View Full Version : Reading Lambda on LM-2 when Stoichiometric is 14.2 in tune

September 9th, 2012, 06:24 AM
I'm working on getting myself educated to start using my LM-2 and I know my {B3671} Stoichiometric AFR is set at 14.2 (Nothing but +/- E10 here)

The LM-2 is factory set to show Stoich of 14.7 and if I want to read Stoich in my setup I would need to change the LM-2 to other Volt readings from what I gather. Is reading Lambda the same way? or when you read lambda it does not matter?

In searching there is a ton on information on the LC1, but I cant seem to find the correct correlation to the LM-2

Thanks in advance,


September 10th, 2012, 01:51 AM
Yes, correct, Lambda is the same regardless of fuel used.

To see Lambda in the scantool, the pid CALC.AFR_LM11 has to be divided by 14.7 (which is the stoich AFR value setup in the LM-1).

September 10th, 2012, 02:55 AM

Ok, so this file


Should be changed to read: "{CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR}/{14.7}" or "{CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR}/{GM.AFR}/{14.7}" ???

and then copied an inserted into the calc_pids.txt file??

From the old tutorial I'm not to modify the sae file, just obtain the pid information from there correct?

Sorry for to question - This is my first edited pid.......


September 10th, 2012, 07:14 AM
The measured Lambda is: "{CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR}/{14.7}"

The BEN correction is: ""{GM.EQIVRATIO}*{CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR}/{14.7}"

September 10th, 2012, 07:17 AM

the problems with that are these:
- LM-1 has a programmable stoich AFR which is usually (but not always) 14.7,
- GM.AFR depends on the value of B3601 (which can be set to other than 14.7),

this is why GM.EQIVRATIO is used (it is 1/lambda).

September 10th, 2012, 07:20 AM

That is incorrect, it would have to be this (assuming B3610 is set to 14.2 for E10):


but by using GM.EQIVRATIO you can reduce that to this:


September 10th, 2012, 07:26 AM

From the old tutorial I'm not to modify the sae file, just obtain the pid information from there correct?

...Hi John,

DO you have FlashScan V1 or V2...?

Do you have the serial comms (null modem) cable connecting your LM-1 to your V2...?

September 10th, 2012, 08:29 AM

Very much appreciate the information.

I'm using V2 and I made the serial cable that connects the LM-2 to the V2..... Its an LM-2...

Let me know if you need anything else.



September 10th, 2012, 08:33 AM
the problems with that are these:
- LM-1 has a programmable stoich AFR which is usually (but not always) 14.7,
- GM.AFR depends on the value of B3601 (which can be set to other than 14.7),

this is why GM.EQIVRATIO is used (it is 1/lambda).


I don't have B3601 rather B3671 (Stoichiometric AFR) and its set to 14.20

September 10th, 2012, 11:47 AM

Very much appreciate the information.

I'm using V2 and I made the serial cable that connects the LM-2 to the V2..... Its an LM-2...


With the serial comms wideband input into V2, you can simply use the calc_pids.txt from the Calc.VET tutorial...

you would use the pid CALC.WO2BEN for pure wideband tuning

( you would use CALC.SELBEN for mixed wideband/LTFT tuning )

September 10th, 2012, 11:52 AM
Note that with serial wideband the you ware now interested in the serial pids EXT.WO2xxxx (and CALC.WO2BEN)

i.e you can now forget about the analog pids EXT.ADx (and also CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR)...

look at the pids in this calc_pids.txt file (attached), these are all you need now with the serial comms connection...

i.e. tune using EQR and/or Lambda, this is what the pid CALC.WO2BEN does.

September 10th, 2012, 11:53 AM

I don't have B3601 rather B3671 (Stoichiometric AFR) and its set to 14.20Ah, ok, B3671 behaves the same as B3601 (sets the stoichiometric AFR for the fuel you're using).

September 10th, 2012, 11:42 PM
Note that with serial wideband the you ware now interested in the serial pids EXT.WO2xxxx (and CALC.WO2BEN)

i.e you can now forget about the analog pids EXT.ADx (and also CALC.AFR_LM11.AFR)...

look at the pids in this calc_pids.txt file (attached), these are all you need now with the serial comms connection...

i.e. tune using EQR and/or Lambda, this is what the pid CALC.WO2BEN does.

Wonderful~ Thank you again......

September 16th, 2012, 10:21 AM
In the Flash-Scan I see that under edit settings (f4, f1, f1) the Stoich value is set at 14.7

As I'm running E10 should I change that to 14.2 or does the Flash-Scan program not care when I'm reading lambda?

Just want the readings to be correct before I start making any changes.



September 17th, 2012, 02:23 AM
Use the LM Programmer software to set your LM-2's stoich AFR to 14.2... then you will view 14.2 on the FSV2 LCD.

For tuning, you use Lambda which is independent of stoich AFR.

September 17th, 2012, 02:25 AM
Thanks Joe -

The LM-2 software does not have a 14.2 setting in its drop down adjustment box, but I'm sure there are voltage ranges I can use.

I'll give them a call and see what they can recommend.



September 17th, 2012, 07:36 AM
Select custom setting.

September 17th, 2012, 07:42 AM
Roger that MRP!

