View Full Version : timing pointers. . .

June 24th, 2012, 11:47 AM
I've been reading just about everything I possibly can on this forum and it really is an incredible wealth of knowledge. Joecar has been a help with getting me up and running on the calc.vet stuff. I've now finished that and activated Lean Cruise and tweaked DFCO a bit, trying to make it more aggressive. As I'm sure is apparent I'm trying to get as much fuel mileage as possible.

Now I'm trying to get a handle on adjusting my timing for better performance and mpg. There are so many timing variables in efilive I'm not quite sure where to start even with all the posts on here on different timing subjects. Just hoping for a little direction


June 25th, 2012, 02:06 AM
Timing is difficult to do without a dyno...

on a dyno you can observe how TQ varies with timing, allowing you to set timing to the least amount that makes the same TQ;

playing with timing allows the potential for knock, so one has to be careful/incremental.

June 25th, 2012, 03:23 AM
Yea, I don't anticipate my being able to make use of a dyno any time soon but would like to try and tweak the timing as much as I safely can on the street.