View Full Version : 2013 EFILive Training Classes

November 18th, 2012, 10:19 AM
Hello agian everyone! After alot of "back and forth" with several shops across the country - I have been able to put together a solid list of classes for the first 2 months of the new year.

We are back to bring you another round of EFILive Training courses covering your Duramax and Dodge trucks! I apologize it took so long to put the list and dates together - there was just a ton of coordination that had to occur!

These classes will be 2 days long and will include the "basics" class followed by an "Advanced" class on the 2nd day.

There are 4 locations for these classes starting in January:
Cherry Tree, PA (January 12-13th)
Salt Lake City, UT (January 26-27th)
Zanesville, OH (February 9-10th)
Rapid City, SD (February 23-24th)

There are tentative classes for March but it's far enough away and have a few details still needing to be ironed out before announcing them.

If you have questions about the specific classes, locations, etc. - please post them here or email us: contactus@starlitediesel.com

The "Basics" course will cover the following, and will start at a very basic level and work towards intermediate topics by end of day. It will cover the same tuning concepts for both GM and CUMMINS - so there will be a little bit for everyone. The "Advanced" class on the second day will pick up and carry on from where the previous day left off and will work right through advanced topics and heavily modified trucks. The second day will also have a more open forum layout for the last half of the class so many of the questions people are left with get a chance to be answered / demonstrated.

If you want further details about the course contents, please view the classes on our website (http://www.starlitediesel.com).

These courses are intended to give EFILive owners a leg-up with their own trucks and comfort level with using EFILive software.

I will be providing lunch and drinks, as well as special discounts on EFILive and other products from StarLite Diesel. The cost of the 2 day course is $500. Each class day is targeted to be approximately 7-8 hours of in class time.

There will be a course handbooks provided to each person, but I am encouraging everyone with a laptop to bring it pre-loaded with the latest EFILive software (from their website). I will be emailing each person in the class a few days beforehand so they will have the chance to get this software installed.

If you have questions or suggestions, please let us know! Post em here or email us: contactus@starlitediesel.com

If you are ready to sign up, you will be able to register here:
StarLite Diesel Training Classes (http://www.starlitediesel.com/EFILive-Diesel-Training_c6.htm)

Thanks for your patience and looking forward to a great new year!

December 5th, 2012, 02:33 PM
bumping the thread to see if there is any interest left in the PA class coming up early next month. I know for many shops it sounds like it interferes with the Premier 'land cruise' going on... so just wanting to see if there's interest in it still, or if i need to reschedule it, or just cancel all together...

Also, if htere are general questions about the training, let us know!


December 12th, 2012, 04:55 AM
The Training class in PA is being moved from January to March. The exact date isn't determined yet, but it will be early - mid March. I'll have the details of the change posted by the end of the week! The reason for the change is after talking to people wanting to attend, the timing was bad for them as well as just the time of year being right after the holidays so - trying to accomodate requests. Location and everything else will still be the same, just a later date.

Be sure to PM or email us with any questions!

December 12th, 2012, 07:58 AM
Please set one up in or near Florida. Thank You

December 14th, 2012, 01:09 PM
As already posted....

The class at Bob Cessna's place in Cherry Tree, PA scheduled for January is being moved to either the weekend of March 16,17th or the 23,24th.... I'm going to ask for feedback on this from those interested in the PA class to see if one is definitely 'out' as I don't know all the possible local events that may be occurring in that region. So feedback from customers would be great on which date to pick from. My preference would be the 23 and 24th but want to accomodate people as well - so let me hear from you here or PMs or emails!

There has been a NEW class added to the mix for those of you on the west coast or northwest area, as well as those in BC Canada and possibly Alberta...

On March 9-10th, in Bellingham Washington, we will be holding EFI training classes at DK Diesel Offroad & Performance. There have been alot of requests for a class in or around the Washington area - and while it is pretty far to the north, it again works as a facility that provides everything we need on site to have a great class. I'm hoping that for those across the border it is close enough to be reasonable to get there as well.

I do NOT have the class up on the webiste for sign ups yet but will later tonight or tomorrow so anyone interested either watch for it on the website (www.starlitediesel.com (http://www.starlitediesel.com)) or i'll be posting the link to sign up as soon as I get it on the website.

Thanks! As always, hit us up with any questions!

December 14th, 2012, 03:18 PM
That's awesome. I'll be checking my calendar to make sure I'm free.

December 26th, 2012, 03:08 PM
Hello Everyone! Here are the changed and new class links for the EFILive training in Cherry Tree, PA and Bellingham, WA

If you have any questions, let us know!

Bellingham Washington - DKS Diesel - March 9/10th (http://www.starlitediesel.com/EFILive-Diesel-Training-in-Bellingham-WA-March-9-10th-2013-CLASS-WA.htm)

Cherry Tree Pennsylvania - Cessna Motorsports - March 23/24th (http://www.starlitediesel.com/EFILive-Diesel-Training-in-Cherry-Tree-PA-March-23-24th-2013-CLASS-PA.htm)


January 8th, 2013, 06:31 AM
2 weeks left before the Salt Lake class!! If you're still waiting - better not wait too long! 6 spots left for it...

Ohio class is down to exactly the same... 6 spots left. it is 4 weeks away...

Any questions, let us know!


January 30th, 2013, 04:35 PM
The class at Industrial went really well last weekend. Still recovering from the emails and calls that I normally handle as they come in over the weekend - but it went very well, and lots of happy people.

Now we're off to the class in Zanesville Ohio... There are TWO spots left for anyone hanging on the fence, don't wait any longer! I'm shipping enough books assuming the class will be filled so can't wait to see you all there!

Towards the end of the month, we have the class at Rapid Diesel, in Rapid City South Dakota. That class has plenty of room left in it so all you guys up in North Dakota always calling me from the oil fields wanting tuning or to learn EFI from the books or in a class - This is probably as close as i'm going to get to your neck of the woods!

The classes in March - Cherry Tree, PA and Bellingham, WA - plenty of room left in those classes! Get signed up while you can!

As always, any questions let us know!

January 30th, 2013, 05:11 PM
Hmmm didnt see you have a Bellingham class, I might attend simply to dig around in the diesel world as I dont know much about it.

How many spots do you have left Zach? Im going to need a week or 2 to set my schedule and get the $$ together.

January 30th, 2013, 05:15 PM
The Washington class at this point has plenty of room. I cap them at 20 people and we're not halfway there yet...

January 30th, 2013, 05:37 PM
Ok sounds good, Ill make a note of it and set aside the $$ for it. Be great to meet you too. :)

January 30th, 2013, 06:02 PM
One Bellingham seat less. Just placed my order for v2 gm/dodge and a seat at the class.

February 4th, 2013, 05:19 AM
Ohio class.... one spot left! Class is this coming weekend.

February 4th, 2013, 06:46 AM
Ok just bought my spot for Bellingham on March 9-10th!

What are the usual hours the classes run? Trying to figure out if I need to get a hotel on Saturday night or if Ill drive back home to Seattle.

February 4th, 2013, 07:00 AM
Ok just bought my spot for Bellingham on March 9-10th!

What are the usual hours the classes run? Trying to figure out if I need to get a hotel on Saturday night or if Ill drive back home to Seattle.

I aim for 10 AM to 6 PM. Some of the classes with more people in them tend to take longer - while less people tend to be done a little early... Washington class is getting some activity now though so i can only give you guesstimates on hours. My goals are 10 - 6 though... Sunday might be an earlier start and end depending on available flight times - but can't promise that yet... only just started looking at tickets to and from Seattle...

February 4th, 2013, 07:58 AM
Ok good to know, thats late enough that Ill get a hotel. Ive lived in Seattle my whole life, it would be a long drive home after that.

Are you going to fly in (to Seattle) on Friday night? Or afternoon? It will take you around 2 hours to get from SeaTac (airport) to Bellingham with no traffic, if you try to leave SeaTac anytime between 2-7 its going to be more like 3-4 hours, traffic blows during those hours.

If you have any questions about the airport/traffic just drop me a PM, heck if it's just you then you're more than welcome to crash at my house on Friday night and roll up to Bellingham early Saturday am.

February 4th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Ok good to know, thats late enough that Ill get a hotel. Ive lived in Seattle my whole life, it would be a long drive home after that.

Are you going to fly in (to Seattle) on Friday night? Or afternoon? It will take you around 2 hours to get from SeaTac (airport) to Bellingham with no traffic, if you try to leave SeaTac anytime between 2-7 its going to be more like 3-4 hours, traffic blows during those hours.

If you have any questions about the airport/traffic just drop me a PM, heck if it's just you then you're more than welcome to crash at my house on Friday night and roll up to Bellingham early Saturday am.

i haven't booked a flight yet... so we'll see how much extra it is to skip the traffic and just bounce up there from Seattle on a puddle jumper.... if it's too expensive may just drive and have to make sure i get there early enough to not get stuck in the traffic...

Thanks for the offer, and the info!

February 4th, 2013, 07:46 PM
Ah thats right, I always forget you can actually fly from Seattle to Bellingham. For someone who lives 30min north of the airport, its amusing because I could drive it in traffic faster than going to the airport, security, and flying.

But in this case, might be worth it to do and avoid it all! :D

February 10th, 2013, 12:37 PM
Thanks everyone for coming! The Ohio class went well and had 23 people total. We also had a lot of good questions... I hope I was able to answer most of them good enough for those that were there. It was a very active class for sure! I hope everyone from the class makes it home safe and that you learned what you hoped from the class.

Next stop - Rapid Diesel in Rapid City, South Dakota. We have a little less than 2 weeks before the class so see you guys there soon!


February 15th, 2013, 05:03 AM
How is the PA class looking? I just got the blessing from the wife to book it. :)

February 15th, 2013, 05:09 AM
It is looking good. There are 8 spots left as of right now for that class...

February 15th, 2013, 05:12 AM
Looking at flights now. Is Pittsburgh the closest airport?

February 15th, 2013, 05:14 AM
Any plans for training closer to FL?

February 15th, 2013, 05:15 AM
Thats the one i'm flying in to... there are smaller airports you can fly to from there, but it's only about 1.5 hour drive to hotel, then from there about 20 minute drive to the class each day - so i figure it's going to be easier to just fly there and call it good. The smaller airports don't have rental cars either which puts a kink into things... at least for me.

February 15th, 2013, 05:17 AM
Any plans for training closer to FL?

There has been talk and a possible location, but no real details. So, if it hapens, it's going to be quite some time away...

February 18th, 2013, 05:43 AM
Ok... this week is it! South Dakota this Saturday and Sunday! Anyone that needs to get signed up, now is the time!!

Washington and Pennsylvania classes are both over half full now so if you're considering them, better hurry!

See those of you signed up for the class at Rapid Diesel this weekend!


February 19th, 2013, 03:53 PM
anything close to ne iowa? thanks

February 19th, 2013, 05:41 PM
anything close to ne iowa? thanks

Right now - no... in June, probably so... Iowa Central College... same place as last year... so keep your eyes on the forums! As new classes develop, i'd say it's a good possibility I end up back there again.

March 2nd, 2013, 09:27 AM
3 spots left for Washington class and 7 for Pennsylvania class in 3 weeks.... See you there!

March 2nd, 2013, 10:02 AM
Wow, so this WA class is getting full then?! Awesome, cant wait to meet everyone coming next weekend!

Zach, will we be getting an email sometime this week with the rest of the details?

March 2nd, 2013, 10:04 AM
Wow, so this WA class is getting full then?! Awesome, cant wait to meet everyone coming next weekend!

Zach, will we be getting an email sometime this week with the rest of the details?

Yes... tomorrow evening in fact... instructions on software to install, links to it, as well as general info about the class (start times, location, etc.)... Just trying to finalize a couple smaller details (food and things like that) today and then tomorrow should have everything in order and ready to go!

March 5th, 2013, 12:43 PM
I haven't seen a email for details of the bellingham class yet. Are you still working on this or did I get missed? Looking forward to learning!

March 5th, 2013, 03:11 PM
Actually I did send it out Sunday night... i'm going to re-send it now to everyone from my personal email address - but why don't you PM me your email just to make sure we have it right. None of the emails i sent out came back to me, but that doesn't mean they went out properly either so send me your Email and i'll forward you a copy of it *IF* you don't get the one i'm getting ready to send out right now now.

March 5th, 2013, 03:21 PM
Thanks Zach, fwiw I got mine a few days ago. Look forward to meeting you on Saturday. :D

March 5th, 2013, 03:34 PM
Me too! Hoping to get there and have a good time and that everything goes smooth :-)

March 5th, 2013, 04:04 PM
Hello Everyone!

We have just confirmed a new class being held in Angola, IN - at Dave's Diesel on April 20-21st.

The class will follow the same format as the existing classes - but we have a new spot to hold it. There have been several places in the midwest that have wanted a location closer to home - so here's our attempt at getting closer to you!

The first post of this thread contains information regarding class layout and what to expect - the only difference is this is a NEW class location and date!

Anyone with any questions let us know! You can sign up on our website HERE (http://www.starlitediesel.com/EFILive-Diesel-Training-in-Angola-IN-on-April-20-21st-CLASS-IN.htm).



March 5th, 2013, 05:18 PM
Me too! Hoping to get there and have a good time and that everything goes smooth :-)

If you need something, feel free to hit me up. Im planning on leaving Seattle at 8am Saturday am so I have time to get coffee and be a few mins early. :)

March 8th, 2013, 05:03 AM
I'm on my way to the Washington class this afternoon and is closed for registration. I will see you there tomorrow morning!

Those of you still looking for a class. The Pennsylvania class has 7 open spots left, and don't forget about the just added class at Dave's Diesel in Indiana!

Any questions be sure to let us know!

March 10th, 2013, 03:31 PM
I'd like to thank Zach at StarLite and DJ and his crew at DK Diesel for putting on a great class this weekend. Zach did a great job with the teaching and DJ did a great job on making sure that the technical side of things was taken care of with the trucks and dyno. I would have loved to seen us get a few more trucks of different varieties on the dyno but 2 days just isn't enough time for Zach to teach all the stuff that he has learned and that EFI will do. He was GREAT about answering questions and a wealth of knowledge. :cheers:

March 10th, 2013, 04:13 PM
I agree with Duane, it was great to have a knowledgeable instructor and a shop that worked hard to get everything lined up for us. Thanks again Zach and DJ, appreciate the hard work and attention to detail!

March 12th, 2013, 03:20 PM
Thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed it! I learn at each class too and this one was no different - so it works out well for everyone in the end :-)

March 12th, 2013, 03:25 PM
Thanks again Zach, Your class was great! Also thanks to DJ from DKdiesel for opening his shop to us.

March 17th, 2013, 02:26 PM
The class in Cherry Tree, PA has 2 spots left!! If you've been waiting, don't wait much longer. To everyone signed up, you should have received an email from me Saturday with all the details of the class. If you did not, let me know so i can get it to you! Send me a PM or email!

For those of you wanting a different class location, the last class i have confirmed for this year is being offered in Indiana @ Dave's Diesel next month! It has plenty of room in it if you're wanting a closer location to home! There may be more classes offered in different regions this year, but the earliest possible time for a class won't be until at least June, so this might be your last shot at our classes this year! The Race and sled pulling seasons are here and we want to be THERE participating and supporting our customers!

Thanks again to everyone who has participated this year! It's been great to meet all of you!

March 28th, 2013, 04:53 AM

What a year so far with all the training clases. As things stand right now, the last class scheduled for any training is at Dave's Diesel in Indiana, April 20-21st... The season is ramping up and the training classes may pop up again later this year - but too many things starting to happen so if you want into a class, especially in the mid west, this will be your last chance to participate.

So far this year we've given over 100 people a jump start into tuning their own trucks with EFILive and have a very highly reviewed training program.

Since this is the last class I have a definite schedule for this year, I want it to be a huge success. If you want into the class, get to our website and sign up for the Angola, IN class @ Dave's Diesel! No plans the entire year to return towards the midwest (for classes) so this will be it, or you'll be travelling a long ways if we hold other classes in the summer and fall - most likely West coast, East Coast and most definitely down south...

Any questions, let us know!!

April 10th, 2013, 01:21 PM
10 days left until EFI Training at Dave's Diesel in Indiana! Don't miss your chance to learn how to use your V2 to full potential!

April 14th, 2013, 02:59 PM
5 spots left for the class at Dave's Diesel! Don't miss this chance if you're in the region! Won't be back that direction again for a while!

April 15th, 2013, 01:42 PM
3 spots left!!

April 16th, 2013, 03:59 AM
3 spots left!!
only two left now i just signed up!

April 16th, 2013, 05:16 AM
Thanks for signing up! You are right... down to 2!

April 16th, 2013, 05:33 AM

I will be Driving my personal truck a 2006 Dodge 5.9 Up for class on Saturday and Sunday it has a built transmission 100HP Bosch Motorsports injectors AirDog gauges and my tuning but otherwise it is pretty much stock. Let me know if this will be helpful for class


April 16th, 2013, 05:36 AM
We should definitely be able to use it for the Sunday class. If you're driving it anyways, then we're in good shape. If you're driving it special just to use for the class demonstrations then don't feel obligated - but if you are for sure bringing it, let me know! The way i read your post, it sounds like you are bringing it regardless so that will be good to know we have it covered...


April 16th, 2013, 05:39 AM
Yes you can count on it being there!

May 4th, 2013, 11:58 PM
looking for a class in Florida

May 5th, 2013, 12:56 AM
looking for a class in Florida

+1 for a class in Florida...

May 5th, 2013, 10:51 AM
On the radar for later in the year (details still to be determined):

All of these are subject to change and are NOT confirmed as of yet - however they are on my radar screen but the first will still be at least 3 months away. 'busy season' is in full swing for me right now so alot of things are getting set aside to try my best to focus on customers and workload - but as details become available, they will be shared. Lot's of other places that people want classes as well, but just can't go everywhere. Been a very busy year travelling already and still have alot left to do before the season is over...

Don't be afraid to put up suggestions though! I always focus energy for classes in areas where the interest level is high. Florida and a return to Texas for another class are two of the most requested that have not occurred yet...

May 5th, 2013, 02:10 PM
I'd be interested in a Texas class.

May 18th, 2013, 03:57 PM
Any updates on other class locations? Definitely interested in a class in California.

May 22nd, 2013, 07:53 AM
No updates right now. Got so much going on and far enough behind that i haven't been able to put much together for solid locations. I do know that i'll only be able to do 3 more this year and going to focus those on the areas with the highest interest. Texas is a for sure, the other 2 i don't have answers for yet and will probably be a little ways into june before i have enough info to post up about the classes.

Sorry its not better news than that, but i'm going about 7 days a week as it is and still plenty far behind....

September 23rd, 2013, 04:22 AM
Started a new thread on here for the last class of the 2013 year. Going to be in California and details are in the new thread. Also getting calendar put together for 2014 so should have that up in the next month or so. Classes will start in January.

For now, the new thread about the California class is here: California Diesel Training Class (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?23203-*NEW*-EFILive-Training-Class)