View Full Version : Help V2 Buttons/Screen very slow and unresponsive

April 12th, 2012, 02:32 PM
I have been using the January release for quite a while then a couple of weeks ago the buttons/screen on my V2 unit started to be very slow/unresponsive for choosing options on the screen, it would still BBL and check codes but it was pretty slow like 5 seconds for the icon to move one line on the screen but still useable.

I just updated to the latest public release off the EFI Live home page and now it's even slower like 15 seconds per line movment and now BBL or the scan functions will not open up and work. I tried reloading Boot block/firmware again in EFI Explorer, first time was in the EFI Live control panel icon that pops up using EFI Scan/Tune. I'm at a loss my V2 is around 6 years old maybe it's just tired.


April 12th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Think it might be my SD card works without it.

Edit- pretty sure I got it, works like it's supposed to now, I had to reformat SD card out of the V2 on the computer. This is weird never knew the SD card would slow the V2 that bad.

April 12th, 2012, 10:05 PM
Think it might be my SD card works without it.

Edit- pretty sure I got it, works like it's supposed to now, I had to reformat SD card out of the V2 on the computer. This is weird never knew the SD card would slow the V2 that bad.

The V2 device runs multiple tasks at the same time. One of the tasks is to initialize and configure the SD Card for use. If the V2 can't initialize the SD Card, it just keeps retrying over and over until it can. The retrying uses CPU time that is then not available for other tasks - such as responding to key presses, which is why they were appearing to take so long. The only solution to a situation where FlashScan can't initialize the SD Card is to do what you did and reformat the SD Card in some other device.


April 13th, 2012, 02:55 AM
Thanks Paul.