View Full Version : Wideband Log Help : Clarity Needed

June 9th, 2012, 04:08 PM
Just want to be clear on this and please correct me if I am wrong.

I have 2003 S10 with the LS1b PCM (I thnk thats what u refer it to) or 1MB
I have a 30-4100 AEM Wideband gauge setup
I have EFILive V1

I am using my 0-5v white wire from my AEM WB to the EXT-AD1 side orange plug input of the V1.
I am understood that I use the PLX PIDs which are the same as AEM needs.

Anytime I want to do a log, I want to always utilize the WBO2? Right?
I need to keep my PIDs under 24, so I should start my PID list to include the ones listed below at all cost and the rest I need as well for whatever type of log I am conducting?

I have to log my AEM using the PLX PIDs. The 3 minimum PIDs to do so are :
EXT.AD1 (calls EFILive to record that external channel)
CALC.AFR_PLX1 (since AEM uses those)
CALC.BEN_PLX1 (since AEM uses those) - I dont understand what a base effec numerator is

The above I basically gathered from the Auto VE Tuning tutorial.

But I was also prior told I needed to use in my logs:
EXT.AD1 (same as above)
CALC.AFR_PLX1 (same as above)
CALC.W02BEN (different as above) Is this the same as the BEN.PLX? Different and if so why?
GM.EqivRatio (added PID and I dont understand it either.

When do I use the top 3? For AutoVE only and the bottom 4 for all other logs/tuneing?

Or am I missing the noat all together somehow? Thx in advance for schooling me, Michel

June 9th, 2012, 04:11 PM
p.s. I would like to do a simple log that has the basic PIDs needed WITH the added WB PIDs needed to be used/saved for when I am looking at my basic engine performance to diagnose, see if the WB is logging correctly,, etc.

I want a seperate (if needed) PID list that I need when I am soley doing a MAF tune/log and also a VE tune and log.

I just want to have my ducks in a row for when I dig into those

June 9th, 2012, 06:36 PM
External pids use 0 channels and you can add a calc_pid to a log afterwards.

The EFILive predefined AFR pids are for the manufacturers stoic value.
If the AFR value for EQ 1.00 is close then they can be used but a calac_pid should be made. IMO

({GM.EQUIVRATIO} * Lambda) & (EQ /{GM.EQUIVRATIO}) = fail-proof BEN

June 10th, 2012, 02:56 AM
External pids use 0 channels and you can add a calc_pid to a log afterwards.

Not sure I understand totally. Joecar sent me a calc_pid to use. Not sure if I added it in my logs or not.
I know the PIDs I have listed 'show up' on my list in ScanTool and I slect them from the list. But I thoght at the bottom of ScanTool PID tab it shows them adding up when selected

June 11th, 2012, 04:48 AM
EXT pids and CALC pids cost zero channels (even tho EXT pids might show how many channels they occupy)...

so in your calculation of pid channel count, any contribution from EXT pids can be ignored.

June 11th, 2012, 04:49 AM
A BEN calc pid using EQIVRATIO (if your PCM has this pid) is better than AFR for various reasons (including what fuel you're running).

June 11th, 2012, 07:59 AM
Ok so I should always use EQUIVRATIO (im pretty sure its a PID on my PCM) and use it with:?

A. EXT.AD1 (external channel)
CALC.AFR_PLX1 (since AEM uses those)
CALC.BEN_PLX1 (since AEM uses those)

B. EXT.AD1 (same as above)
CALC.AFR_PLX1 (same as above)

June 11th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Post your calc_pids.txt file here.

June 11th, 2012, 12:14 PM
This is what I have under My Doc/EFILive/7.5/User Confog

June 11th, 2012, 12:38 PM
Ok, your correction pid is CALC.WO2BEN

this pid requires the following pids to be selected: GM.EQIVRATIO , CALC.AFR_PLX1 , EXT.AD1... i.e. item B in post #1 above.

June 11th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Ok so I select all 4 of those everytime I want a good data log to be done with my wideband reads?

Thx Joe

June 11th, 2012, 05:52 PM
Yes correct.

June 12th, 2012, 01:31 AM
Right on, Thx

June 12th, 2012, 08:37 AM
The 2 Calc.afr_plx1 I got confused with calc.ben.plx_1. Haha now wonder it and wo2ben was X out. :( I failed

June 12th, 2012, 09:52 AM
Stuff happens... you got it sorted out now...?

June 12th, 2012, 10:51 AM
Yea the W02BEN showed up as soon as I slected the correct PLX PID. I have not logged yet but it showed up.
I need to now learn how to make a MAP and apply it to tune tool. Read the VE tutorial again so I may just do that and learn as I go on it.
I should do VE first and then MAF? I hear my MAF is prob off a tad due to the cold air intake

June 12th, 2012, 12:48 PM
How to create a map:
- in tunetool goto table of interest, click in upper left blank tile (highlights all cells), do copy-with-labels;
- in scantool, edit map properties, goto each of Row and Col tabs, in each click Paste Labels;
- in Data tab select the data pid (pay attention to metric/imperial);
- in each of Data, Row, Col tabs checkmark Show Units;
- in Cell tab constrain the cell size if the map is for the MAF;
- in the Empty tab set the empty cell hit count to say 20 or 10;
- save the map (give it a meaningful name).

( also: in scantool, goto Data tab and make sure your selected pids have the same units as the tunetool table axis )

How to apply a map:
then take a log and open the map, apply the empty cell prefilter, apply the transient filter (you may have to edit it first);
then look at your map and ask yourself if it makes sense or is it garbage...
then if it makes sense apply it to the tunetool table (for BEN map do paste-with-multiply-with-labels, for CALC map do pasted-with-labels);

you may have to chop off any tall spikes and fill in any deep holes by hand, but generally do not smooth (mild ripples are ok, big dropoff steps are not ok).

Save your tune file (go Save As and let it increment the appended sequence number);
then open the previous tune as the alternate and do a compare to see if it makes sense.

June 13th, 2012, 01:43 AM
Cool, I made a couple MAPs last night.
One for MAF Calibration but Im not sure I did that one right.
Spark Retard table SD and Spark Adv table. I think these 2 are good.
Test em later I guees. Thx for the help