View Full Version : 2010 Camaro went crazy on me three minutes before the dyno. What is going on?

August 27th, 2012, 11:28 AM
I built a mild H/C/I LS3 Camaro for a guy and it was running like a dream for me and pulling really well. He wanted a little more so we put a Vararam on it with a NW 102 TB and that was running perfect. He was a little unhappy with the way I set some of the lower air table's (was sort of getting cruise control in first and second) so I was addressing those issues before the dyno. Just little bips of the throttle and making sure it was coming down on its own. I put at least 300 miles on the car getting everything dialed in. Never once did it hunt for idle or dip below 900rpm rolling with the clutch in. So I park it before the dyno and restart it to strap it down and the it swings from 2,500 to 600rpm for a second or two then evens out. Then backing up it want's to die. This contunues on the dyno where it put down steller numbers for the combo. I didn't think much about it and started the retuning process. Nothing worked. Adding air, subtracting air, timing fueling. What am I missing. Usually I can command a car to run how ever I want it then it may learn out some of the tune and act strange. Especially with too much idle air. Customer told me that when it starts cold it is good but when it warms up goes bad. Warm starts are the worst. What the heck could have happened in the tune where for hundreds of miles it runs like a dream then in an instance it is all up in smoke. Should I start looking mechanical. I am not seeing it be in the tune at this point. Sorry for the rant. I am at a loss. I am out of time with this car and don't have it in my posession any more to tear into it.

September 4th, 2012, 11:48 PM
I would check into the mechanical side of things. Typically, when we are banging the keyboard with no response or large changes to get a small response validates a mechanical issue. Force the car into open loop mode then see what happens. Start small then work up.

September 5th, 2012, 02:11 PM
Were you doing an idle adapts reset after refresh?

September 5th, 2012, 03:14 PM
To see if it's mechanical, do a full flash with an old tune from before all the issues and ensure you reset all the learned data via the BiDi controlls ( or pull the battery for 20 min, remember to have nay security codes that might be needed ). This will tell if it's mechanical or you have just messed the tune up.


October 7th, 2012, 05:30 AM
Were you doing an idle adapts reset after refresh?

I was just doing the standard reflashes. I had reflashed this car 45 times before it started acting up. How do I do the idle resets and what not? I am assuming from Simons post that it is in the Bidi? I was reading about it in the idle tuning threads but don't have a car infront of me to check it out.

Simon. I went back to a bunch of different tunes that were working perfectly to no avail. I had to leave the country for my job and another shop ended up taking care of it. They said they had to change the perameters of one table and left the rest of the tune alone but wouldn't tell me what table. Can't blame them for that. Not sure where I missed it though. And really not sure why it ran great for so long and then acted up. I will pull it when I get back and see what the deal is. They work hand in hand with the maker of the TB's so there could have been some missing information he provided to make his product work.