View Full Version : BBF Fails to read tune from 99 LS1-B controller

August 7th, 2012, 08:10 AM
V2 - BBF is failing - Trying to read a tune that I can still read and flash in passthru mode in 7.5

Tried this several times now- latest V8 software. Current BootBlock and Firmware in V2. Formatted the V2 Config folder. Selected the LS1-B for Tune and Scan in the EFILive Scan and Tune software - Programmed this with the (Programmed ALL Required Data) - successfully.

In truck, F2- F1- F1.....Wait ten seconds....hangs on "TRYING MFG KEY".......... Fourth orange light on the V2 blinks every now and then until I get frustrated and unplug the unit and reset the controller.

Scan will work correctly with the V2- Tune is failing.


August 7th, 2012, 10:14 AM
After flashing in the new firmware, did you reprogram the BBx config (Program All)...?

August 7th, 2012, 02:53 PM
From the EFILIVE Scan and Tune software, I selected F5 - BBX - I set what I wanted for both Scan (F2) and Tune (F3) and then when to the right side of the PROGRAM button and selected Program ALL Required Data (Slower) option. I also formatted the CONFIG file system before doing this.

Is what you are talking about in a different section?? (Reprogram BBX Config)

August 8th, 2012, 01:45 AM
From the EFILIVE Scan and Tune software, I selected F5 - BBX - I set what I wanted for both Scan (F2) and Tune (F3) and then when to the right side of the PROGRAM button and selected Program ALL Required Data (Slower) option. I also formatted the CONFIG file system before doing this.

Is what you are talking about in a different section?? (Reprogram BBX Config)No, what you did is correct.

August 8th, 2012, 01:46 AM
Sanity Check: your V2 firmware version is 2.07.35...?

August 8th, 2012, 02:25 AM

Yes - firmware is the current version.

August 8th, 2012, 08:30 AM
After the flash fails and before you reset or unplug FlashScan, please save a trace file using the menu option:
F1 Scan Tool -> F3 Options -> F3 Save Trace File
Then copy the trace file from FlashScan to your PC, then either attach it to this thread or email it to me at paul@efilive.com

Have you tried using V8 in pass-thru mode?
In that mode, you can select "Try Alt Keys" and "Assume Lock May be Faulty" options which may help get past any key/lock issues.

P.S. Make sure you can read the controller before trying any form of flashing.


August 9th, 2012, 02:22 AM

I could not get the trace file because the V2 was locking up, so I tried using the passthru in V8 - I was able to Read the tune and then re-flash it in passthru mode.

I tried reading the tune after disconnecting from the laptop and resetting V2 and the ignition - and it read the tune properly.

So it appears to have fixed itself at this point.