View Full Version : EFILive DSP² / Allison Update

February 22nd, 2006, 03:09 AM
Hi All,

Well, DSP² was supposed to be released by now, but we have decided to hold off a little bit longer for three reasons.

1 - The LB7 Oil Life error that was occurring after a full ECM flash.
2 - Documentation on the DSP² update procedure.
3 - Allison scantool overrides.

Right now the state of play is as follows.

The Oil life issue is partially solved, meaning, some ECM's are fixed, but we have one that is not playing the game still.

Documentation not done , it will be the last thing done (who reads instructions anyway :rolleyes: ).

Allison overrides (hold gears, reset TAP's) have been implemented and are being field tested right now.

DSP² programs are being used by most of our Beta testers now and they are loving it!

But, the good news is, when DSP² is released, for the first time ever! YOU will be able to reprogram your Allison TCM.
Beta testing commenced a few days ago, so hopefully this weekend when the beta testers head out to the track there will be some good things to report back with both ECM & TCM tuning happening.

For those that are wondering, the TCM WILL consume one license and will only be available for commercial or workshops, personal user license holders must upgrade if they want TCM programming, but for the additional price to upgrade from personal to commercial you get the DSP² programs plus Allison TCM programming.

With the current calibrations for the Allison you get to alter all your shift points and TCC controls.
Here's a screen shot of what to expect -


February 22nd, 2006, 05:22 AM
Can't wait. My blank ECM is on it's way.

If I were to get a blank TCM can you clone the current TCM with this release?

February 22nd, 2006, 11:18 AM
The Oil life issue is partially solved, meaning, some ECM's are fixed, but we have one that is not playing the game still.

Hey Ross,

Can you tell me if 15094441.cal is fixed or not on the oil issue?


February 22nd, 2006, 12:03 PM

It was not actually O.S dependent. It happened on every year LB7 (sometimes!).
So far a 2003 O.S has been recovered fine, the other is undergoing further testing today.


March 8th, 2006, 04:59 AM

Will we be able to adujust line pressures with the tcm control?

March 10th, 2006, 06:21 AM
Any time frame when this is going to be released to the public?