View Full Version : just a little confused

August 27th, 2012, 03:09 PM
wold like to know where to find good info on how thinks should look (rail psi idle crank ect.) (balence rates) ?? what is norm on a not sick lb7 (or any os for that mater).....more so how can i tell if i am looking at a stock tune and not somones concoction sorry for my ignorance i am just a mech how finds himself working on duramaxes a couple times a week and got it to this equipment to try and speed up diagnoses lol (reduce work load) as my methods seem alittle crud and lenthy it's a little intiminating for a first timmer with little computer skills i will try to keep up if you have any info or tips

August 28th, 2012, 04:27 PM
check this out:


pretty spot on. the only error i see is that it state the ecm needs 2500 PSI to start. it is actually something like 1450 PSI (10 Mpa)

Injector balance rates are also no more then:
-6 mm³ and +6 mm³ - Drive Range
-4 mm³ and +4 mm³ - Neutral Range

Idle PSI is something like 4300+ PSI (30 Mpa)

hope this helps