View Full Version : Installation troubles.

July 2nd, 2012, 12:46 PM
I am sorry if this is the wrong place, but I don't see a good place for these questions.

I have finally gotten back to tuning my car and decided to update my software and get logging working in my V2. I discovered I could not update on W2K, so I fired up XPSP2 and managed to install the latest V7.4 and V8.1. However, it tells me it will run in demo mode. I had 5 licenses that got transferred from my V1 to my V2 and stuck a newer OS in my Camaro with the V2. They used to be registered. Is there some file I need to copy over that has registration information in it?

Edit: poking around, I click on the icon in the lower right and an led on the v2 flashes and then a dialog box pops up saying there is no device connected. What is up?


July 3rd, 2012, 12:31 PM
Hi Carl,

I moved your thread to FlashScan V2.

What is your current V2 bootblock and firmware versions...?

After I see those and give you the go-ahead, you will need to do all this:

Download and install V7 build 211 and V8 build 203 from HERE (http://www.efilive.com%20/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=133).

Then after installing both V7 and V8 software, do this:

- start the V7 tunetool, do Help->Register EFILive and enter in the information form your blue card; exit tunetool when done;

- go Start->All Programs->EFILive->Tools->USB Manager and uninstall the newer version USB driver, and install the older version;

- go Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->EFILive Explorer;
- goto the Firmware tab and do this:
-- flash in the new bootblock, you will see the twoo amber LEDs flash alternately on your V2;
-- flash in the new firmware, wait until it finishes;
-- exit EFILive Explorer

- go Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Scan & Tune, click the BBx button and do this:
-- click the Scan tab, in the blue secton delete any pidlist that is not for your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also create new pidlists for your controllers;
-- click Tune tab, in the blue section delete any controllers that are not your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also add new ones if your controller is not listed;
-- click Save (specify filename Options.txt);
-- click he down arrow next to the Program button, and click Format Config space, wait until this finishes;
-- click Program All (accessed by the down arrow), wait for this to finish;
-- exit BBx, exit Scan and Tune.

July 3rd, 2012, 01:26 PM
Hi Joe,

What is your current V2 bootblock and firmware versions...?

I've wandered the forum trying to find how to determine that, but haven't found the answer. How do I find out?

Download and install V7 build 211 and V8 build 203 from HERE (http://www.efilive.com%20/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=133).

I have done that and installed both.

Then after installing both V7 and V8 software, do this:

- start the V7 tunetool, do Help->Register EFILive and enter in the information form your blue card; exit tunetool when done;

That is why I asked about the Windows file with the registration information - I no longer have a blue card. Long story involving divorces, lots of money, and new wives that you really don't want to hear. Bottom line, no blue card.

Where to now?

Thanks for answering, Joe.


July 3rd, 2012, 01:35 PM
Hi Carl,

Our knowledge base articles have detailed instructions on finding software/firmware/bootblock versions here http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7141-YSDK-3270

and lost registration details here http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=2610-QSJC-1535


July 5th, 2012, 12:07 AM
Thanks for the reply, Cindy. My V2 must be very old because those instructions did not match except for F1. From there, I poked around and found the versions.

Hi Carl,

Our knowledge base articles have detailed instructions on finding software/firmware/bootblock versions here http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7141-YSDK-3270

and lost registration details here http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=2610-QSJC-1535


July 5th, 2012, 12:11 AM
Hi Carl,
What is your current V2 bootblock and firmware versions...?

Okay, I found them.

Firmware - 2.04.60
Bootblock - 2.04.10

It would appear that I bought this in Jan 2007 as that is when my earliest tun files for the 2002 OS are dated.


July 5th, 2012, 08:03 AM
Ok, after installing V7 build 211 and V8 build 203, goto Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Docs and look at the document called Updating FlashScan V2...

(I'll see if I can find a copy to post here...)

it explains in detail how you go from 2.04.xx to 2.07.xx.

July 5th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Ok, after installing V7 build 211 and V8 build 203, goto Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Docs and look at the document called Updating FlashScan V2...

(I'll see if I can find a copy to post here...)

it explains in detail how you go from 2.04.xx to 2.07.xx.

After an hour or so sweating bullets (which is strange since I write software for a living) I have 2.07.04 bootblock and 2.07.35 firmware. Does that sound right?

How much of message #2 do I now need to do?

(BTW, somehow both the V1 and V2 got together with the V7.5 and/or V8 software and all agreed they are licenesed. I didn't need my missing blue card).


July 8th, 2012, 05:22 PM
Hi Carl,

Yes correct, 2.07.04 and 2.07.35.

You now need to do this:

- go Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Scan & Tune, click the BBx button and do this:
-- click the Scan tab, in the blue secton delete any pidlist that is not for your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also create new pidlists for your controllers;
-- click Tune tab, in the blue section delete any controllers that are not your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also add new ones if your controller is not listed;
-- click Save (specify filename Options.txt);
-- click he down arrow next to the Program button, and click Format Config space, wait until this finishes;
-- click Program All (accessed by the down arrow), wait for this to finish;
-- exit BBx, exit Scan and Tune.

( the idea of the above is to list your PCM only thereby saving space on V2's config memory space )

( ok, good new about not needing the blue card; if you ever need the blue card information, you can email support )

August 2nd, 2012, 06:05 AM
You now need to do this:

go Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Scan & Tune, click the BBx button and do this:
-- click the Scan tab, in the blue secton delete any pidlist that is not for your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also create new pidlists for your controllers;
-- click Tune tab, in the blue section delete any controllers that are not your PCM/ECM/TCM; you can also add new ones if your controller is not listed;

Time flies ....

All of the above were empty. Does that mean I have a screwed up install?

August 2nd, 2012, 06:10 AM
Did you install the V8 software...?

Did you install V8 build 203 from here:


August 2nd, 2012, 10:40 AM
Did you install the V8 software...?

Did you install V8 build 203 from here:


Yes. I did that and then tried to do the steps you said to do next. I am really clueless about the V2 hardware but V8 acts the same with my V1.2 hardware. Do I need to have them plugged into the car when doing this? I have read the tune using the V1.2 hardware and the latest V7.5 software but have not tried the V8 hardware as I haven't RTFM yet. With the V1.2 hardware anc V7.5, I know I have to plug into the car and validate pids, but I thought the V8 understood PIDs already.

August 6th, 2012, 05:57 AM
V8 only works with V2 hardware.

So you have both V1 and V2 hardware...?

August 6th, 2012, 06:01 AM
After updating V2 firmware to 2.07.035 (by installing V8 and then letting it check the V2 firmware for updating), V2 has to be configured to know which pids and PCM's you will be logging/flashing...

After you do this, V2 will know about the pids for the PCM (you specified both), and V7 will be able to do passthru mode.

August 6th, 2012, 09:48 AM
V8 only works with V2 hardware.

So you have both V1 and V2 hardware...?

LOl! Yeah, you can't really sell V1.2 hardware. I also have AutoTap and LS1edit from way back when.

August 6th, 2012, 09:53 AM
After updating V2 firmware to 2.07.035 (by installing V8 and then letting it check the V2 firmware for updating), V2 has to be configured to know which pids and PCM's you will be logging/flashing...

After you do this, V2 will know about the pids for the PCM (you specified both), and V7 will be able to do passthru mode.

Okay. Thanks. I will have to read up on V2/V8. I bought V8 long ago to put a 2002 OS in the spare PCM I bought (that was SUPPOSED to be a 2002) but continued to use the small V1.2 hardware for logging since it is small, convenient, and velcros to the dash where some controls used to be.

This is not really a street car so tuning has turned into more of a bitch than I thought. In retrospect, I should have bought a single plane and big Holly instead of the sheet metal intake and 105mm TB. I am trying to get back up to speed after being knocked out of the game for a few years by circumstance.
