View Full Version : license doesn't work with pcm anymore

November 23rd, 2012, 12:55 PM
I don't know if I have this in the right section because I don't know if it's a pcm or v2 problem. I used my last license on my wifes trailblazer with a P10 and had previously flashed it a few times without a problem but now I get the message that it hasn't been licensed, though the v2 shows a license for that vin and I haven't changed the pcm or anything else. I was going to make a change to the calibration so I read the pcm, and made my change but when I tried to flash, it kept aborting and saying the pcm has no calibration. I was able to flash a tune file to it from the repository but it wouldn't crank. I realized I'd forgoten to change the vin via the scan tool and did so, but still couldnt get it to crank so I disabled VATS in the tune but now I get the mesage that it isn't licensed, and so doesn't flash. I hope someone has a solution to this other than buying another license, but with it not running I may have to.

November 23rd, 2012, 02:45 PM
Did this start happening after upgrading the software and/or firmware...?

November 23rd, 2012, 03:45 PM
It could be a problem with the V2 allocating the VIN license incorrectly. If it turns out to be the case (and its highly likely that is what has happened) then EFILive will replace the VIN license free of charge.

So that I can figure out what happened, can you please send me the following two files...

The "License Backup File" from your FlashScan V2 device.
You can generate a license backup file using the V7.5 Tune Tool menu option: Help->FlashScan V2 / AutoCal V2 VIN licensing... Then click on the [Backup] button.

A *.blx trace file from the failed flash attempt. The *.blx files can be found as described at the end of this page:

Send the two files to paul@efilive.com

Also, make sure you r are using the latest software and firmware available here:
Download and install both V7.5 and V8 versions. To get the latest firmware, you must install the EFILive V8 software because the B8 installation contains the latest firmware.


November 24th, 2012, 01:33 AM
I have a customer with the exact same issue, his personal truck he has tuned for years will not flash, says it's not licensed and he has no licenses ??

I'll direct him to this thread

November 24th, 2012, 06:05 AM
I've sent you those files Paul and yes I am using the latest version without a problem on my other vehicle. Thanks for the help.

November 24th, 2012, 08:41 AM
I have a customer with the exact same issue, his personal truck he has tuned for years will not flash, says it's not licensed and he has no licenses ??

I'll direct him to this thread

The problem exists on LB7/LLY and P10 controllers. It is fixed in the next update due out later this year.
Does your customer's vehicle happen to be an LB7 or LLY?


November 24th, 2012, 08:43 AM
I've sent you those files Paul and yes I am using the latest version without a problem on my other vehicle. Thanks for the help.
Replacement VIN license sent.

November 24th, 2012, 01:06 PM
the problem exists on lb7/lly and p10 controllers. It is fixed in the next update due out later this year.
Does your customer's vehicle happen to be an lb7 or lly?



November 24th, 2012, 05:00 PM
Hi paul,

I have the same problem still. I was able to flash once but it still wouln't crank, even though I disabled VATS. I zeroed out the VATS parameters and tried to flash it again and got the message no calibration on the pcm. I tried to load the file anyway as it said I could but then I got the pcm not licensed message again.
It has no calibration now, but I don't know why it wouldn't crank when it did. There wasn't a problem before so I'm assuming it's related.

November 26th, 2012, 08:14 AM

what V7 and V8 build versions do you have installed...?

what V2 firmware version...?

is this when flashing from V2 (BBx), from V8 (S&T), or from V7 (tunetool)...?

November 26th, 2012, 02:55 PM

It shouldn't happen on an LBZ. Has it been resolved or do you still need help with that?

September 9th, 2013, 09:58 AM
Bumping this back up. Having this problem with a LBZ. Realized that I hadn't updated to newest builds, so I then updated v7 and v8 and firmware and bootloader. Has made no difference. When I go to flash, it says I need to license it. When I go to vin licenses list, it clearly lists the specific truck I am trying to flash as already licensed.... Don't want to have to purchase another license?

September 9th, 2013, 10:23 AM
Please list your V7 and V8 software versions, along with your firmware and boot block versions too.


September 9th, 2013, 11:17 AM
it clearly lists the specific truck I am trying to flash as already licensed

Can you please also send me the following information:

A license backup file from your V2, created using the version 8 software: EFILive Scan and Tune -> [F7: Licenses] -> [Backup]
A *.htx trace file from the version 8 software process: EFILive Scan and Tune -> [F3: Tune] -> [F6: Cal-Flash] -> [Check License]
(the trace file should be saved in the folder: \My Documents\EFILive\V8\Trace)

Send files to paul@efilive.com


September 9th, 2013, 11:18 AM
boot block 2.07.06

firmware 2.07.49

v8 2.2.234

v7- edit-7.5.7 build 242

September 9th, 2013, 11:31 AM
boot block 2.07.06

firmware 2.07.49

v8 2.2.234

v7- how do you tell which version in v7 again?
