View Full Version : New to EFI Live, take a look at my log and tune

July 30th, 2012, 09:48 AM

I have a Corvette C5 A4 2001 with Vararam, long tube headers and Bullet catback.
My car didnt pass the inspection because of "unburnt fuel", too high HC and CO. They measure both at idle and at 2500 RPM.
The car is going to rich to pass inspection.

Things I have done since last year inspection with no problems at all:
I have installed long tube headers with my back O2 sensors deleted and moved to the front position with adapters. They are not crossed(front left cable to front left O2 sensor and right cable to right sensor).
Mailorder tune that I loaded also before this year inspection.

Now after failed inspection I have installed new rear O2 sensors in the front position to make sure they are ok.
I have also installed a new Vararam filter and a Vararam PowerDuct and also moved the MAF to front of the powerduct as installation says.

I would like to learn and do Calc Vet and I am reading about it now. I have installed a LC1 wideband but can someone look at my log and see if it is correct setup and working. I ordered the serial cable from Taz and have only connected it(not done any configurations only selected LC1), and dont know if I need to do that? External wideband Lambda is always 1,7 doesent seem right to me...

I attach a short log and wants to know if I everything is correct so I can go out and make a better log.

I also attach my current tune thats was loaded when I logged, I havent tried to copy any data yet(wants a better log and know that everything is ok).

I really like EFI live and looking forward to learn how to use it.

Thanks for any comment and hint that can help me pass inspection a get more power from my Vette =)

July 30th, 2012, 09:49 AM

July 30th, 2012, 10:28 AM
Your attachments don't work...

Did you set up the calculated pids?

July 30th, 2012, 10:40 AM
Your attachments don't work...

Did you set up the calculated pids?


Ok, I'll try to attach them again. Yes I think I got the pids right, I took the pidfile from another thread. I also made the maps and filters from the guide, not sure if I got them right. I also see there is something about a transient filter, havent looked into that yet =)

July 30th, 2012, 10:51 AM
I saw this post from Joecar now, should I add this pids?

The serial comms pids are: EXT.WO2AFR1, EXT.WO2LAM1, EXT.WO2EQR1, EXT.WO2ST1 (and EXT.WO2xxx2 if you daisy chain two LC-1's);

those pids can be automatically enabled by configuring the V2 BBx Config.

Be sure to plug in the blank terminator plug into the LC-1 SERIAL IN cable.

July 30th, 2012, 11:05 AM
You have the right pids - there is something wrong with you setup... Go here and watch the tutorial on configuring a serial wideband http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=130&Itemid=134

July 31st, 2012, 12:48 AM
You have the right pids - there is something wrong with you setup... Go here and watch the tutorial on configuring a serial wideband http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=130&Itemid=134


Thanks for the link!
I looked at "FlashScan V2 - V8 - Configure Serial Wideband" and if thats all you need to do it's easy.
I use V7.5 scan tool and I cant find any tutorial for that version.
I dont remember but it was a reason not to use V.8, else I can just go ahead and try to use that version.
Do you use V.8 for both scan and tune?

I also find a pdf LC1 installation that I have read before but I'm not sure if I they mean serial or if the pdf is for analog only.
I copy and paste:

Programming LC-1 for EFI Live
EFILive version 7.3 has an LC-1 calculation in the “sae_generic.txt” file. The LC-1’s programmable settings in this section are based on these calculations. If your file is different, different input values will be needed for the LM Programmer.

# Innovate LC-1 WBO2
# ========================
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD1}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "({EXT.AD1}*3)+7.35"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{CALC.AFR_LC11.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD2}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "({EXT.AD2}*3)+7.35"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{CALC.AFR_LC12.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"
1. Connect the PC’s serial connection to the serial OUT of the LC-1. The terminator plug should be connected to the serial IN of the LC-1.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON to power the LC-1.
3. Open LM-1 Programmer.
4. Select the “Analog Out 1” tab.
5. Select “use air-fuel-ratio” option.
6. Set the Analog Out 1 to the following:
a. 0.88333 Volts at AFR: 10.00
b. 4.21667 Volts at AFR: 20.00
The Window should look similar to the Figure 3.

They are talking about serial connection but is this for serial or is it only for analog wideband users?
When I have a serial connection, do I only need to configure in EFI Live what wideband I have like the tutorial for V8 or do I need to put in values and use the LM programmer ?

Thanks for your answer and sorry for many questions, I get confused when they talks about both analog and serial in the same pdf(this is not my native language so some technical documents can sometimes be confusing =)

July 31st, 2012, 02:12 AM
You don't want to use any of the analog information - only serial...

Here is a pdf version of the tutorial. No problem about the questions - we are all trying to help each other out around here! Post up if you have more...

July 31st, 2012, 03:27 AM

Thanks for the PDF and help =)
I have done the steps in this tutorial but I will do it again incase I missed something. I remeber could toggle between Lambda and AFR on the V2 so I must have done something right =) Maybe it's some setting in the 7.5 scantool software I have missed. Thanks I sure will post up more questions regarding tuning =)

July 31st, 2012, 04:58 AM
With the newer versions of V8 software, the Options.txt file gets written to V2 when you click Program from the BBx configuration window.

July 31st, 2012, 08:25 AM
With the newer versions of V8 software, the Options.txt file gets written to V2 when you click Program from the BBx configuration window.

Ok, I see. Thanks for the information.
I looked at my very first log(Scan Tool 7.5) where I just picked some random pids and my wideband was showing Lambda and looked ok so I will look at the settings(might have changed something) next time I'm at the garage and hopefuly I get it to work.

August 12th, 2012, 04:19 AM
You don't want to use any of the analog information - only serial...

Here is a pdf version of the tutorial. No problem about the questions - we are all trying to help each other out around here! Post up if you have more...


I followed the pdf and checked the settings today and they looked ok. When I look at the V2 and turn the ignition on I see it says warming up to 99,9% but when I start the engine the "diodlight" for the wideband goes away for about one sekond and then it lights up again. I think all power goes to the starter and then the V2 says error, no wideband. When I shut of the engine the AFR/Lambda is showing numbers.

If someone has a Corvette C5 I'd like to know where you have connected the positive + cable to the wideband.

I have a good battery but I have set the Ctek charger on it now so I'll try again later.


The Alchemist
September 4th, 2012, 08:19 PM
nice work on the VE table :) looks just like one i would do :)

The Alchemist
September 4th, 2012, 08:23 PM
what time are you running at idle and at 2500rpm ...you really need to be logging that.....it affects so many things with regards to emissions