View Full Version : locked ecm

September 9th, 2012, 01:14 AM
I was tunning on a buddies truck and locked the ecm and the abs lights and park brake light and the Speedo is off so I went to reload a new tune in it and I can't get back in it says bootloader rejected and can't get back in did I lock it the wrong way I did it when the programing window comes up and I put my own key in it. What do I need to do

September 9th, 2012, 06:59 AM
Put your key in and unlock it...

September 9th, 2012, 10:25 AM
i did it still say bootloader rejected

September 9th, 2012, 11:16 AM
Check the lock status with the scan tool, are you sure its still locked? I dont know of a single valid reason to be locking a pcm anyways.

September 9th, 2012, 11:21 AM
What ya mean buy using the scan tool to see if ya can use it or what

September 9th, 2012, 11:35 AM
I locked it so no one can pull my tune out and use it how do you just lock the tune from being seen instead of locking the computer

September 9th, 2012, 02:11 PM
What truck? DSP 2 or 5?

September 9th, 2012, 03:17 PM
What ya mean buy using the scan tool to see if ya can use it or what

Sorry I meant Tune Tool. While connected to the vehicle and your V2 you can check status of PCM.

I locked it so no one can pull my tune out and use it how do you just lock the tune from being seen instead of locking the computer

Don't take this the wrong because I dont know you and Im not bashing you personally. 99% of the people out there are locking tunes because they dont want people to see how little they actually did or how screwed up the tune it. Your also forcing a customer to come back to you because they have to not because they want to. I cant even keep pcm's instock because so many people get burned by tuners who locked there pcm and they didnt even know it and now want a new tune.
There are no magic secretes to tuning to worry about people stealing your work. If someone is going to steal your work they probably werent going to pay you in anyways for a tune. If your still worried about your work you can make tunes where you can only open them and see then but it does not lock the pcm.

September 9th, 2012, 09:38 PM
Sorry I meant Tune Tool. While connected to the vehicle and your V2 you can check status of PCM.

Don't take this the wrong because I dont know you and Im not bashing you personally. 99% of the people out there are locking tunes because they dont want people to see how little they actually did or how screwed up the tune it. Your also forcing a customer to come back to you because they have to not because they want to. I cant even keep pcm's instock because so many people get burned by tuners who locked there pcm and they didnt even know it and now want a new tune.
There are no magic secretes to tuning to worry about people stealing your work. If someone is going to steal your work they probably werent going to pay you in anyways for a tune. If your still worried about your work you can make tunes where you can only open them and see then but it does not lock the pcm.

Maybe in the gasser world that is true, the diesel tuning has seen a ton of "New Tuner's" lately..........a lot of us worked very hard to build our tunes and we don't want anyone else profiting from our hard work...............kinda like when Microsoft makes an Office Suite and everyone wants the unlock key so they can get if for free.

Just so you are aware, only the LBZ/LMM ecm tunes can be effectively locked from view and copying in DSP5 format, the LB7 and LLY cannot because we still do not have auto-locking of the ecm after the flash.

We can double the HP/TQ with just tuning, not just 50HP like you would expect to get out of a stock gasser, if you even can get that most of the time...............gasser tuning isn't the same as diesel tuning, especially since the Allison needs a properly written ecm tune to shift good.

September 10th, 2012, 01:29 AM
I tune diesels also, I just do more gas than diesel. I have really been thinking about switching and doing more diesel since they are faster to tune, less tables, and pay more. LB7 and LLY are almost 10 years old now, I doubt someone is trying to steal tunes for those and make a living. Atleast where Im at I hardly ever tune them anymore, everyone has newer duramax wanting tune. There are just as many if not more "new tuners" popping up everyday in the gas tuning world. Guys stealing tunes and trying to pass them off as there own just dont make it very long IMO. I still dont see that as a valid argument.

September 10th, 2012, 08:18 AM
ok i checked it and it says status ok but still wont flash

September 10th, 2012, 08:36 AM
lb7 02

September 10th, 2012, 10:22 AM
I tune diesels also, I just do more gas than diesel. I have really been thinking about switching and doing more diesel since they are faster to tune, less tables, and pay more. LB7 and LLY are almost 10 years old now, I doubt someone is trying to steal tunes for those and make a living. Atleast where Im at I hardly ever tune them anymore, everyone has newer duramax wanting tune. There are just as many if not more "new tuners" popping up everyday in the gas tuning world. Guys stealing tunes and trying to pass them off as there own just dont make it very long IMO. I still dont see that as a valid argument.

I did over 100 in the last 90 days and over half were LB7 and LLY trucks.

To each there own..........you want to leave your hard work for the world to steal it's your choice.

I choose to lock everything and will continue to do so..........you can make tunes for the newcomers to copy........your choice, you run the business not me.

September 10th, 2012, 10:39 AM
02 dmax could you help me

September 10th, 2012, 10:41 AM
I did over 100 in the last 90 days and over half were LB7 and LLY trucks.

To each there own..........you want to leave your hard work for the world to steal it's your choice.

I choose to lock everything and will continue to do so..........you can make tunes for the newcomers to copy........your choice, you run the business not me. Frankly your tunes aint worth shit after 10 years guy. who freakin cares???

September 10th, 2012, 10:42 AM
I mean your kidding right??

September 10th, 2012, 10:44 AM
Ahhn what a joke and another useless thread efilive forum has to deal with.

September 10th, 2012, 10:46 AM
Turn up the boost on a diesel and dont burn it up. I mean it is 3rd grade tuning. simple. Hiding tunes get out of this forum Get lost dude.

September 10th, 2012, 10:48 AM
what a joke 2002 duramax

September 10th, 2012, 10:53 AM
Iam tryin to get help here

September 10th, 2012, 10:55 AM
Frankly your tunes aint worth shit after 10 years guy. who freakin cares???

Obviously you do.........or you mouth wouldn't be running in here.

You should research what goes on in the diesel world before you spout off sonny.

September 10th, 2012, 10:56 AM
Iam tryin to get help here

Take it to PM so S10 can get some sleep tonight........he's having issues it seems

September 11th, 2012, 12:09 AM
S10- I think Tony has a pretty sharp reputation, and if you have a valid problem with his tuning.. I'm sure he could 100% address it and fix it. As far as just turn up the boost and not "burn it up"... This states your knowledge and its ridiculous.

I lock all my tunes as well... I have gotten burned a few times and its not that terribly fun. Stock trucks...big deal... but trucks with say 200% injectors, big singles, 2 stroker pumps, lowered compression and still running a allison cruising the streets with very little smoke with all the manners of a stock truck... Ummm yeah, there is a reason for locking tunes.

September 11th, 2012, 05:09 AM
S10- I think Tony has a pretty sharp reputation, and if you have a valid problem with his tuning.. I'm sure he could 100% address it and fix it. As far as just turn up the boost and not "burn it up"... This states your knowledge and its ridiculous.

I lock all my tunes as well... I have gotten burned a few times and its not that terribly fun. Stock trucks...big deal... but trucks with say 200% injectors, big singles, 2 stroker pumps, lowered compression and still running a allison cruising the streets with very little smoke with all the manners of a stock truck... Ummm yeah, there is a reason for locking tunes.

I still think someone came up with the stealing tunes excuse and now everyone is following suit about locking tunes! So your telling me someone is going to spend $10,000 on mods, $899 on efi live and then try to steal a $400 tune? It doesnt ad up in my books. I dont care who does the tune there is no magic trick out there that only one person knows. Yes I have heard of a couple people trying to get a free tune or use someone elses but I doubt there are alot of people out there spending $899 so they can steal a tune. Why are all the customers in the diesel world potential thieves?

September 11th, 2012, 05:28 AM
Every tuner does things a little different... If i dont ever have to worry about someone stealing my tunes by simply locking them,,, then why not? I have indeed had cases where i sell tuning to someone unlocked and they didnt know a thing about tuning... next thing you know they have 6 other trucks at their shop getting XXX tuning and ordering the vins from me...hmmm, pretty obvious right? Thats 1500 bucks i was f***ed out of.. In other words, thats another all inclusive trip for me and my lady to Porta Vellarta Mexico sitting in the sun sipping margaritas down the drain. I dont like folks stealing my potential vacations when i could of prevented them. :grin:

Also, i have sent guys tunes and they get to modifying them..messing stuff up, and then wanting support on their mess ups costing me time that i didnt generate. Just my .02 to why i prefer to keep it locked.

September 11th, 2012, 11:08 AM
Thanks Kory........the gasser guys can't understand what goes on.............kind of reminds me of NAPSTER.........nobody would ever share a movie or song file, everyone is as honest as Abe Lincoln.

September 11th, 2012, 11:46 AM
I still think someone came up with the stealing tunes excuse and now everyone is following suit about locking tunes! So your telling me someone is going to spend $10,000 on mods, $899 on efi live and then try to steal a $400 tune? It doesnt ad up in my books. I dont care who does the tune there is no magic trick out there that only one person knows. Yes I have heard of a couple people trying to get a free tune or use someone elses but I doubt there are alot of people out there spending $899 so they can steal a tune. Why are all the customers in the diesel world potential thieves?

Its not the monetary value of the tune they stole, it's the loss of revenue when they sell "MY TUNE" to other people and I don't get compensated for spending the time writing it.

Let me explain it to you this way, if you developed a product, say a app for an I-Phone, and you sell it for $1.00, nobody is going to cry about spending a dollar or even losing a dollar, but what if the app gets sold a million times by that person who bought your app for $1.00, you just lost $1 million........see how it all works now.

It's not the one tune, its all the tunes that you do not sell because some clown is re-selling your hard work and now they are taking credit for being a good tuner and you are getting nothing for it.

Ask yourself why does EFI-Live charge for ecm licensing and give the software away free ????? Think about that one and get back to me.

Also the diesel market is probably three times what the gasser market is.

September 11th, 2012, 12:37 PM
I guess we will never agree on this. I tune gas and diesel's I just dont only tune gas. It just seems really odd from a tuners point of view so many diesel tuners are worried about all these people stealing tunes so they have to lock them. In the gas world 99% of the people are locking there tunes so people cant see how little they actually changed. Locked tunes throw all kinds of red flags to me. If someone is selling some one else's tunes they wont last long IMO. How will they handle when something is different? What about someone asking a question about tuning? Fakes and frauds usually dig there self into a hole pretty quick. With everyone locking tunes to protect there work you are making it easier to hide what your doing. How do I know you didnt buy a "unlocked" tune and are selling it as your own and locking the pcm? My personal opinion is that is what is happening in the diesel world with so many tuners popping up all the time. Im not singling anyone out or pointing fingers, just stated my opinion in general. Its not directed to anyone in particular.

September 11th, 2012, 01:24 PM
I guess we will never agree on this. I tune gas and diesel's I just dont only tune gas. It just seems really odd from a tuners point of view so many diesel tuners are worried about all these people stealing tunes so they have to lock them. In the gas world 99% of the people are locking there tunes so people cant see how little they actually changed. Locked tunes throw all kinds of red flags to me. If someone is selling some one else's tunes they wont last long IMO. How will they handle when something is different? What about someone asking a question about tuning? Fakes and frauds usually dig there self into a hole pretty quick. With everyone locking tunes to protect there work you are making it easier to hide what your doing. How do I know you didnt buy a "unlocked" tune and are selling it as your own and locking the pcm? My personal opinion is that is what is happening in the diesel world with so many tuners popping up all the time. Im not singling anyone out or pointing fingers, just stated my opinion in general. Its not directed to anyone in particular.

I do alot of tunes for people in my spare time as i enjoy it, but even I don't freely give out my GOOD tunes that I spend alot of time on. Theer are quite a few tuners out there even today who got there start by going to the forums and downloading others work and selling it as there own. I've had the chance to look at quite a few of the big name tuners unlocked work, and alot of it is scary simliar and really simliar to some of teh boxed tuners out there. I can totaly understand why somebody would lock a tune for a diesel when many times a good tune can rack up 40 hours between building teh base file, modifying the starting file, and then tweaking it on the truck. And alot of tunes can take longer than that. There are so many fly by nights in the diesel world, it is hard to keep people honest.

September 12th, 2012, 09:29 AM
I guess we will never agree on this. I tune gas and diesel's I just dont only tune gas. It just seems really odd from a tuners point of view so many diesel tuners are worried about all these people stealing tunes so they have to lock them. In the gas world 99% of the people are locking there tunes so people cant see how little they actually changed. Locked tunes throw all kinds of red flags to me. If someone is selling some one else's tunes they wont last long IMO. How will they handle when something is different? What about someone asking a question about tuning? Fakes and frauds usually dig there self into a hole pretty quick. With everyone locking tunes to protect there work you are making it easier to hide what your doing. How do I know you didnt buy a "unlocked" tune and are selling it as your own and locking the pcm? My personal opinion is that is what is happening in the diesel world with so many tuners popping up all the time. Im not singling anyone out or pointing fingers, just stated my opinion in general. Its not directed to anyone in particular.

I can see where you are coming from, but in our case... it isnt because we dont know what we are doing... maybe if Joe blow is locking his tuning... but i think we at least have a reputation worth locking.

September 12th, 2012, 09:36 AM
I guess we will never agree on this. I tune gas and diesel's I just dont only tune gas. It just seems really odd from a tuners point of view so many diesel tuners are worried about all these people stealing tunes so they have to lock them. In the gas world 99% of the people are locking there tunes so people cant see how little they actually changed. Locked tunes throw all kinds of red flags to me. If someone is selling some one else's tunes they wont last long IMO. How will they handle when something is different? What about someone asking a question about tuning? Fakes and frauds usually dig there self into a hole pretty quick. With everyone locking tunes to protect there work you are making it easier to hide what your doing. How do I know you didnt buy a "unlocked" tune and are selling it as your own and locking the pcm? My personal opinion is that is what is happening in the diesel world with so many tuners popping up all the time. Im not singling anyone out or pointing fingers, just stated my opinion in general. Its not directed to anyone in particular.

I am not sure how many 1000+ RWHP trucks you have tuned with a large set of twins and 100%-200% injectors, or how many big single pullers you have tuned, but when you have something that works well and makes big HP/TQ and lights a charger quickly it's not something you leave unlocked.

You are right, we will never agree, you think everyone is honest as the day is long or you think we are 5 table tuners and are hiding something.

That may be the case for Copy/Paste tuners, but that would hardly describe how my tunes are written. Although I am not a bragger, I have tuned many, many trucks and I alter no less than 70-80 tables on an average tune.........in fact I own two duramax trucks and some tunes have gone thru between 65-80 changes on a single tune, some have 200-300 changes over weeks or months just tweaking.

So I am not going to give away the secrets, the tables, or anything else.