View Full Version : Data Logging NEED HELP

August 23rd, 2012, 01:37 AM
Ok, so I have figured out how to select a pid (sort of) and get it to log it. Now how do I select just the pid's that i want to watch? It tells me they're either in groups (which their not all there (the ones I'd like to watch)) Also I'm trying to make a custom map like in the data logging for dummies area and I can't get the selection in the "main area" to allow me to right click to get to where he is.....Help!!!

Ok, so how do I create graphs, and now that I have a lodded set of pid's (not all the ones I want but we'll start here for practice) how do I view the logged data? I can open my saved pid's that I logged in the scan software, but can't get much further.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:23 PM
Have you taken a look at Rich @ Doghouse Diesel's EFILive for dummies guides? You'll find one on data logging here http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?18117-EFILive-for-Dummies-How-to-guides


August 23rd, 2012, 12:28 PM
yes, that's how I've figured out what I know so far. But my commands and my options don't match what he's showing....I can't right click and make a new graph and I don't know why I can pick some pid's and not others, I know there's groups of them but I'm not sure that I'm getting all of the ones I need when I select them.

Also I was able to do a test log, but how do I open up the data to see it?

August 23rd, 2012, 12:30 PM
I just sen him an email, hopefully he has time to maybe give me a few pointers if you guys can't. I apologize but the pdf's leave a LOT to be desired. There's a ton of left out how too's that should have been included. I've been making notes off of what people write in here but can't get to the tuning stage yet because of the missing pieces of my puzzle.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:45 PM
I just sen him an email, hopefully he has time to maybe give me a few pointers if you guys can't. I apologize but the pdf's leave a LOT to be desired. There's a ton of left out how too's that should have been included. I've been making notes off of what people write in here but can't get to the tuning stage yet because of the missing pieces of my puzzle.

Well, in what little spare time I have, I'll be sure to be more thorough in the information I share FREE OF CHARGE.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:48 PM
No No, I'm not saying your doing anything wrong, far from it. I'm the idiot, not you. And if you made a cd I'd pay for it gladly.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:50 PM
I just can't figure out why my version won't show me or allow me to do what your showing in your "to do" tutorials. It's very time consuming "playing" with it and I'd die to have just a little more info to make my software act like what your showing.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:55 PM
The Dodge Cummins Quick start guide included in your installation covers everything you need to get going. From explaining how the two types of software (V7 and V8) work, through to how to read/flash, modify your file and data log. This document isn't designed to cover ABSOLUTELY everything - it's a quick start guide that is supplementary to the Scan Tool and Tune Tool manuals (also found in your installation)

To access the Quick start guide, click on your windows start menu, then select Program Files>EFILive>V8>Documents and you'll find the Dodge Cummins Quick Start Guide.pdf.

Pages 26-30 covers Logging of data and PID selection.
Pages 31-32 covers how to play back your data log.

The more indepth Scan Tool and Tune Tool manuals can be found in the Program Files>EFILive>V7>Documents folder. However, please note that the Tune Tool manual in many cases won't be applicable in your situation. It was written for our V7 software and Cummins requires V8 for reading and flashing.

Your issue with not being able to right click sounds to me like a windows permissions or installation issue - are you able to right in any other application your run on your PC?


August 23rd, 2012, 12:56 PM
The pdf's have gotten me where I am and I'm glad you had time to make them, I just hit a wall especially during the graph portion, I can't make mine do any of that. I apologize, I got frustrated and forgot you made them. I was thinking that the folks at efi made them and I was just trying to let them know that for idiots like me that are just starting to dabble in it sometimes it leaves you hangin. I know that unless your educated in the art of tuning people like me should probably stay out of the arena, but I've got the tuning bug and wanted the best.

August 23rd, 2012, 12:57 PM
yes, I can right click everywhere else but where I think I'm supposed to be able to according to the manual.

August 23rd, 2012, 01:03 PM
Ok, that answers one question so far about the pid's

So what about knowing if your watching all of the pid's you need? do you have to make multiple data logs to see everything? If so how do you conquer the fact that your "driving conditions" might not be exactly the same?

August 23rd, 2012, 01:12 PM
I'll escalate your right click issue for Andrew to take a look at.

For Andrew to support you, you will need to confirm your software versions and ensure you are running our latest release software.

You will find your software versions in the HELP>About menu selections of both V7 and V8 software.

The latest releases are:

V7.5.7 Build 211 (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.7.211_Setup.exe)
V8.2.1 Build 203 (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.2.1.203_Setup.exe)
FlashScan/AutoCal Firmware V2.07.35 (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=128:updatesv2-firmware&catid=57:updates&Itemid=134)

Should you need to update, latest downloads can be found here http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=133


August 23rd, 2012, 01:15 PM
Ok, that answers one question so far about the pid's

So what about knowing if your watching all of the pid's you need? do you have to make multiple data logs to see everything? If so how do you conquer the fact that your "driving conditions" might not be exactly the same?

You need to determine what you want to log, then select those PID Groups that your require. You can select multiple PID groups for a single log, however the more groups you select the slower the rate of data recording.


August 23rd, 2012, 01:18 PM
I just installed my software less than 10 days ago and updated everything right after I did it, I got that far right off the bat with the instruction manual so I believe I'm up to date. I went through doghouse's pdf and right where he goes into graphing is where I lose the ability. I also have A- through-J on my map area, not just a,b,c....It's confusing. and none are set yet, when I click on them it's a blank area (that looks like where he's right clicking) but mine doesn't do anything.

August 23rd, 2012, 01:19 PM
I understand that, just not sure if I'm getting all of the parameters that I need when I just select those "groups". Because I haven't been able to see my data in graphs or anything yet, (saw it in the data tab where doghouse says it's hard to follow) but I can't see "what my trucks doing" in order to make sense of what I've recorded. Thats why I say right where he starts to graph is when he talks about interpreting the data and I just can't quite get there yet.

August 23rd, 2012, 01:33 PM
Look under where he's talking about map properties under the custom mapping section. See under the data tab where he's selecting main injection duration? I have a tenth of that list, and darn it I can't get the selection box to stay open to take a screen shot of what I have but it's not what I think I need to make good maps. Are the selection choices based upon the pid's that were recorded? And if so can you make the maps before you open your data.....going to try that now.

Ok, I think I partially answered my question, but that gives me a different set of selections...most of which are not supported.

August 23rd, 2012, 02:25 PM
Is your V2 connected to truck. I had the same problem

August 23rd, 2012, 10:39 PM
Go back and re-read the guide. It states the first time you need to be connected to the truck, not only the obdII but you need to hit the green connect icon. Next if you are trying to read data you need to be on the dashboard tab,it will only show ABC pages. You can create several charts on the same page, each chart can show 4 peramiters. You seem to be trying to open charts on the Maps page, the maps page is ABCDEFGHIJ.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but at the level of difficulty you are having you may want to talk to a tuner about writing a base unlocked tune that you can slowly modify. That way you can compare it to a stock file and see where and how changes are made to help kind of jump start your tuning.

Or you could be like me and completely submit and have a pro write a tune for you. I know I'm too dumb to tune unless I want an 8k boat anchor in the driveway.

Best of luck, Rye.