AM
Ok, sounds good. Thank you!

March 21st, 2012, 07:52 AM
when will supprt for 2012 e78? i read a 2012 silverado and the efilive tune tool says unrecognized pcm. i did a few 2011's but i did not know the 2012 was not supported, or different?
any guess on when they will be supported?

Been working on those most of last week and this week, should be finished by the weekend, this will also include the 2012 Cruze, Sonic etc also using the E78.

March 21st, 2012, 09:48 AM
Been working on those most of last week and this week, should be finished by the weekend, this will also include the 2012 Cruze, Sonic etc also using the E78.

im sorry but how will it work? once you guys compelete, do i donwload the software again ? i am fairly new to efilive


March 21st, 2012, 09:49 AM
im sorry but how will it work? once you guys compelete, do i donwload the software again ? i am fairly new to efilive


Download again once we post up the update.

March 21st, 2012, 02:12 PM
Important informationBoot block and Firmware updates
Please update your FlashScan and AutoCal boot blocks to V2.07.04 (Dec 13, 2011) and the firmware to V2.07.25 (Mar 21, 2012).
The boot block update fixes a problem with AutoCal's LCD in low temperatures.
After updating to firmware V2.07.25, you will no longer be able to revert back to an earlier version of the firmware.
bootblock 2.07.04 shows Dec 12, 2011 on mine

firmware 2.07.25 shows the correct date of Mar 21, 2012

Thanks for the update!

March 21st, 2012, 07:29 PM
There's something wrong with the way V8 is handling licenses, on my V2 it says I have 18 licenses total and 9 available when I only have 9 total and 0 available. One of my ACs reports that is has 4 total, 1 used and 3 available. Should be 3 total, 1 used, 2 available. My other ACs (x2) report they have 3 total, 0 used, and 3 available. These have not been linked to a PCM/ECM/TCM yet. Not sure what the issue is, but there is definitely something going on here. V7.5 reports the correct total, used, and available numbers. Might be with how V8 is seeing used licenses? I can send whatever files you want/need.

BTW I have updated my V2 and all 3 ACs to the latest bb and fw included in this RC10b release.

Also, unrelated but when copying LS1B config files to a V2/AC, there are LS1B1_F.bix and LS1B2_F.bix included on the device. Is this correct or a testing remnant (being picky here ha)?

March 21st, 2012, 11:38 PM
Erik, I am seeing the same thing on mine, I think it's just a display issue.
Mine shows 80, 40, 40, I think it should be 40, 0, 40.

Edit: Yeah it's a display problem, I just added five licenses to my cable, it now shows:
85, 45, 40
Looks like Paul is accidentally adding the used to available when displaying those numbers.

March 22nd, 2012, 03:52 AM
My cust is getting a no data received when he tries to cal flash his 05 Allison TCM. The LLY ECM loaded a dsp5 tune without a problem. He was using V8 pasthrough with autocal.

March 22nd, 2012, 05:52 AM
He gets error $050b with Boot 2.07.04 and Firm. 2.07.25 doing stand alone read with the autocal

March 22nd, 2012, 06:03 AM
He gets error $050b with Boot 2.07.04 and Firm. 2.07.25 doing stand alone read with the autocal

Did he reprogram the AC/V2 from the BBx window (Program All)...?


Script file not supported by current firmware version

The script file uses features not available in the current firmware.
Upgrade the firmware in your FlashScan/AutoCal device and upgrade the EFILive software.
Then reconfigure FlashScan/AutoCal using the latest firmware and software.

March 22nd, 2012, 06:35 AM
Erik, I am seeing the same thing on mine, I think it's just a display issue.
Mine shows 80, 40, 40, I think it should be 40, 0, 40.

Edit: Yeah it's a display problem, I just added five licenses to my cable, it now shows:
85, 45, 40
Looks like Paul is accidentally adding the used to available when displaying those numbers.

Thats what it looked like to me because V7.5 was reporting everything correctly still. Simple case of addition vs subtraction! Ha

March 22nd, 2012, 12:15 PM
Erik, I am seeing the same thing on mine, I think it's just a display issue.
Mine shows 80, 40, 40, I think it should be 40, 0, 40.

Edit: Yeah it's a display problem, I just added five licenses to my cable, it now shows:
85, 45, 40
Looks like Paul is accidentally adding the used to available when displaying those numbers.

Yes, my math is pretty bad - Obviously I should never go on the TV show "are you smarter than a fifth grader" - because I'd be out in the first round :(

March 22nd, 2012, 01:29 PM
Did he reprogram the AC/V2 from the BBx window (Program All)...?
He is doing this procedure now. Not sure if he tried that before.

I sent him this from the fish tuning website:

First find Scan and Tune and then click the F5: BBX button.
Select the F2: Scan tab and press the greenRead button at the bottom edge.
Next, select the F3: Tune tab and press the green Read button at the bottom edge.
Now, click on the tiny black arrow at the extreme right edge of the red Programbutton and select Format CONFIG File System.
Answer Yes when the message box appears. This will take five or ten seconds.
When the Format finishes, press the middle of the red Program button. Answer Yes to the message box that appears.
In a minute or three the programming will finish and then your AutoCal should be ready to use.

March 23rd, 2012, 08:16 AM
It's still not working. PM's sent to Ross and Paul.

March 24th, 2012, 09:11 AM
I been having a small but irritating issue with V8 since this update. I am always getting the cal flash warning and full flash warning no matter what I do to try and turn them off. I have them both turned off in the V8 settings as well as the V7.5 settings but yet every time I restart the program I keep having to click ok to the flash. Has anyone else been having this problem? Not a huge deal, but annoying nonetheless.

March 24th, 2012, 10:33 AM
I been having a small but irritating issue with V8 since this update. I am always getting the cal flash warning and full flash warning no matter what I do to try and turn them off. I have them both turned off in the V8 settings as well as the V7.5 settings but yet every time I restart the program I keep having to click ok to the flash. Has anyone else been having this problem? Not a huge deal, but annoying nonetheless.

I just re-tested it here, and turning them off in the V8 software causes them not to appear any more in the V8 software.
And turning them off in the V7 software causes them not to appear any more in the V7 software.

Make sure you have permission to modify the registry (for V7 settings) and to modify the file \Program Files\EFILive\V8\EFILiveScanAndTune.ini for V8.

You can check what the values of those settings are to see if the software is able to save the settings for you:

The V7 settings are stored here:

The V8 settings are stored here:


March 24th, 2012, 12:40 PM
I have been having an issue with licensing controllers. It will tell me that I need to license the controller even though it's already licensed. Have to close out and retry again. Kinda hit or miss. Also tried to license a A40 TCM in V7.5 and said I had no vins available, but I had like 25 trans vins left. Had to use V8 to license it.

March 25th, 2012, 02:55 AM
Is it just me, or did the electronic throttle tables disappear with the update? I went from build 170 up to this one..

March 25th, 2012, 04:38 AM
Hey Paul,

I went into my registry and changed the V7.5 to reflect the picture you uploaded. However for the V8 Software didnt have that file in there (I even went to show hidden files). However I started it up as admin and then set the warnings to not show and I think that fixed it. So like you said it was just a simple permissions issue. Thanks for your help and time.


March 25th, 2012, 07:44 AM
I have been having an issue with licensing controllers. It will tell me that I need to license the controller even though it's already licensed. Have to close out and retry again. Kinda hit or miss. Also tried to license a A40 TCM in V7.5 and said I had no vins available, but I had like 25 trans vins left. Had to use V8 to license it.

What controller type were you trying to license when you got the "already licensed" issue?


March 25th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Is it just me, or did the electronic throttle tables disappear with the update? I went from build 170 up to this one..

The ETC tables only show up if the software is fully registered, or the FlashScan is connected and available* when the software starts.
* By available I mean, not in use by the V8 software.

Does the V7 tuning tool software go into "demo" mode when you start it up? If so, then the license/registration needs to be re-entered.


March 25th, 2012, 07:49 AM
Hey Paul,

I went into my registry and changed the V7.5 to reflect the picture you uploaded. However for the V8 Software didnt have that file in there (I even went to show hidden files). However I started it up as admin and then set the warnings to not show and I think that fixed it. So like you said it was just a simple permissions issue. Thanks for your help and time.


It may be worth re-installing V8 as administrator. I.e. when you run the downloaded installation executable, right click on it and select "Run as administrator" - instead of just double clicking on it.

March 25th, 2012, 12:33 PM
Paul the issue is hit or miss on the A40. Usually closing the program and reopenjng it will let it go through. However LS1B will not go through in V7.5. Keeps saying I need to license controller. Have to use V8 in order to flash.

March 25th, 2012, 03:54 PM
Paul the issue is hit or miss on the A40. Usually closing the program and reopenjng it will let it go through. However LS1B will not go through in V7.5. Keeps saying I need to license controller. Have to use V8 in order to flash.

I've found and fixed the issue with the AL5 controller, that will be available in the next RC10 update.
I can't cause any licensing issues or failures with LS1B flashing.

The license entry in the "VIN Licensing" window is the activated VIN license for that controller. If, when attempting to flash the controller, the PCM sends or FlashScan receives a corrupted or damaged serial number (i.e. if the last 9 digits/letters do not match the entry in the "VIN Licensing" window), then it will think it is not licensed. The cal-flash window displays the serial number used to verify the license.

Use the menu: Help->FlashScan V2/AutoCal V2 VIN Licensing... and look for a matching serial number (the last 9 digits/letters only).


If/when V7 shows that the PCM is not licensed, check what it displayed (in green text) in the flash window for the controller's serial number. If it is garbled/junk (or otherwise does not match any entries in the "VIN Licensing" window), then the correct serial number was not able to be read from the controller correctly. The only option you have is to retry the flash and hope the serial number is returned correctly.

If the serial number is correct and does match an entry in the "VIN Licensing" window but the software still says the controller is not licensed, please let me know and send me the following info...
A license backup file created using the [Backup] button in the "VIN Licensing" window and the *.blx trace file of the failed flash attempt.


March 25th, 2012, 08:16 PM
Download again once we post up the update.

just downloaded again and installed still cant open the file getting unrecognized pcm message

March 26th, 2012, 04:44 AM
Also having the same problem with licensing.
Sometimes you just clear the message and start again and it works, sometimes not.
Had to reboot the laptop once, before it would write.
I even tried V1 hardware, and got the same problem intermittently. No pattern that I can identify