View Full Version : Tuning Speed Density with Auto VE

September 8th, 2012, 04:56 AM
Hi everyone,
i am still a novice at this, so please be patient with my stupidity.
When Auto VE tuning a Mafless setup,
How do you use this method to tune the engine at higher engine speeds EG: 6000 rpm.
I have a dyno i can use for tuning, however running the engine at 6000 rpm long enough to achieve 50 or more hits in the data log seems a bit out there.

September 8th, 2012, 06:26 AM
First, edit the PE table to be suitably rich for WOT, and make sure PE enables (do not overlook this).

If your dyno is the load bearing type, you can hold the engine at any rpm or any cell in the VE table to get as many hits are you want.

If your dyno is not load bearing, it will just spin up too quickly and you can't hold the engine to any rpm/cell.

September 9th, 2012, 06:14 AM
Hi joecar,
thanks for the reply.