View Full Version : dsp5 to CTS

June 8th, 2012, 12:03 PM
I need some help on exactly how to change over from a dsp5 hardwire to edge cts. I have read the" DSP2 & DSP5 custom operating system tutorial" and I just don't quite get it. I have had a dsp5 hardwired in to my truck for a while and just recently bought the cts ( part # 83830 ) for the monitoring capabilities. I would now like to use it as my switching tunes. I can't believe that I would have to go through all those steps just to change this operation. If I understand some of the other threads I have read, all I really have to do is go into the A0146 and change from hardwired to serialdata, save it to the V2 and load the change into the ecm. Is this correct? If so, how do I do this exactly? It's because this I am going to efi live classes this month. I am an old school mechanic who understands everything from building engines to blower setups, but when it came to the ecm era I became and idiot. Thank you to everyone who chimes in and helps a antique of a mechanic with this problem.

June 9th, 2012, 02:01 AM
Open the dsp 5 tune>click efi custom cal.>dsp switch>serial. Save and load.

July 2nd, 2012, 04:36 AM
I wish there was a class closer to me. I'd go in a heart beat. I have an LBZ and I've tried what you suggested also rob but can't find the serial selection in my custom calibration window.

July 2nd, 2012, 04:52 AM
You can't do serial on a LBZ or LMM. This thread is for LLY.

July 2nd, 2012, 05:03 AM
Thanks for the reply Rob. I just figured that out. It was right there in front of me I guess I refused to read it.

July 19th, 2012, 06:31 PM
Hi all, quick question regarding order of tunes with CTS insight. Currently the tunes are loaded to where my max effort is on setting one and the economy tune is on setting 5. How do I reverse that order (making max effort number 5)? Is it the voltage setting for each tune? Thanks for the help

July 20th, 2012, 01:56 AM
There is a voltage for each tune but you aren't able to just change the voltage in the tune. You would have to open the tune and basically copy and paste into a new tune file in the order you would like. It would take a little time but not too bad.

July 20th, 2012, 05:13 PM
There is a voltage for each tune but you aren't able to just change the voltage in the tune. You would have to open the tune and basically copy and paste into a new tune file in the order you would like. It would take a little time but not too bad.

Roger, thanks.