View Full Version : B3641's usefulness with New Operating System

March 7th, 2006, 11:42 PM
I am wondering about the usefulness of the IAT correction to the PE mode B3641 when using the new operating system ( in this case 01290003)

I have tweaked the A0014 table to get a pretty good agreement with most of the VE table. But i think my 100MAP afrs have different characteristics than my idel afrs in the way they change with IAT.

It would be good if both tables work. As i can then use B3641 to get a balance. If not i will have to do it another way.

March 23rd, 2006, 02:12 AM
P.E Mode can still work, you just need to be commanding richer than the B3647 table and have P.E mode criteria met.
